Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closing at 2Pm on December 31st, and closed January 1st
December 20 1895/1995
Ararat - We understand that parties from out of town have purchased the property at Dunn's Lake and will erect a large hotel thereon, and will otherwise make improvements that will make it attractive for a summer resort. The same parties, we are told, have purchased Fiddle Lake, and will run the water to Carbondale for a city supply.
Tingley - The skating is excellent, and the creamery pond seems to be a favorite resort for our young people, evenings.
Springville - W.B. Lathrop is selling a most useful article, the Hunter curry comb, for the quick and thorough cleaning of horses, and with no irritation for the horse, at 30-cents. If you are interested write him, at Springville.
Harford - Two years ago Prof. E.K. Richardson took a number of views in and about the village, nearly 20 in number. These photos are very interesting and valuable; handing down to future generations how Harford looked in 1893. An enthusiast in geology, he took pains to secure views of the moraines around Tyler Lake. Of these moraines he says: There are two around Tyler Lake; one on the east side and one on the north. The view from R. Darrow's shows the north moraine. All the lakes in Harford are the work of glaciers, and the moraines are on the eastern or northern side. Blanding Lake has a moraine on the east."
Forest Lake Centre - The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church will have an oyster supper at Birchardville Christmas evening, Dec. 25. Supper: 25-cents; children 15-cents. At same time there will be a Christmas tree for neighbors and Sunday school. All are invited.
Susquehanna - A man named Hendricks, a few days since, killed two monstrous wild cats near Gulf Summit. The wildcat crop is not a failure.
Oakley -The U.P.S.C.E., aided by the Sunday school and the Ladies' Aid, will have a Christmas tree and entertainment at the Oakley school house, Christmas Eve.
Rush - A New Year's Party will be given at the Snyder House, Rush, PA, New Year's evening. Wed., Jan. 1, 1896. First-class music, bill $1.75. Isiah Haire, Prop'r. AND Our merchants have prepared a fine supply of holiday goods to meet the demands of the season. Overton, the harness maker, has a fine line of blankets, robes, whips and c., which would make Christmas presents suitable for the full enjoyment of the winter season prices right.
Great Bend - The Sabbath School of the Methodist church will have a tree and light house on Christmas Eve.
East Rush - Vinal Roberts, who sustained a compound fracture of the left arm recently, is now recovering. Dr. C.R. Newton, of Montrose assisted by Drs. J.G. Wilson, G.M. Harrison and L.E. Granger, amputated the limb near the shoulder Thursday, Dec. 5. Setouts gangrene had gotten into the limb and the amputation was necessary to save the child's life; Dr. Newton says the cause of the gangrene was probably due to injury of the artery by the bone thus destroying the circulation. The arm was done up antiseptic and is now doing finely. Dr. Newton, to say the least, showed marvelous skill, and the people of this place and vicinity think there cannot be enough said in his praise.
Montrose - Furs, muffs and neck scarfs and children's fur sets are to be seen in great variety at H. P. Read's; Winslow Skates with the new adjustment at Boyd and Cooley's; More ladies jackets, fur and cloth capes, than we like to have at this season. Must and will be sold at great reductions in price, at M.S. Dessauer's; Fine line of Whitman's candy at A.B. Bums; English fruit cake, fine select teas, vanilla wafers, banquet wafers, water crackers, etc., at Lyons' Bakery; I am showing the finest line of Candies, Fruits and Nuts in town. Fordham.
Compiled By: Betty Smith