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August 6 1897/1997

Harford – Sophia, the Harford vegetable raiser, who visits this market twice every week with fresh vegetables, now adds fine celery to his stock. Some beautiful specimens, as white as snow and very tender, he informed us had only been "banked" about six days. Also, Osterhout and Whitney of Harford, have completed one four-seated and one two-seated canopy top wagons.

Montrose – The fall term of the Montrose High School will open Tuesday, Sept. 7. Several new and valuable features will characterize the course this year, and it is expected that the attendance will be unusually large. Persons in town having rooms to let to students, and those who would take school boarders by the week, are requested to send their names to Secretary D.A. Titsworth, Montrose.

North Jackson – Charles French and Adin Larrabee, born in Vermont; the former in 1809 and the latter in 1817, celebrate their birthdays Monday, Aug. 9 [?] Mr. French, on that day, reached the advanced age of 88 years and Mr. Larrabee, 80. They have resided in Jackson for more than 60 years and, for 36 years, in the same school district. Both spend much time reading, and for men of their great age, they retain their mental faculties in a marked degree. Another aged resident is Alvin Barrett, of Lake View, who on Aug. 18 will celebrate his 80th birthday. He too came from Vermont and has resided on his fine farm near Lake View for nearly 70 years.

New Milford – The play "The Hickory Farm" put on by the New Milford Dramatic Society in the Odd Fellows Hall in Harford, was well attended and appreciated, especially by the ladies of the Congregational society, as they generously gave all the proceeds to the church.

Brandt – The several industries here are in operation full time. Prosperity has struck the Jefferson Branch.

Susquehanna – The Common Council has adapted an ordinance prohibiting the burning of rubbish in the streets and one prohibiting fast driving on the streets. The council is preparing to adopt an ordinance regulating bicycle riding. In St. Rose Convent, Carbondale, Miss Mary Buckley, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley, took the white veil and will now be known in religious life as Sister Mary Ancilla.

Franklin Forks – A picnic of not six, but over two hundred, picnicked at Salt Springs on August 5th.

Hallstead – The Hallstead Herald has passed under the control of Messrs. Bruce Chase and Fred Church, two young men of good family history, well known throughout the county. The former will officially edit the paper while the latter attends to the business management.

Auburn Corners – Ed Fox's Indian exhibitions, giving entertainment throughout the county, we understand, are drawing good houses. They show at Auburn Corners Aug. 7.

Dimock – Dimock Camp meeting begins Wed., Aug. 25. Persons wishing information as to rooms, or anything else, should address F.B. Jewett, Brooklyn.

Forest City – This is the season of the year when the huckleberry picker has his innings, and at no time, even in the memory of the "oldest inhabitant," has the crop been larger or of better quality. On the Wayne county range mountains east of Forest City, the ground is literally blue for miles with the luscious fruit, and almost every day hundreds of pickers are at work. It is safe to estimate that from 500 to 1000 quarts have been brought from the mountain by way of Forest City every day for a week or more and yet there is no perceptible lessening of the supply. Loads of people come from miles around "huckle-berrying."

South Auburn – Frank Gay, accompanied by Punderson Benninger, visited the Huckleberry Mountains and came home with lots of berries Saturday evening.

South Jessup – Two young men, representatives of the Albany View Co., passed through this place one day last week, taking photographs of houses, etc.

Brooklyn – We were very much surprised to hear of the" death of Mrs.' Minnie Mack [nee Lines], formerly of Brooklyn, who died with malignant diphtheria at her home in Binghamton, New York a few days ago. A father, mother and two sisters are left, but, oh how sad that young husband will feel, and how lonely.

Scranton – A number of Scranton capitalists have secured a charter to build a boulevard and cycle path from Scranton to Honesdale, a distance of 35 miles. The roadbed will be of red shale and the route will take in six lakes, principal among them being Lake Ariel. The company will be known as the "Lackawanna and Wayne County Boulevard and Bicycle Path Association." It is the intention of the company to make this the best drive in the state, and it is safe to predict that the boulevard, when completed, will immediately become popular.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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