Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 25 1914/2014
Forest City – The First National and the Farmers and Miners National banks will hereafter be open on pay nights of the Hillside Coal and Iron company from 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. On Saturday nights the time will remain as in the past from 7 to 9. ALSO Joseph Mileskay, a Junior in St. Bonaventure’s college, Allegheny, NY, arrived home for the holidays.
Uniondale – Ray Tennant, who with his brother, G. C. Tennant, is agent fort the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, was in town Monday. Peter Petrus has purchased a motorcycle of this celebrated make and Mr. Tennant looks for considerable business in Forest City.
Herrick Twp. – Wesley Reeder, the oldest resident of this place, who has passed the 93rd milestone, is spending the winter at the home of his son, Theodore, at Vienna, Va. He was accompanied by his son, Ira, and experienced no discomfort nor fatigue in making the trip. He is as active as a man in the prime of life and his friends hope his stay in the South will be one of pleasure. His son, Theodore, is engaged in the poultry business on an extensive scale on land made famous in history during the Civil War. The place is only 20 miles from the National Capitol and its population consists largely of department officials and attaches.
East Rush – A serious accident occurred at East Rush on Monday evening when two boys—sons of G. A. Crisman and Theron Palmer, were badly cut and bruised in a coasting accident and David Benscoter, an aged man, was painfully injured. The accident occurred as the audience, which had been attending the lecture given by Evangelist Hughes, in the church, was departing. A large bobsled, in which twelve or fourteen persons were riding, had turned into the road as the two boys came coasting down the hill. The sled and boys went under the horses’ feet, and the animals shied, overturning the bobs. Mr. Benscoter was the only one injured to any extent, and then not seriously. The boys were cut and bruised badly when they went under the horses’ feet, but will recover. ALSO In Rush, Sunday morning, there will be a special Christmas service in the M. E. Church and the pastor will preach on the topic “Making Room for Christmas.” Special music will be rendered and the church will be appropriately decorated. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Christmas Service at Retta at 7:30 in the evening.
South Harford – Our Mansfield students, Gladys McNamara, Leda Adams and Russell Carey, are spending their Christmas vacation with their parents here.
Clifford – Clarence Finn acted as the Nicholson stage driver while Mr. Button was nursing a rheumatic arm. ALSO A party who started for Montrose last week, in an automobile, encountered snow drifts of sufficient size to compel their return before reaching their destination.
Springville – There were left from the Johnson reunion, at the home of L. B. Johnson, a man’s rain coat, a girl’s rain coat and a wagon cushion. The owners will please call for them.
South Montrose – Messrs. Johnson & Smith will have a dance at Grange Hall, South Montrose, Tuesday evening, Dec. 22.
South Ararat – Searl Worth is visiting his old friends once more. He is quite an aged gentleman, but seems to be so smart for one of his age. He was a former resident of these parts years ago. Says nothing looks as it used to.
Binghamton – Binghamton was the coldest place in the United States, Friday morning, according to the weather bureau reports. It was 21 degrees below zero in that city.
Choconut – McCahill Brothers announce a dance at Choconut Valley Inn, Monday evening, Dec. 28, which will be good news to the large number of young people who look forward, with pleasure, to these hops. Good music will be provided and refreshments served. The enclosed porch, which serves as dancing and banquet hall, is now nicely heated by steam, a modern plant having recently been installed by J. J. Ryan & Co. Choconut Valley Inn is very popular with sleigh-load parties from Binghamton and other places.
Montrose – Robert H. Donlin, proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, was slightly injured, Thursday afternoon, while out sleigh riding. He was driving his spirited horse on Maple Street and when near the Tarbell House barn, the cutter runner broke, throwing Mr. Donlin to the ground. He suffered several cuts and bruises on his face and head. The horse stopped, and no other damage was done. ALSO Members and friends of the football team were entertained by a number of young ladies of the high school, under the supervision of Miss Davey, in the home-making department, last Friday evening. Games were participated in and music was furnished by the school Victrola. Later, delicious refreshments were served.
Middletown – The Literary meeting, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, Friday evening, was very largely attended, there being over sixty present. The debate on Woman Suffrage was both interesting and exciting. The contestants were: Miss Mary Murphy, affirmative, C. C. Coleman, negative. The judges were F. J. Golden, Joseph Leary and Mrs. M. E. Coleman; decided in favor of the negative. The votes were two to one, but that was only natural, the gentlemen being on the majority. The next meeting will be held at F. J. Golden’s, Saturday evening, January second.
Dimock – The members of the M. E. Church have been fixing the church. The old seats were removed and chairs put in their place. The Ladies of the Aid Society have cleaned the church and had the paper, which was given them, put on. Some kind friend has presented them with a bell, which they soon hope to have placed in the belfry.
Susquehanna – Frank Reddon, of the Philadelphia Pharmacy College, is spending his vacation with his parents here.
New Milford – Manager DeWitt Vail, of the Family Theater, will give a benefit show for the New Milford band, sometime in January, at which time the band will make its first public appearance.
Little Meadows – The sleighing is grand here and everyone is busy getting ready for Christmas and Santa Claus. ALSO E. J. Butler took a load of Christmas trees to Endicott, Saturday, and Mike Butler and John Hartigan have been drawing lumber to Apalachin for the past week and selling it for a good price.
Oakland Twp. – The recent death of Joseph Smith, president of the reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, at his home in Independence, Mo., recalls the history of Mormonism, whose founder, Joseph Smith, father of the above named, lived in Oakland Township about a mile West of Susquehanna. The Press correspondent, while out hunting recently, was shown the hole where Smith claimed to have discovered the famous Bible that formed the foundation of his church. The house he occupied in Oakland is still standing. — Binghamton Press
Compiled By: Betty Smith