Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 14 1908/2008
Montrose - The Montrose Bible Conference Association is now an actuality. At a meeting in the Y.M.C.A. building in Binghamton, the committee appointed made its report. It was also announced that an auditorium to seat 3,000 people would be erected on the recently purchased farm in the spring and be ready for the conference in August. Among the recommendations made by the committee were: That the association be formed on the "no profit charter" plan, and its name be the Montrose Bible Conference Association; that Dr. R. A. Torrey be invited to assume the position of general leader; that the officers shall be a president, three vice-presidents, general secretary, treasurer, a board of 30 directors and an executive committee composed of the officers and five or more of the members chosen from the board. That active members be composed of all members of evangelical churches who contribute $10 or more to the support of the Association. That an advisory board be formed composed of the chairmen of committees to be organized in various towns for the purpose of promoting the interest of the conference. The first meeting of the newly formed executive committee will be held in Scranton on Feb. 24th. AND Great snowdrifts obstructed the roads in the vicinity of Montrose last week, and this, added to the bitter cold, made traveling very difficult. This week the roads were opened, however, and the farmers can now come to town again.
Wilkes-Barre - Prominent citizens from all parts of the anthracite coal region met at Wilkes-Barre Tuesday night to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first burning of Wyoming anthracite coal in the Wyoming Valley and to pay tribute to Judge Jesse Fell, who conducted the successful experiment as the real founder of the now mammoth coal business.
Susquehanna - The engine of the Carbondale flyer on the Erie was frozen to death last Saturday morning. The train was pulled by switch engine #563 and when it was time for the train to leave Susquehanna for Carbondale the engine would not move an inch. An investigation was made and it was discovered that on account of the low temperature the steam pipes had become frozen. It took the galvanizers two hours to get the breath of life back in working shape.
Lenox - Will Manzer has just completed one of the finest dairy barns in the township.
Hopbottom - Wednesday morning, Feb. 5, the thermometer registered 20 below zero at 7 a.m. It was the coldest morning of the season.
New Milford - The opening of the Grange National Bank of Susquehanna County took place here on Wednesday. AND Mrs. Emily Leach McKinstry Bullard died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Ackerman, in Binghamton, N.Y. She was born March 14, 1812, the youngest of nine children, born at the old Leach Tavern at the foot of Mott's Hill in New Milford township.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - Edwin P. Mack, for over 50 years a prominent business man in this section, died suddenly Tuesday evening at about 9 o'clock. He was 80 years of age. Tuesday Mr. Mack was in Foster and returned home at about 4 o'clock. He was in his usual health and ate a hearty supper. He retired early, but about 9 o'clock his wife noticed that he was breathing hard and summoned medical aid, but he died before a physician arrived. Apoplexy was the cause of death. He is survived by his wife and two sons, A.L. of Lindaville, and Andrew of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Mack was a member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and was prominent in politics. He had retired from business, but was once an extensive lumberman and furniture manufacturer. [Mack Furniture Factory].
Harford - The Harford high school was closed Monday and Tuesday. Cause--want of coal for the furnace.
Heart Lake - One of L. E. Griffing's horses ran away Wednesday. No serious damage was done except that the driver, Mr. Denning, landed in a snowdrift. The horse being driven in an open bridle, supposed to have been frightened by the driver's whiskers.
Gelatt - The Rebekahs who went to Harford last week were compelled to stay over night and had a splendid sleighride the next day, coming around by way of South Gibson.
Thompson - The basket ball team played [the] Keuka team Monday evening of this week, in Keystone Hall, Thompson. AND This week has been severe for the R.F.D. boys, milk haulers and the trains on the railroads.
North Jackson - After an absence of nearly 20 years, James Nugent, of Hamilton, has been visiting his brother, Ed Nugent, and Will Nugent, in Susquehanna.
Little Meadows - Cornelius C. Fox, a much respected citizen, died Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 22, at his home. He leaves an invalid wife, one daughter, Louise M., and two sons, Leland S. and Lloyd C; one brother, James H. Fox and one sister, Mrs. I. R. Beardslee, to mourn his loss.
Forest City - At 8:15 o'clock Tuesday morning the Erie Flyer collided with a Forest City trolley car south bound at the Simpson crossing and to the spectators who witnessed the terrible crash it is almost a miracle how the passengers in the street car escaped with their lives. Engineer William Wolcott, of the "Flyer: also had a narrow escape from being seriously injured by the flying pieces of the car and glass. While the occupants of the car were all terribly shaken up, being thrown about in a dangerous manner, were all in a state of frenzy, the passenger most seriously injured was Miss Clara Devaney, of Vandling, a student of the Carbondale Commercial Institute who was on her way to school. When picked up by onlookers she was unconscious and was removed to the home of Mrs. Gallagher, nearby. It was some time afterward when regained consciousness and was able to realize what had happened. On the west side of the Erie tracks there is a short but steep incline. At the top the street car stopped to allow two of the passengers to get off and then proceeded down the incline to the tracks. The Erie signal bell was working and a train was approaching slowly on the northbound track. The car could have easily passed over the tracks sometime before the train reached the crossing and the conductor, seeing no other train, signaled to the motorman to start. The car had advanced but a few feet when the flyer came at the usual rate of speed over grade crossing from around a sharp curve. The motorman noticed its approach and jumped before the crash came. The pilot of the engine struck the front vestibule of the car and crushed it, derailed the car and turned it around in a position parallel with the train. The street car was a total wreck. The engineer's cab of the Flyer was badly damaged. Occupants of the trolley were: Charles Melville, Forest City; Clara Devaney and Edith Lyewelyn [Llewellyn?], of Vandling; two little girls, Wagner sisters, Wilson Creek; Mary Anderson, Margaret and Ella Kleinbauer, of Vandling
Compiled By: Betty Smith