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February 13 1925/2025

Herrick Twp. - Capt. Lewis Martin Bunnell, a native of this place, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Mott, in Scranton, Feb. 4, 1925. Capt. Bunnell was 92 years of age, having been born in Herrick, Dec. 8, 1833, after his parents moved from Connecticut in 1820. He completed his education at Harford Seminary and Wyoming Seminary and in 1856 entered the law office of Ralph B. Little, in Montrose, as a law student, and was admitted to practice in the county courts in 1858. When the Civil War broke out he was the first man in Susquehanna County to respond to the call for volunteers. He was elected captain of Co. E., 177th Pa. Volunteers, one of the companies which he recruited and served with distinction until the end of hostilities. He returned to Montrose and married Anne Davis in 1866 and the same year moved to Scranton and continued the practice of law for almost 50 years. He was the oldest member of the Lackawanna County bar.

Harford - Mrs. Jane Harding died Tuesday morning at the age of 92. The funeral was held from the home, on Thursday, with burial in the South Gibson Cemetery.

Rush - A valentine social will be held in the basement of the Rush M. E. church, Friday evening, Feb. 13, for the benefit of the senior class of the high school. Each girl will please bring a valentine. Everyone cordially invited.

Forest Lake - We will pay no bills for shoveling snow or other work on roads in Forest Lake township, without orders from supervisors.

Brooklyn - W. S. Tiffany has taken a position with the South Montrose Manufacturing Co. as a salesman. Mr. Tiffany is selling garment hangers to the big department stores in Chicago, New York and other cities in the middle west and east.

Stevens Point - In this week’s Democrat appears a death notice of Mrs. Julia Melious. The World War brought its trail of tragedy to her. Her husband was one of those to respond to Uncle Sam’s call and he went overseas with the American expeditionary forces. He never was heard from after he landed. Whether he was killed in battle and buried in an unknown grave, or lost his mind and became a wanderer through shell shock, is not known. Within the year she also lost her little six-year-old daughter, which was a severe blow to her.

Montrose - The Ideal Theatre is playing, this week— “Forbidden Paradise,” “North of 36,” and “A Sainted Devil,” a Rex Beach story staring Rudolph Valentino.

Uniondale - Wm. Snedeker, our street commissioner, had a force of men opening the roads Tuesday, so as to permit the passage of automobiles. For three weeks or more automobile traffic has been suspended in this vicinity. ALSO Dynamite parties are uncommon in this locality. Thursday night, at the midnight hour, three blasts were heard. It was probably the work of youths who wished to give warning of the predicted end of the world on the following day.

Hallstead - Frank Sickler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sickler, was injured while shoveling snow under the turntable at the Erie shops at Susquehanna. Mr. Sickler, who was thrown to the ground by some one turning the table, not knowing he was there, had one leg and one arm badly lacerated, and was taken to the Barnes hospital in an unconscious condition.

Dimock - The road has been opened for automobiles from Dimock to the concrete, at Louden Hill, yet the big thaw of the present will soon make it impassable again.

Kingsley - A sleigh load of young people from here attended a basket ball game at Harford, Friday evening. ALSO The Kingsley Book Club was entertained at the Aqua Inn last Thursday evening.

Thompson - We noticed that there were six pairs of overshoes on Doctor Barnes’ front porch Sunday. Therefore we conclude that they had company that day.

Forest City - Fresh mined coal for sale at the Clifford Breaker: Stove Coal at $9 per ton; Chestnut Coal at $9 per ton; Pea Coal at $6 per ton. ALSO Sol Brounstein is home from Alden, NY, where he received treatment at the celebrated mineral springs located at that place. He is greatly improved.

Article by Henry W. Felton, Montrose Democrat, 2/12/1925. “A few months ago I stood in the National Cemetery at Gettysburg and faced the spot where the immortal Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg speech. I tried to picture him as he stood there that day in November,1863 and said those 267 words that will live forever in our classical literature. He arose, came forward, and adjusted his spectacles. He read his speech from a small piece of paper. As he stood there—tall, homely, gaunt—a titter passed over the audience in front of him. They actually laughed at Lincoln’s appearance. They had just listened to Edward Everett, who was considered America’s greatest orator at that time, and who had moved them mightily in a speech two hours long. And the contrast! But the laughter soon was gone. A deep, reverent, thoughtful silence took its place. Did they cheer when Lincoln had finished? By no means. Would they have cheered the Lord’s prayer? In that speech Lincoln gave to us what many scholars declare to be the shortest speech ever delivered. Read again the speech of Lincoln for its logic, its wonderful sentence structure, force in its choice of words and the pure patriotism it breathed—the kind which gripped men’s hearts and stamped immortal truths on their minds. It is the simple characterization of the great man who uttered it.’

From the Susquehanna County Republican, Montrose, Pa., February, 11, 1825.

DIED: In this borough on Sunday last, Mr. James Baldwin, in the 22nd year of his age.

Right of Suffrage - The select Committee in the New York Legislature, on this subject, have reported an amendment to the constitution of New York, authorizing all white citizens, aged 21, to vote after one year’s residence in the state and six months residence in the county, and authorizing all blacks to vote who possess a freehold of the value of $250 dollars.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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