Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 14 1896/1996
Lanesboro - A gang of tramps on Friday night boarded an eastbound freight train at this station, and when at Lanesboro, one of them discharged a revolver at Brakeman Charles Knapp of Port Jervis, who escaped injury by jumping into an empty coal car. Several of the gang were arrested and placed in the lockup, but they were finally discharged for want of convicting evidence.
North Jackson - Sunday, Aug. 9, was the birthday of two of North Jackson's oldest citizens, Charles French and Adin Larrabee, both born in Dummerstown, VT, the former in 1809, the latter in 1817, thus reaching on that date the advanced ages of 87 and 79 years.
Susquehanna - It is said that during an electrical and rainstorm near Deep Hollow, on Saturday, there was a shower of catfish, frogs, toads and lizards, covering a considerable tract of land. It created great excitement.
Birchardville - Aug. 10th occurred the ceremony attending the laying of the corner stone of the new Baptist church. Placed therein were names of all the church members, a copy of the minutes of Church, Platforms of the Political Parties, Two County Newspapers, names of builders of the Church, and lastly was placed by L.T. Birchard a new 25 cent silver piece bearing date 1896. Then all were seated and the corner stone, bearing the date, 1896, was laid.
New Milford - A new enterprise soon to be located at New Milford is a planing, matching and shingle machine. It will be operated by V.E. Wilder and J.G. Williams, of Lakeside.
Montrose - Dennis Kerrigan, the veteran shoemaker, after relinquishing the business for about a year, has resumed shoemaking and repairing on South Main St. AND Through the enterprise of our townsman, H.E. Taylor, Montrose people will hereafter be able to obtain the great Sunday papers of New York and Philadelphia on the day of publication. Mr. Taylor now has the agency for the World and the Journal of New York, and for the Philadelphia Press. By leaving orders at Taylor's shop, on South Main Street, or by postal card, your favorite paper will be promptly delivered on Sunday afternoon.
South Gibson - Mr. Evans is busy carding wool. He makes fine rolls, also bats for mattresses.
Herrick Centre - H.D. Dunn, of Forest City, called on his brother, Truman, Sunday. Miss Eunice Dunn, also of Forest City, has been visiting friends and returned Wednesday.
Alford - Trackmaster Dowling, of the D.L.& W., has placed a new ball safety switch on the L. & M. track, this week, on the switch that leads to the turntable. These switches are absolutely safe, as an engine or car cannot leave the main track on them except the ball is held in position by some one, and will adjust itself automatically on being released: therefore it cannot be left: open or wrong. Brooklyn F.B. Jewett and wife, and O.M. Doloway, and wife, are occupying their pleasant cottage on the Dimock camp ground.
Harford - Heber Tingley has purchased a new reaper and binder; Dist. No. 1 can boast of two, now.
South Gibson - On Saturday night, Aug. 15, all who visit the Union church will be entertained by the Graphophone, which will reproduce songs, bands, etc. Admission: 20-cents, children under 12 years, 10-cents. Proceeds for the church.
Fairdale - The Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., who have been staying in this village for some days, have gone. On Sat. eve. they offered a prize to the prettiest lady present. Miss Anna Corry carried off the prize. They also offered a prize to the most popular baby in town, Mrs. Charles Estus' baby receiving the prize.
Lenox - During the severe storm of Sunday evening lightning struck Will Giles' barn and it was completely consumed. One young horse was killed by the bolt. The loss we understand is partially covered by insurance. Two or three other fires were visible farther away.
Susquehanna County- Family Reunions: The Tallman-Dix reunion at the residence of T.J. Tallman, in New Milford, Aug. 20; The Estabrook reunion at the residence of G.W. Squires in New Milford twp., Aug. 28.; 2nd annual reunion of Corwin family, at Heart Lake, Sept 9; 4th annual reunion of descendants of Amos Payne at Chas. Manzer's, in Harford, on the farm of L.W. Moore, near the Richardson mill, Aug. 26; 4th annual reunion of Fisk family at the home of Geo. M. Fisk, 2 miles east of Binghamton, Aug. 27. The reunion of the Whiting family will be held at W.E. Whiting's in Lenox, Aug. 26; Handrick reunion at Heart Lake, Aug. 14th; Felton reunion at Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Douds, in Lenox, Aug. 19.
Compiled By: Betty Smith