Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 14 1908/2008
Forest City - The people of Forest City desire to have better accommodations for a postoffice. The postmaster desired to locate it in the municipal or boro building, providing the boro authorities could provide a suitable room. The fire company also desire a change in their room which they occupied in the municipal building, so the boro council commenced making some alterations in the building so as to accommodate the fire company with a room on [the] side of [the] building and change the room they had occupied in front for a postoffice for which a fair rental was to be paid by the postoffice department. However, an injunction was filed restraining the borough authories from making any such change, claiming that the borough council had no authority to use public funds for such purpose-that municipal buildings could not be used or rented for any other than municipal purposes. Judge Little handed down an opinion dissolving the injunction, thus permitting the boro to make the change desired. His opinion involved a legal question that the courts of PA had not yet decided. An appeal, it is understood, will be taken.
Gelatt - There are two persons in this neighborhood who are making nightly raids on gardens and potato fields. A good dose of bird shot might be in place and teach them a lesson. AND In the game of ball here between the old men and the regular team, the score stood 31 to 5 in favor of the regular team.
Montrose - The property known as the Montrose Canning factory land, buildings, engine, &c. will be sold at auction Sept. 3d. at 2 P.M. Terms cash. AND The mammoth tent for use of the coming Bible Conference has been received and was hauled to the Fair grounds, where it is to be erected. It will seat 1800 people-just about the total population of Montrose
Heart Lake - Three young fellows attended the dance here on Thursday night of last week. They started home late and all were pretty tired. Finally slumber overcame them, including the driver, and when they awakened as dawn began to streak the east they were surprised to find themselves in a cornfield, with the horse contentedly munching away. In getting the horse back into the road they discovered some one had become acquainted with their plight and attached a card on their carriage on which was scrawled, "Goin' Some." The boys acknowledged the "corn."
Forest Lake - Aug. 1st the descendants of Canfield Stone met for their 6th annual reunion. There were 117 people present and the grounds and tables were prettily decorated with flowers and flags. Besides songs and recitations, some relics of old-time days were exhibited. AND All those who visit campers here are fined if the men wear "biled shirts" or the women don silk waists or expensive gowns. They live in Elbert Hubbard or Roycroft style-that is, free and easy.
New Milford - The annual "Home Coming," which was observed the latter part of last week, was well attended and possessed its full share of pleasures for those who yearly make it a point to attend. A ball game was played between New Milford and Fleetville, resulting in favor of New Milford. The band played in the pagoda in the afternoon and in the evening a large number enjoyed the dance held in the opera house.
Dimock - Liverymen tell us that a more than usual interest is being manifested in this year's Dimock campmeeting, as shown by the fact that nearly all their horses and carriages have been rented for Sunday, the big day, when the population of the towns in this vicinity is largely decreased by the outgoing throngs.
Great Bend - The chair factory, which closed down several months ago, resumed work Monday on full time with a full force of employees. It is thought as there is now a general resumption of business, the factory will keep running steady.
Franklin Forks - Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stockholm left on Monday for an extended trip through the West, visiting their son, Will in Ohio, and Lisle in Sandwich, Ill.
Lathrop Twp. - Saturday, Aug. 9, was a red letter day at Lakeside. The Hopbottom and Lakeside Sunday schools held a picnic on the island in Tarbell Lake. They spent a delightful time in fishing, rowing, etc. The lake is the most beautiful sheet of water between this place and Scranton and is surrounded by a prosperous farming section. The scenery is fine.
West Auburn - Little Bryce Whitney met with a painful accident while returning from the store with his cousin, Gordon. They met an automobile, the horse became frightened and Bryce jumped and cut his foot very badly. He was taken to Dr. Beaumont's and the foot was dressed. He is doing nicely at this writing.
Jackson - Ed Bowell, on Saturday, while driving to Susquehanna, killed a rattlesnake 31/2 ft. long, having 7 rattles on. He was showing them in town the next day. AND Wm. Homer met with a heavy loss one night last week. Someone came and took his bed of ginseng, which he has put a large amount of labor and time on. If those evil persons could find employment in the county seat [jail] for a few years, the farmers would be very happy.
Harford - Miss Jessie Robbins teaches the Sweet school and Miss Elizabeth Baker, the Richardson Mills school. AND The Junior League of the M. E. church will give an entertainment in the church Friday evening, Aug. 14, consisting of recitations and singing. Aunt Hannah Spooner will be present and entertain you with her family album.
Hallstead - The recent action of the Lackawanna Railroad company in providing passenger service on train No. 42, known as the milk train between Binghamton and Scranton, and making all local stops, is greatly appreciated by the people here.
Choconut - John Dean has a very lame horse and has bought another to finish haying. h.
Uniondale - Automobiles are growing more numerous every week this season.
Elk Lake - C. E. Lathrop found a silver coin dated 1798.
News Brief: One of the big attractions of the Wilkes-Barre Fair, which opens Aug. 24th and continues for six days and nights, will be the appearance of a gigantic airship. The fair management have completed arrangements with the Stoobol Airship company to bring its flyer to Wilkes-Barre.
Compiled By: Betty Smith