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April 30 1920/2020

Montrose – Claude Graham and Miss Beatrice Henry, of South Montrose, came to Montrose to have the nuptial knot tied and with the firm resolve to have Rev. Gillespie tie it. They proceeded at once to the parsonage, where they were informed that the greatly desired parson was not at home, and therefore, unable to officiate at their marriage. Undaunted they inquired as to where the Rev. might be found, and learning he was at the Voss garage, went thereto straightway, where the ceremony was performed. Several auto mechanics, together with the proprietor of the garage, were among the spectators to the unusual event. Rev. Gillespie’s fame with young people, with matrimonial knots to be tied, quite unwittingly enhanced his fame by leaps and bounds. ALSO D. J. Donovan is excavating under part of the Tarbell House, on the Maple street side, to put in an up-to-date lunchroom. ALSO A miscreant broke into the parochial residence of St. Mary’s church and stole 8 gallons of sacramental wine, This is certainly a dastardly piece of business, for this wine is not only expensive (over $3 a gallon) but, owing to present laws, is difficult to procure, much red tape being necessary to obtain shipments. This wine contains a very small percentage of alcohol, around one percent—being very sweet and when taken in even small quantities, makes the person very ill.

Susquehanna – The absorbing question in this town of late has been the “walk-out” of the railroad men and its results. Both Port Jervis and Susquehanna were decided up-to-date not to return to work, consequently very little business is being done in either the east or west bound yards.

Springville – A cold, backward spring is delaying farmers with their work, and help is very hard to get. ALSO The show, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was largely attended, people coming from miles away. Seating capacity was all taken up.

Hop Bottom – The Shakespeare Club met with Mrs. Geo. Finn last Friday afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served. After the usual work of the Club a pleasing musical program was given under the direction off Mrs. Cora Miller.

Uniondale – Charles H. Carpenter has sold his farm on South Main street. It is one of the best-equipped farms of this part of the country. The buildings are arranged with all possible conveniences. The farm has been in the Carpenter family for many years. The price paid was $6,000.

Gibson – Kenneth Craft and Miss Flossie May Wilmot were married at the Methodist parsonage on April 22, 1920. After dodging showers of confetti and several auto loads of friends, they finally outstripped the autos with their famous pacing mare and took the train at New Milford for parts known only to themselves.

Forest City – Another Civil War veteran, Joseph G. Wescott, answered the last roll call on April 26. He was born at Glenwood 75 years ago and about 50 years ago was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Tourje, of Glenwood. The family came to Forest City thirty-two years ago and continued their residence until seven years ago when they removed to a farm in Clifford township. Five children were born to them. For many years Mr. Wescott served as constable in Forest City and was a partner in the Clinton Falls Coal Company. Funeral will be held from the home of Mrs. Martin Wescott and interment will be made in the Tower Cemetery in Lenox Twp.

West Lenox – An old friend, Dave Hardy, of New Milford, was at church Sunday. He is one of our Civil War veterans and we are always glad to see him. ALSO Oscar Reynolds underwent an operation for appendicitis, April 14, at his home. He is gaining nicely.

Lake View, Jackson Twp. – Miles Tyler has a Cleveland tractor on trial. It will plow or pull out autoists. He has used it more for the latter.

Choconut Valley – Many from St. Joseph, Middletown, Little Meadows and S. Vestal, attended the box social held at Julia Curley’s school house, Wednesday evening last. Everyone reported a good time.

Keeney Pond, Auburn Twp. – The roads in this vicinity are in a horrible condition. It seems a pity, with such taxes, that we cannot have better roads. Even a “Tin Lizzie” should be insured before venturing out. ALSO The 1920 graduating class from Auburn High School consisted of Grace E. Galvin, Mildred R. Stevens, Elna Mae Pierson (valedictorian), and Richard S. Davis. Teachers were Prof. L. M. Payne and Miss Agnes E. Brotzman.

New Milford – The school board has retained the present corps of teachers for another year, at salaries ranging from $20 to $25 per month higher than this year. This action was taken because of the demand for competent teachers all over the country and the high salaries being offered. New Milford has never had a more successful school than this year, and it will be good news that there is to be the same efficient management.

Clifford – Frank Tennant, one of the best-known hotelmen of this section of the state, died on April 17, 1920. He was born in Gibson in1858, married Miss Nellie Spedding, of Clifford and was the father of two children. Mr. Tennant purchased the Clifford Hotel and made it into a popular resort, which reputation is still enjoyed with its present owner, Walter Spedding, brother of Mrs. Tennant. After the sale of the Clifford Hotel he purchased the Valley View Hotel at Foster (Hop Bottom), and several other hotels, the last being the Phinney Hotel at New Milford. Frank Tennant had a host of friends who will miss him and mourn because they can greet him no more. His remains were laid to rest in the family plot ion the new cemetery in Clifford.

A Recipe: Here is the recipe for the Salvation Army doughnut. If you do not think it is the best ever, ask any of the boys who were “over there.” This is the formula from which all the doughnuts for the men of the A. E. F. were made. There is something magic in it, for it worked wonders when used under worse conditions than exist in your kitchen. Here it is: 5 cups of flour; 2 cups of sugar; 5 teaspoonfuls of baking powder; 1 spoonful of salt; 2 eggs; ¾ cup of milk; 1 tablespoonful of lard. Knead and cut and drop in boiling lard. The Salvation Army lassies who made these doughnuts in France say that a happy smile, added to the doughnuts at the time of serving, makes them even more delightful. ALSO Remember the steam kettle—although up to its neck in hot water it continues to sing.

Back issues of “100 Years” can be found on our website,

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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