Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed for the holidays on December 24th, 25th and January 1st
December 21 1923/2023
New Milford Twp. – Lawrence Lee Aldrich passed away at his home, Friday evening, Dec. 7th, 1923. He was 37 years old and a sufferer from tuberculosis for many years. Lawrence was a man of kindly disposition, a neighbor in whom one could depend, for he was never known to forget others. If there was one in the community that needed help, he was always ready to lend a helping hand, which made for him a host of friends and neighbors, a man so good to those about him that a gloom of sadness spreads through the entire community where he was known. ALSO William H. Sisson, who attained his 99th year on October 16th, died at his home in the borough, Dec. 18, 1923. Death was due to the infirmities of his great age. He was born in Owego, N. Y. but spent the greater part of his life in this state, and for about 25 years he followed farming in Franklin township. A number of years ago he moved to New Milford, where he had lived in retirement, yet was able to walk about and enjoy he sunset of his life.
North Bridgewater – What might have been a serious accident occurred when Charles Holbrook was driving his young team home from Montrose. Some hunters above the road near the iron bridge, leading north, were shooting at rabbits, two shots struck Mr. Holbrook in the face, one shot penetrating his nose and one striking his cheek, and the report frightening the team so they nearly ran away. Hunters should be more careful when hunting near the public highway.
Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chandler are residing, for the present, in Brooklyn, NY, where they expect to spend the winter. Its dollars to doughnuts but what Oliver longs to see [is] old Elk Hill.
Transue, Auburn Twp. – Mrs. John Brotzman is having water piped to her house. ALSO In Auburn Four Corners, Miss Dorothy Hardy, a teacher of this place, returned to her home in Hop Bottom and is now ill with scarlet fever, a disease that had been prevalent in her school district.
Forest City – Hornbeck Bros. report the following sales for the past week: A Dodge touring car to Max Rayannic and a Hupmobile sedan to Bartholomay Bros., Vandling.
ornbeck Brps, eport the following sales for the past
Susquehanna – The Helping Hand Society will serve a cafeteria supper and hold a bazaar in the new church, Wednesday of this week. On Sunday, Dec. 23, the last service will be held in the old Methodist church and the following Sunday will witness the initial church service in the new building. The old building has been sold to the Legion and they are waiting for the removal of the church furniture and vacating the building to make their improvements.
Harford – There will be a Christmas party in the lecture room of the church for the Sunday school. This is a departure from the arrangements of previous years. Instead of the young people giving the public an entertainment, it has been thought best that the church entertain the young people. There will be a Christmas tree and good things to eat.
Brooklyn – The Girl Scout Camp at Lake Ely has frequently known happy groups of camping there for a day of winter sports, but never before have they dreamed of spending the whole winter holiday in so delightful a way. This year the Scranton council has decided to try this new phase of camping, so this year, from December 26 to 31, a happy family of scouts and leaders will hold forth against King Winter. We are fortunate in having permanent buildings set cozily against the side hill, which fortified with stoves, and a huge fireplace, should provide warm and comfortable sleeping quarters.
Lawton, Rush Twp. – Isaac Terry and Jon McGovern are assisting Cyrus Terry in moving his shop, which he is going to remodel for a garage. ALSO Geo. L. Pickett is one of the county’s best known and most liked farmers, and a breeder of fine Guernsey pure-bred cattle.
Thompson – E. A Mead, E.D. Truex and G. A. Pickering returned from Camp Mead, Pike county, with a fine, eight-prong buck. This is the second deer brought down by Mr. Pickering while hunting in the wilds of Pike county. He has a large head of a deer mounted in his den, shot three years ago. [At this time deer were very scarce in the northeast, often causing reports of their presence to be newsworthy.]
Elk Lake – Miss Rose McDermott is playing side center on the girls’ basket ball team at Mansfield Normal School. In a recent game, when the Normal team defeated the Free Academy from Corning, 11 to 0, Miss McDermott played a star game on the defense an offense.
Montrose – Holiday Offerings from merchants: The real, stand-the-banging electric trains are being sold at Ryan’s and also Toonerville Trolley toys, sleds, skates and ski’s; Get your plum pudding at Hamlin’s, Spalding Superior Make; A full line of Victor talking machines and latest records at Stephens’ Book Store; Visit Toyland at Robinove’s, an unusually large line, some as low as 10 cents; Grey Gull Phonograph Records at 65 cents, at Morris’; A wonderful assortment of Christmas cards, calendars, holly boxes, baskets, poinsettias and dressing for the gifts at Mrs. McCollum’s; Pyrex Ware at Cooley & Son’s; Candies and nuts, citron, orange peel, lemon peel, currants and raisins at Kittle’s; Holly and holly wreaths and flowering plants at South View Gardens, W. S. Nash, Prop.
Lehigh Valley Railroad: Officials recently made a trip over the Montrose branch in a handsome car propelled by a gasoline engine. The car accommodates 38 passengers and will care for 4,000 pounds of baggage in the forward end. The officials were trying it out to see if it would prove practicable, as its use would mean a great saving in comparison to the cost of operating a regular passenger train. It is feared the heavy snow of this locality might interfere with its regular operation, but the fact that a freight train passes over the line daily and snow plows are used for any extensive fall of snow, would probably eliminate that difficulty.
Compiled By: Betty Smith