Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 17 1896/1996
Clifford - Clifford needs a graded school. The old Union Church building that has not been occupied in a long time would make a good school building. We hope the school directors will take this into consideration in the near future. Our district school closes this week.
Susquehanna - While excavating near the Cascade, some workmen came upon the skeleton of some large animal, supposed to have been buried hundreds of years. One tooth was 24 inches long. A portion of one tusk was obtained. The remains are supposed to be those of a mammoth, but this is not certain. Some of the farmers up there are excited, and are hustling for relics. Scientists will investigate the find.
Springville - Thirty-nine years ago the nineteenth day of April, the writer remembers the three feet fall of snow that began on that day. We hope to never see such a thing again.
Oakland [Oak Hill] - Albert Hillborn has taken the job of rafting and rowing the pine logs that Charley Boyden bought of J.F. Blessing, to the Lanesboro Mill.
Hallstead - A brief call at the Hallstead Textile works recently showed this establishment to be a very busy and apparently prosperous one. It occupies a large building, filled with intricate and expensive machinery, which takes the raw silk imported from China, spins it, weaves it, and finally turns it out in bright, pretty ribbons, ready to be put on sale in the stores. The output is all sent to New York. About 90 hands are employed, but there is room and work for 250, and the management hires new hands as fast as they apply, but the supply is not equal to the demand. The girls earn from $3 to $7.50 a week, and the men from $3 to $15, according to their expertness. Mr. B.F. Bernstein is the manager and looks after every detail. The company could not have secured a more capable and gentlemanly manager.
New Milford - Miss Vinnie Vailes returned from Binghamton Monday with a new bicycle.
Pleasant Valley - Frank Lott has gone to Colorado for his health.
Forest City- C.T. Bartram of Susquehanna will come to Forest City, May 30th, to act as stage manager at the presentation of the Opera, "Heroes of '76" by home talent.
Franklin Forks - O.H. Summers reports a good sap run last week, such as to keep him busy day and night.
Little Meadows - John Gould will soon start out on the road selling medicine.
Oakland - The Electric Light Co. has commenced work again, which was stopped on account of high water at the place known as the Geo. M. Doolittle mill property.
Montrose - The opening day of the trout season in this vicinity on Wednesday could not be termed a "howling success." The number of fishermen was small, ditto the catch. Geo. Woodruff did pretty well, snalling twenty-two, and Chas. Beck was also fairly well rewarded for his efforts. The season being so late the water is in no condition for successful angling for the speckled beauties.
Lanesboro - A "Birthday Party" is to be given in the near future, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, for the purpose of raising money, which the Society have pledged for church expenses. Thursday afternoon the Society met at Mrs. J.A. Taylor's to make moneybags for the occasion. Many ladies were present and with busy fingers and still busier tongues, had one of those social times, which ladies have prized from time immemorial.
Starrucca - The Railroad Company has surveyed land for a reservoir above the railroad.
Auburn - Last week at A.D. Rogers' sale R. Harris sold cows high as $51 and a two year old heifer for $3. Mr. H. is a hard crier to beat in making properly bring big prices.
Bear Swamp - Geo. Johnson, Fred Ragan, Pete Horrigan and Martin Clarey attended the wood bee at Michael Hadley's at Little Meadows on Thursday last.
Compiled By: Betty Smith