Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 06 1925/2025
Ararat - W. W. King, inspector for the Borden Farm Products Co., and a veterinarian, had an exciting experience in the snow storm at Ararat last week. The men were driving a team attached to a sleigh along the country roads in the blinding and drifting snow, hardly able to see the horses’ heads in the swirling snow. The animals got into deep snow where they were unable to pull the sleigh through and the men were forced to abandon the sleigh and walk two miles through snow up to their waists.
South Auburn - Richard Kinney, a former resident of this place, died in the Rush & Auburn Poor Asylum and was buried at Jersey Hill. He had no near relatives.
Montrose - Drivers of horses will be pleased to learn that the Susquehanna County Humane Society is sponsoring a move to establish a watering trough for horses and animals near the central part of town. Recently about the only thing that needed watering were automobile radiators and as a result the watering trough fell into disuse. ALSO The S. M. & B. trolley line, between Montrose and Brooklyn, was not in operation all day Friday, due to the drifting snow. About noon, Saturday, the track was cleared and the cars have since been running regularly.
East Bridgewater - After the heavy snow storm last week Dr. David T. Brewster visited a patient, Claud Otis, on the Frank Warner farm, East Bridgewater, by traveling over the drifts on snow shoes.
Forest City - It is reported on good authority that a concrete state road will be laid between this place and Dundaff. ALSO Andrew Poznan sustained severe lacerations of the right leg when caught by a mine car in the Erie mine. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Rudolph Churney was severely injured by a fall of rock. He suffered lacerations of the back. He was removed to his home on Dundaff street, where he is reported as being on the gain. ALSO Next Sunday morning Rev. C. V. McAllister will continue his series of sermons. The morning discourse will be a patriotic one and the message will bring us to a clearer understanding of our duties as citizens. The theme will be: “Pearls and Perils of America.”
Herrick Center - C. I. Baker, of this place, and Peter J. Madigan, of Crystal Lake, were in Montrose last week. Mr. Baker is one of the best known residents of Herrick, where he has lived many years. Mr. Madigan is in charge of the large and beautiful Johnson estate at Crystal Lake, whose owner is the widely known manufacturer of Red Cross surgical supplies. [Commonly known today as Johnson & Johnson.]
Dimock - Last week 27 young people, from Harford, passed through here, by automobile, on their way to Springville, where they were due to play basket ball. Their autos got stuck in the snow drifts just below Douglas Mills’, and after trying to get out for a couple hours, in vain, they left the cars and walked to Springville, where they made the game. They walked back to Mr. Mills’, where most of them stayed the rest of the night. Next morning they had more trouble getting to Montrose. It will be some time before an auto can travel these roads any more.
Susquehanna - Susquehanna received its full quota of the recent big snow storm. Many Erie trains were way behind their schedule. On Thursday, No 26, due in this place at 9 p.m., reached here at 12:50 midnight, and was lucky to get through at all. The storm piled the tracks and switches for two days, rendering the work of engineers and all railroad men dangerous and hard to perform.
West Clifford - To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt, Jr., Jan 23, 1925, a son—Selwin Lott Schmitt. Mrs. Schmitt is a niece of Atty. F. I. Lott, Montrose. She is a graduate of both the Wilkes-Barre high school and the Kingston [Wyoming] Seminary. Mr. Schmitt’s father was late instructor of music in Kingston and now professor of the Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass.
Vandling - The Simpson All Stars easily defeated Vandling Regulars by a score of 42-29. Payne was the high scorer for the locals and Gilhool and Roland featured for the visitors, each having 13 points.
Uniondale - The state had a force of men opening up the road on Cemetery hill and below M. O. Rounds’ place. Hitherto travel was made through the lots.
News Briefs: Co-operation and religious toleration are receiving a thorough test in a little church at Keystone, Nebr., where both Catholics and Protestants worship. In one end of the edifice is the Catholic altar. Opposite is the pulpit for Protestant services. Seats are arranged like those of a railroad coach so the backs face either end of the building. Reversal of the benches thus changes the church from one denomination to the other as desired. The church seats about 75 persons. ALSO Pennsylvania has 10,000 women farmers. Eight thousand actually operate farms. The acreage under cultivation approaches 600,000. The value of farms they run or own is $45,000,000.
“Two Hundred Years Ago,” from the Susquehanna Republican, February 4, 1825.
Married: In Lawsville, on the 26th Dec. last, by Lyman Trowbridge, Esq., Mr. Paul Baker, of New Milford, to Miss Polly Davis. On the 11th Jan., by the Rev. Gaylord Judd, James Rose, Esq., of Potter county, to Miss Clarissa Griswold, of Bradford county.
Died: In Springville, on the 12th ult., Mr. Spencer Lathrop.
New Goods offered by B. R. Lyons, Montrose. Just received a fresh supply of English, India, American and West India Goods. Among which may be found Silks, Black & Green Crapes, Tabby Velvets, Shawls, Silk, Cotton Handkerchiefs, Flannels, Cotton Yarn & Wicking. Also Knives and Forks, Penknives, Shoe bills, and other articles in the Hardware line, too numerous to mention. Molasses, Raisins, Tea, Ginger, Bar and Windsor Soap, Shot, Lead, Maccaboy and Scotch Snuff, Sulphur, Cloves, etc. Dye-Woods, School Books & Paper. 4d, 8d & 10d Nails.
Compiled By: Betty Smith