Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 18 1911/2011
Jackson - Scott Washburn, of Maple Ridge, was driving to Susquehanna with a veal calf Friday, Aug. 4, when a holdback to the harness broke. The horse became frightened and ran away upsetting the wagon. Mr. Washburn was thrown to the ground, but managed to control his horse. When found an hour later his hip was broken and he sustained severe internal injuries, from the effects of which he died Thursday, Aug. 10. The funeral was held from his late residence Sat. at 2 o'clock. Mr. Washburn was 59 years old and is survived by his wife and one son.
Friendsville - Albert Miller, Sr., was at Camp Choconut, on Monday, where he performed the annual operation of removing a two months' growth of hair from the heads of the young men in camp there. This is the tenth anniversary of Mr. Miller's trips to the famous camp and 36 young men submitted to the painless operation, his dexterous fingers and sharp shears removing the long hair with the facility and completeness of a modern reaper cutting grain.
Rush - U. W. LaRue, proprietor of the Rush Mills, recently purchased a flock of Angora goats. They have long white silken wool and are very valuable.
Forest City - The case of the Commonwealth vs. Annie Staninute, of Forest City, charged with larceny by Mrs. Morris Kasson, was brought up in court this week and disposed of, and the defendant returned to her home free and clear of the charge made against her. Mrs. H. M. Joseph, of Forest City, for whom the girl had worked for some time, was so thoroughly convinced of her innocence that she came to Montrose and brought witnesses to prove that fact and is very much gratified with the result.
New Milford - Miss Helen Beebe is the new librarian at the New Milford public library, being elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss May Everett, who has been the librarian for some time. Miss Beebe has for some years been a teacher in the county schools and will, without doubt, fill the position admirably.
Thompson - W. LeGrand Simrell and family, of Brooklyn, N.Y., are spending the summer at the Simrell farm near Starrucca.
Great Bend - The Black Horn Leather Co. has decided to give each of their foremen one week's vacation this year.
Gibson - C. C. Lupton has commenced the foundation for his new hotel, which he will build on the old hotel site, and which will fill a long-felt want in this town.
Brooklyn - M. W. Palmer is sporting a new Ford car, purchased of G M. Carpenter, of Hallstead. Fred Moore, of Alford and Frank Tingley bought duplicates of the same car at the same time. AND The supervisors have contracted with J. W. Bunnell, of Dimock, to move the feed store that stood in the center of the State road.
Springville - The death of Miss Coral Culver, who had been ill for some months, occurred Aug. 4. She was the only daughter and her death falls heavily upon the home circle, especially the mother. Besides her mother she is survived by a brother, Ray, of Harford, and a half-brother, Charles. She would have been twenty years old this fall. She will be missed in the Sunday School and League of the Methodist church, having acted as organist and sang in the choir. At her funeral, a profusion of flowers borne by six young ladies, mutely testified the sympathy of many friends.
Little Meadows - The ball game between Little Meadows and South Owego, on Saturday, resulted in a score of 8 to 3 in favor of the home team.
Williams' Pond, Bridgewater Twp. - Carl Bullard, of the Annapolis Military Academy, is home on a ten days' furlough.
Hop Bottom - By request, the young people of the Y.P.C.U. will reproduce the Drama "The Old Dairy Homestead" in Masonic Hall, Friday evening, Aug. 18.
Uniondale - An automobile, on Sunday afternoon, coming from Carbondale to Uniondale, was struck by a D & H engine on Stillwater crossing. The auto was badly wrecked, but no one was hurt with the exception of a few bruises. AND Mr. Sherwood has built a new wire fence on the line between his property and the hotel, where some rowdies got in a fight on the Fourth of July and broke the fence down.
Flynn - Henry Hannon, of Friendsville, is building a belfry on the Flynn graded school.
Lenoxville - The Mitchell Quartet, from Scranton, was at the social and rendered some very fine selections. Also Miss Hankinson, of Royal, who is a fine singer, was present and added much. Miss Hankinson has a magnificent voice and because of her musical ability is in great demand in many places.
Montrose - The people of Montrose have always been appreciative, and deservedly so, of the various entertainments given from time to time by local talent. On Thursday evening will be held the Lawn Fete for the benefit of the Library that was postponed from Tuesday on account of the rain. On the tennis court of A. R. Anthony, and with the charming background of rocks and flowers, the first part of the Fete will feature a rendering by a series of tableaux, of Tennyson's "Lancelot and Elaine." Second on the program will be a dramatized version of Tennyson's "A Dream of Fair Women" and at the close Ave Maria will be sung by Mr. Hosterman with piano accompaniment and violin obbligato.
Birchardville - The Valley Park Photo Company, of Birchardville, of which William A. Owen is general manager, has added greatly to their facilities for handling photographic work and are able to turn out 1500 prints a day now, which means prompt delivery.
Liberty Twp. - L. G. Bissell, a former camp Susquehannock counselor and a popular base ball player, who is now practicing law in New York, is spending a few days at the camp and calling on friends.
Compiled By: Betty Smith