Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed for the holidays on December 24th, 25th and January 1st
February 09 1906/2006
Lakeside - Our deputy fish warden and constable don't seem to attend to their duties as strictly as they might. There are reports of illegal fishing with "tip-ups" on Butler's Lake, by people from Susquehanna, nearly every week since the ice has been thick enough to bear a mans weight. If people around here are not allowed to fish it does not seem right that people from a distance should be allowed to.
Uniondale - The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. G. Esmay, Thursday. After a bountiful dinner those present were entertained by a number of selections on the phonograph.
Fairdale - The two sons of Dan Oaks, Roy and Victor, ran away from home one day last week. It is pretty cold weather to start out in a cold world friendless and penniless.
Elk Lake - Meetings have been held in the M. E. church for the past three weeks by Rev. Cline, Mr. Webster assisting. A number have expressed a desire to lead a better life.
Lenox - Be sure and come to see "The spinsters convention" at Grange hall, in Glenwood, Tuesday evening Feb. 13. The spinsters will be transformed into blooming young maidens, right before your face and eyes. Admission only 10 cents. AND Two more phones were put in this place Saturday, one at Earl Tourje's and the other at Leon Conrad's.
Montrose - Harry White, who was married to Miss Ella Welch, of Nicholson, last fall, was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace VanScoten last Friday, charged by the girl's father with having perjured himself with regard to her age when taking out a marriage license. Her father claims she is but 19 years of age, while young White gave it as past 21. He was bound over to the next term of court.
Susquehanna - Frank, the 9-year-old son of Mrs. E. J. Matthews, while attempting to board a moving train at Lanesboro, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, fell beneath the wheels and his right leg severed just above the knee. The accident was at once discovered and the boy taken to the Susquehanna Hospital, where the limb was amputated. The grit displayed by the young man was remarkable and [he] is doing much to bring about a speedy recovery. AND Susquehanna's new "play house," to be erected by the Criterion Theatre Co., up on the site of the Judson H. Cook property, Main street, purchased of the First National Bank, will be completed and opened t the pubic about the first of October next. It will have a seating capacity of about 900.
Forest City - Leaving her store in charge of an 8-year-old girl, and her 4-year-old daughter asleep in the cradle, Mrs. Joseph Dzekas gathered a few belongings last Tuesday, including money from the till, and various sums borrowed from neighbors, and left the place, leaving no address behind, nor word as to her future intention. Mrs. Dzekas's husband is one of the men convicted of selling liquor without a license some months ago, and is in the county jail, his sentence expiring within a very few days. Since his departure his wife conducted the small grocery business. It is said that coincident with Mrs. Dzekas's departure, a good looking young Russian also gave up his Forest City residence.
Great Bend - Eighteen degrees below zero Tuesday morning. The ice man must feel somewhat relieved. Everything froze up.
Brooklyn - Harry E. Lathrop narrowly escaped being blown to pieces with dynamite, while digging telephone holes for Watrous, Waldie & Co. The men had put in double charge and supposed that it had all exploded. Young Lathrop took a heavy bar and went to cleaning out the hole, when it exploded and blew him into the air, tearing his flesh and clothes and burning his face and eyes. He is doing as well as could be expected.
Middletown Twp. - The farmers of Middletown offer a bounty of one dollar for every fox killed in said township. AND T. F. Hickey has the contract for hauling the stone for the basement of the new Catholic church at Friendsville.
Silver Lake - Jasper Jennings featured Silver Lake in his "Geography and History of Susquehanna County" column. He writes that Alpheus Finch built the first house on the east side of Quaker lake in 1809. Others who came early were Sylvanus Finch, Isaac Higgins, Zenas Bliss, Charles Wooster, Peter Soule, Philo Briggs, John Whipple, Mortimer Gage and others. The first dwellings were built of logs rolled up to form the sides and split logs served for floors, with bark and split slabs for gable ends and roof.
The first teacher in the township was Nathaniel Matthews, who taught in David Briggs's log house in 1815. The first township school house was built at Brackney and was also used as a house of worship. Perhaps no man had a greater influence in the early history of Susquehanna County than Dr. Robert H. Rose. He possessed great wealth for those times and purchased many thousands of acres of land in this vicinity. His home, on the banks of Silver lake, in the midst of the great wilderness, with its elegant surroundings, beautiful flower embowered lawn, ornamental trees, parks, gardens, orchards, shrubbery, walks, statuary, etc. was well calculated to strike the mind of the traveler with astonishment. Here he lived in the midst of his broad estate, like an English baronet. Dr. Rose died in 1842 and his fine residence was destroyed by fire April 30th, 1849.
Birchardville - C. D. Dayton was in Montrose on Tuesday. He has recently installed a gasoline engine, purchased from Cooley & Son, for the purpose of running a [milk] separator, churning and pumping water. Mr. Dayton is now making about 800 lbs a week, and having a surplus above what he sells to his regular customers, he solicits orders for any amount.
Hallstead - While out riding on last Thursday evening, Miss Grace Knoeller met with a sad mishap. In some manner the lines got broke and the horse taking fright, her escort, Milford Gage, could not manage the frightened animal, and it threw Miss Knoeller out, breaking her arm. AND Fred Fisk, who recently invented a patent for a trace holder on wagons, has sold his patent to a New York form for $10,000 and a royalty of 2% on all sales.
Compiled By: Betty Smith