Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 04 1919/2019
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, April 3, 1819.
*TAILORING BUSINESS. The subscriber informs the public that he has commenced the above business in the house of Rufus Bowman in the village of Mount Rose, a few doors east of George Clagget’s on Turnpike Street, where all orders in his business will be attended to with neatness, punctuality and dispatch. All favors will be duly acknowledged. He solicits a share of the patronage of a liberal public. Garments will be cut on the shortest notice, and in a manner that cannot fail to please. ROBERT M’COLLUM. April 3, 1816.
*Leeds, England, Dec. 17. In consequence of two marriages, which took place not long ago, in Lancashire, not far from Oldham, a very curious alliance is formed. A gentleman married a lady, whose brother, soon after, married her husband’s daughter, by a former wife. In the course of time, each party had a child; the former a daughter, the latter a son; therefore, the first mentioned lady is mother to her brother, sister to her daughter, and grand-mother to her nephew; her little daughter is niece to her sister, aunt to her cousin, and sister to her uncle; the young man is brother to his father and mother, son to his sister, uncle to his wife, and brother to his niece; his wife is sister to her father and mother, daughter to her sister, niece to her husband, and aunt to her sister; his little boy is grandson to his aunt, the old lady, and cousin to his aunt, the little girl.
100 Years Ago.
Montrose – A fire, which was discovered at about 9 o’clock Monday night, near the heating plant in the basement of the Farmers National Bank building, did damage to the extent of around $15,000. Several businesses located in the bank building suffered damage, including Leon Dolan’s dental office which had just opened a few days before. ALSO The blizzard of Friday and Saturday caused more inconvenience in Montrose than any storm in several years. The rural mail carriers were unable to make their trips on Saturday. Friday night, at about five o’clock, trouble on the wires between Montrose and New Milford developed and Montrose was without lights or electric power all day Saturday and Sunday. The Beach Mfg. Co. was closed all day Saturday for want of power, and the Democrat lost a full day’s use of its type-setting machinery, power presses, etc. ALSO Everyone knows our library is one of the chief institutions for the benefit of our town, for both young and old. Tuesday you will be asked to give for the book fund. Be as liberal as you can.
New Milford – The road over Mott Hill is being improved by the State Highway Dept. The double curve at the top of the hill will be eliminated and workmen are now engaged in blasting a new course for the road,
Fair Hill – We sure did have a blizzard the last of March. So the old prophecy was fulfilled of March coming in like a lamb goes out like a lion.
Forest City - Samuel Kaepchik , aged 59, died at the Emergency hospital, Carbondale, on Sunday, the result of injuries sustained when he was run down by a Delaware & Hudson freight train at Uniondale, Saturday morning. He was on his way to work on a farm at Uniondale and while walking along the railroad he was hit by the train and rendered unconscious. He was picked up by a passing train crew and removed to the hospital, where he died. Besides his wife he is survived by six children.
Auburn Corners – The Methodist people of Auburn Corners are working hard to try and have the basement of the church completed this spring. A stone bee was held and a good many responded with their teams and hauled plenty of stone while some of them began crushing them in order to be ready to do the concrete work. This surely will be a great improvement and much need convenience.
Brookdale – Leonard Chalker lost a valuable cow last week and John Chalker has purchased a fine span of mules.
Brackney – Mrs. Tracy Gage, who teaches the Grove school, in New York state, was home Friday on account of the blizzard, which visited this vicinity. The drifts are larger than any we have had this winter.
Springville – Mrs. Nancy Culver has returned home from Albany, NY, where she was called suddenly to see her son, Halton Culver, wife and baby, who were all stricken with the “flu.” The wife and child were dead when she reached there and the son survived but a few hours. This leaves her with one living child, the eldest of the family, Ray. Her husband, S.O. Culver, two daughters and two sons have passed on before. She has the sympathy of all.
Susquehanna – The Susquehanna girls’ basket ball team played the team from Great Bend here on Monday night. Score, 28-1, in favor of the local team. A large crowd witnessed the game.
Little Meadows – William D. Minkler is conferring with the county commissioners regarding the proposal to build a macadam road through that borough with state and county aid. Little Meadows is one of the prettiest villages in the county and a good main thoroughfare would greatly add to its attractiveness and the welfare of its citizens.
Fairdale – Dexter Very, one of the best known graduates of the Soldiers Orphan Industrial School, at Scotland, PA, has been a very busy man since completing his civil engineering course at Pennsylvania State College. He is married, is the proud father of a charming baby girl and holds a good position with one of Pittsburgh’s big steel industries.
Uniondale – Wind caused much damage to John White Friday and Saturday. His large silo blew over and a large well drill derrick fell on an out building, damaging it greatly. ALSO W. E. Gibson spent the weekend with relatives near and in Starrucca. Saturday morning [during the blizzard] he came near being exhausted while on his way to the depot and if he had much farther to go would surely have fallen by the wayside As it was he froze his finger tips. ALSO Bennie Westgate reached here Sunday night. He was connected with the 41st regiment, field artillery, and was on the firing line when the armistice was signed. Sometimes they were without anything to eat. He states that at one time he was thirty hours without a morsel of food. It was impossible to get food-stuffs to the fighting force. After the fighting was over the boys had good eats and plenty of them.
Compiled By: Betty Smith