Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 24 1919/2019
Montrose – Prisoners in the county jail attempted to dig their way out through the thick stone walls the past few days, but were discovered some time before they were able to carry out their plans. Sheriff Taylor gives his wife credit for the discovery, she having noticed unusual noises in the prisoners’ quarters. They were digging at the walls in an effort to make a hole large enough for them to crawl into the jail yard. The sheriff let the men continue at their labors for some days after that, keeping close watch of them, and tried to discover who the leaders were in the plot. But as it is necessary to come down two long flights of stairs to the corridor adjoining the quarters of the prisoners, it was an easy matter for them to give the alarm to the companions at work. Finally the strain on Mrs. Taylor became so great that the sheriff decided to give up the attempt to capture them “red-handed.” All the prisoners had left to do was to dislodge one large stone, as they had dug away the cement to such a degree that this would have taken little effort. ALSO Ensign Grubham, who is now in England, is engaged in repairing German U-boats. He expects to return with several U-boats about the first of May.
Williams Pond – While working the road Saturday afternoon, the large tractor dropped through the bridge into the channel. Some job to get it out.
Heart Lake – “Owing to my inability to secure competent help, I offer the Heart Lake resort for rent for the season of 1919. A first-class money making proposition to a hustler. F. T. Mack, Subway Lunch, Montrose.
Brooklyn – People here are planning to give a long-to-be-remembered reception for her soldier boys in Odd Fellows’ hall next Monday evening. Those of her young men who have already returned are: Albert Strickland, Stanley Crissell, Rodney Jewett, Leonard Shadduck, Hugh Weston, Wayne VanAuken, Archie Richardson and Arthur Tiffany. Myron Craver is expected to arrive Saturday. Their friends are joyous over their return and are taking this pleasing way of letting many more meet the boys.
Bridgewater – A heavy pair of farm horses owned by Enoch Holbrook, of this place, were left standing on the pavement near Slatter’s store in Montrose. They started ambling off and were breaking into a run when Nina Strang, the little 9 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strang, the only one near at hand, noticed them. She called shrilly: “Whoa, whoa!” in a firm voice, and as they didn’t stop she ran in front of them, reaching up and catching one by the bridle. She hung on until the animals finally came to a full stop. More distant witnesses of the quickness and pluck of the child remarked that “a strong man could not have handled the situation any better.”
Hallstead – Hallstead’s new industry, which occupies the old glass factory building, will be ready for business within the next two weeks. The factory will manufacture Zephyr rings for pistons, and will employ about 50 people.
Susquehanna – The police officers of the Erie railroad are hard at work on unraveling the robbery of freight cars in the local yards. A number of automobile tires were stolen from freight cars and the detectives are gathering evidence to bring the thieves to justice. It is said that quite a number of cars have been robbed lately.
Gibson – The graduating exercises of the Gibson graded school were held in P. O. S. of A. hall. Five boys composed the graduating class. They were: Clarence and Howard Estabrook, Ralph Stoddard, Harold Davis and James Evans, Jr. The teachers have been Miss Kathleen Healy, of Harford and Miss Hattie L. Baldwin, of this place.
Clifford – The Shepherd-Williams Merry Minstrels, of Carbondale, will give an entertainment in Finn’s hall on Tuesday evening. Proceeds for Village Improvement Society.
Hop Bottom – Miss Ada Carpenter left for Montgomery, Ala., where she will become the bride of Clyde Hilton, of El Paso, Texas, who will meet her there. Mr. Hilton was formerly a resident of this place, but went west to accept a position with the Southern railroad. The marriage is the culmination of a romance which commenced some years ago. Mr. Hilton and Miss Carpenter both have many friends in this part of Pennsylvania. They will reside in El Paso.
Dimock – Ernest Benninger is learning the blacksmith trade at the shop of C.W. Barnes.
Forest City – Mr. and Mrs. Max Heller left Monday for New York City to greet two sons, Abe and Joseph, on their return from Europe. Abe is a lieutenant in the 165th regiment and was scheduled to land yesterday. Joe Heller is a sergeant in the 368th regiment and will probably sight the Liberty statue on Monday. ALSO Timothy Kilhullen has re-opened his barber shop, which he closed when he went to work for Uncle Sam at Susquehanna.
News Briefs: It is regarded as probable that the State Highway Department will advertise the first section of the Lackawanna Trail building in May. The initial contracts are expected to cover the portion from Clark’s Summit to Nicholson. Remaining construction work on the New Milford end, it is said, will follow the completion of the Eastern section of the contract. ALSO I am not much of a mathematician said the “Cigarette,” but I can add to a man’s nervous troubles: I can subtract his energy; I can multiply his woes; I can divide his attention from his work and discount his chances for success.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, April 24, 1819.
*The “tide of Emigration” is fast setting into the country. The “British Settlement” here bids fair to advance the agricultural interest in this part of the state. Large purchases are making by the hardy cultivators of the soil from England. We trust those of them who purchase here in preference to travelling to the “western wilds” will enhance their own interests, and that of our county generally. Indeed, we know of no part of the country better calculated for an English farmer than this; our lands are cheap, our soil is good, our waters pure, our markets quick, and our climate healthy. Nothing is wanting but industry to make Susquehanna county rich and flourishing.
*Tavern to be let. That well known tavern in the town of Montrose, lately occupied by Edward Fuller, together with a garden, stables, sheds, out houses and other improvements, on reasonable terms—possession will be given immediately.—The sooner application is made, the lower the rent. SAMUEL HUNTING, by A. H. Read. Montrose, April 24, 1819.
Compiled By: Betty Smith