Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 24 1909/2009
Candy Parlor - W. T. Morgan Co's Candy Parlor offers a very fine selected stock of candy for Xmas at the lowest possible prices on clear toys, baby mixture, cut rock, mixed Lyon, San Blas coconut, chocolate chips, chocolate dates, Ideal chocolate drops, Dutchess bon bons, fancy mixture, pop corn loose, pop corn balls and other specialties. Also a complete line of nuts, oranges, figs, grapes, salad dressing, chila sauce, olives, pickles, etc.
Great Bend - A daring robbery occurred here Tuesday evening shortly after eight o'clock by which crafty thieves secured about $300 in cash and stamps from the postoffice. Although the robbery was discovered almost immediately, as no suspicions were aroused against anyone, the criminal or criminals have disappeared as completely as they always do in mystifying detective stories. Postmaster Fred Trowbridge, just prior to closing the office for the night, placed the money, about $100 with nearly double that amount in postage stamps, in a tin box and laid it on a shelf near which was burning an electric light. He then locked the door and went across the street, bought a cigar, and returned ten minutes later. A window in the front of the building near the main entrance, he noticed, had been broken out, and on going inside the box was discovered missing.
Hallstead - Giles M. Carpenter has taken the agency for the Ford automobile. Mr. Carpenter has run a Ford the past year and understands its operation in a way that can be learned only through experience and longs runs. Being an enthusiast, he should make a good salesman. As a pointer we would advise him to try Editor Ira A. Thomas, of the Herald. It is rumored that Br'er Thomas has the auto fever and they say there is only one cure for it--to buy one.
Auburn Four Corners - The death of Mrs. Jane Bennett occurred on Saturday at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Bennett, at Lynn. The funeral was held on Tuesday from the Baptist church in this place, of which she had been a member for nearly 75 years, Rev. Downing officiating. Interment in the Bunnell cemetery. Mrs. Bennett was the oldest person in this community, having attaining the age of 96 years. Aside from her hearing she retained her faculties, being able to oversee her farm work and drive her own horse until within the past two or three years. She is survived by four sons and two daughters. ALSO In Auburn Center Mrs. John Schoonmaker won third prize in the bread contest, which entitled her to a sack of flour.
Susquehanna - Clarence Matthews, of Gibson, employed for a fortnight at the Erie shops, and not familiar with the surroundings, fell into a vat of lye at the shops on Thursday morning of last week. The young man was standing on the edge of the vat, which is filled with a strong solution of lye and used in removing grease and oil from portions of the machinery. He stumbled into the vat, the lye burning him badly from the waist line down, and hands and arms were also burned. Fellow employees pulled him out and he was hustled to the Barnes Memorial Hospital where the burns were dressed. He is now in a fair way to permanently and rapidly recovering.
Middletown - Sister Mary Veronica, of Kingston, Jamaica, spent Saturday as a guest of friends. She is a native of Susquehanna county, and with her sister, Sister Mary Magdalena, of Allegheny, NY, they are visiting their brother Daniel S. Murphy here. Sister Veronica has been a member of the Franciscan Order for forty years, thirty of which have been spent in Jamaica. She is highly cultured and is a teacher in French, German and Latin. Two years ago, when the terrible earthquake shook Kingston, the fine property of the Franciscans was destroyed and Sister Veronica was of the number to experience a miraculous escape.
Elk Lake - The gale of Dec. 13, evening, wrecked the shed back of the M. E. church here. It was lifted up and thrown over the fence into Mr. Cart's field. ALSO The lake froze over Dec. 15 and the young people are enjoying the skating.
Springville - E. R. Thomas has his house finished and is getting settled this week. He has one of the best arranged and nicest finished kitchens in this vicinity.
South New Milford - Farmers in this vicinity are selling their cattle as fast as possible. Hay and water are scarce.
Herrick Centre - The boys are enjoying the fine coasting on Herrick Hill.
Dimock - C. C. Mills and daughter, Isa, of Dimock, proprietors of the "Mills House," have an advertisement in another column today, announcing that they are now prepared to entertain the traveling public. It will be a temperance hotel.
Franklin Twp. - Mrs. J. E. Webb celebrated her 90th birthday, Nov. 25th. There were 30 present, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and she received 75 beautiful postals.
Montrose - Messrs Philip Allen and Carlton Shafer are endeavoring to organize a basket ball team here. An initiatory game between two teams made up of local players will be played at the Palace Rink, Christmas afternoon, commencing at 2:30 o'clock. The admission will be 10 cents. After the game, which occupies a period of about 40 minutes, roller skating will be in order. Skates $1.50.
News Briefs - The interests of Lackawanna county have at last united and the improved highway from the Luzerne line to the Susquehanna county line is to be built. The road is to be 30 ft. wide, of macadam, and will cost $369,000. ALSO Ice 10" thick has frozen on the neighboring lakes and ponds. Preparations are being made to commence cutting at Heart Lake next week, and work will also be started soon at Lake Montrose and Post's pond. At the latter place arrangements have been made so that four [railroad] cars can be loaded at the same time, permitting rapid progress, as previously only one could be loaded readily at a time. ALSO - Rubber goods, which sold last year at $1.07, now bring $2.15. The rise in price is due to increase in demand. Automobile tires, rubber carpets, mats, etc., consume great quantities of the product, and it is getting scarce. ALSO - While doing chores after dark, make it a rule never to set the lantern down on the barn floor. Hang it up where it will not be knocked over. It is an awful thing to have the barn burn up. By the way, a harness snap suspended from the ceiling by a bit of old pump chain is a good thing to hang the lantern on. Have it just above the reach of your head.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! From the Board, Staff and Volunteers of the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association and Branches.
Compiled By: Betty Smith