Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
December 26 1913/2013
Snow commenced falling Christmas night and this morning there is eight or ten inches of snow on the level. Sleigh bells are jingling, and ruddy cheeks and bright eyes are seen everywhere. (Reported in the Independent Republican, Montrose, December 26, 1913.)
Forest City - St. Michael’s congregation, composed of Slavish people, are negotiating for the Baptist church on Delaware street. The price agreed on is $4,500. Collections are being made by Father F. A. Cherney and E. Polesnak, who are meeting with good success. St. Michael’s society has pledged $500 if the deal goes through and other societies will likewise make liberal donations.
Honesdale/Montrose - Several loads of Christmas trees arrived in Honesdale Tuesday and Wednesday. Prices vary with sizes and quality, from 35 cents up. A medium size tree costs 75 cents. Enterprising young men were selling trees in Montrose from 25 cents to 50 cents.
Montrose - The Tarbell House is under new management. D. J. Donovan, lately of Hotel Haire, Lawton, took over the business of the Tarbell House, Monday, the license having been transferred to him from B. C. Horton, that morning. The new proprietor is a gentleman of wide experience in the hotel business and will endeavor to make the Tarbell house one of the best hotels in the county. John Benton, who was with Mr. Donovan, at Lawton, and whose genial ways have made him a host of friends, comes here and will assist Clerk John Corbett.
Susquehanna - I see that B. F. Pride, the veteran journalist, is making his home in Scranton these days. Mr. Pride, who was formerly editor of the Susquehanna Journal, was among the best known newspaper men in Northeastern Pennsylvania 30 or 40 years ago. At that time Susquehanna supported two weekly papers, and Editor Pride was a rival of the late C. E. Whitney, of the Transcript, who was the original bear story correspondent of this section of the state. At that time there was not much for the Susquehanna editors to do to create interest in their columns but bang each other. Pride and Whitney used to keep hot soot in the air the most of the time and Editor Pride often had tilts with Hon. E. B. Hawley, who published the Montrose Democrat. When a man by the name of Clarke purchased the Susquehanna Transcript, about 25 years ago, and transformed it into a daily, Mr. Pride sold out and went West, I understand. Mr. Pride wears a sombrero and today looks like the ideal frontier editor. But although he has not been engaged in newspaper work in this region for many years, I presume that no man has a better knowledge of the political situation in Northeastern Pennsylvania than the former editor of the bright and aggressive Susquehanna Journal.
Pittston, PA - Fire, of unknown origin, destroyed the high school here at an early hour Sunday morning. Twenty-six teachers and nearly 1000 pupils are without a school home. The loss is estimated at $100,000, with an insurance of $50,000. There had just been completed the last of several annexes. The building was about 200 ft. long, 75 ft. wide and contained 21 rooms.
West Clifford - The creamery at West Clifford has closed for the season. Arthur Cook, the operator, has taken a position with the Carbondale Milling company.
New Milford - Mrs. Amos B. Kent, aged 87 years, died at her home in New Milford Friday, Dec. 19, 1913, after several months of declining health, her death being due to paralysis. Her death occurred exactly two weeks following that of her husband. Mrs. Kent’s maiden name was Mary Steward, daughter of Buckingham Stewart, one of the early settlers of Rush. In her younger womanhood she taught school and was a woman of unusual intellectual attainment and strength of character. Feb. 18, last, Mr. and Mrs. Kent celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, they having resided in New Milford for over a half century.
Lawton - Henry W. Terry, who is a veteran of the Civil War, related he was one of a party of 18 who went to the front, going in a four horse sleigh from Montrose to Montrose Depot (Alford) through deep snowdrifts. The late Ashmun Birchard was the driver and the sleigh was overturned throwing all out and frightening the horses into a run, but the nervy driver managed to bring them under control. After the first battle, Mr. Terry said he had all the fighting he cared for and would gladly have quit if there was any chance of doing it honorably. At Chancellorsville he received a wound from which he has never entirely recovered, a bullet passing through his body near the spine. On this battlefield Mr. Terry and his comrade, Edward Granger, of Rush, counted the marks of 26 bullets in a sapling the size of a man’s wrist, showing the terrible fire to which the soldiers were subjected. Mr. Terry is modest in his statements, but members of his regiment say he was one of the most steadfast and dauntless veterans from Rush, and that town sent out 102. [H. W. Terry served in Co. A, Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. He mustered in Feb. 25, 1862.]
Brandt - One of the fearless hunters of Brandt, while shooting at a rabbit the other day, shot three holes in a second story window of one of his neighbor’s houses, which house was located about a rod distant from said rabbit and at right angles to said rabbit.
Springville - In the death of Philander Strickland, on Friday, this town lost one of its oldest and most respected citizens. He was nearing 90 years and leaves one brother, Theron Strickland, who is also in poor health and the last of a family of eleven.
Herrick Center/Uniondale - Arthur Corey, of this place, and Miss Nellie Todd, of Uniondale, were married Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at the M. E. parsonage, at Uniondale, by Rev. Geo V. McAlister. Their many friends extend congratulations.
News Brief - Those who hawk and spit upon the pavement, in a public building, in a store or even in church-God’s house, seem to forget that it is a filthy and pernicious habit-something they would shrink from doing within home walls. It is disgusting to others nearby. It spreads germs. Cards of warning against it should be tacked up in public places, stores and in church vestibules.
Compiled By: Betty Smith