Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 15 1901/2001
Brooklyn - The supervisors had a large force of men out shoveling snow the latter part of the week as the roads were drifted badly. AND: At G. I. Giles' adjourned sale on Monday, twenty cows were sold at an average of about $28; the highest price was $34.75, the lowest was $20.50. The horses sold low, one colt that would be 2 yrs old this spring, sold for $25.50.
Lawsville - We hear it talked that Henry Craik has bought the property of G. W. Meeker consisting of a dwelling and blacksmith shop; and that Mr. Meeker has purchased the property of F. H. Southworth and will change from a blacksmith into a merchant.
South Gibson - A large number were present at the Aid social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Estabrooks. Some that went with wagons wished they had sleighs part of the way, while those who went in sleighs wished they had wagons most of the way. Some tipped over and some broke down, but on the whole it was a financial as well as social success and everybody had a good time.
Montrose - The Montrose Dairy Co. opens for business March 1, at their new creamery. AND: The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will celebrate Washington's birthday by serving a Colonial Supper in their church parlors. At this supper will be served those "dishes" of the 18th and those "delicacies" of the 19th that are most desired by all the people of the 20th century. Do not fail to enjoy an excellent supper for 25 cents; ice cream and cake, 10 cents.
Bridgewater Twp. - Because of the drifted roads people were driving in from Tiffany's last week on the L & M road bed. It worked well except they needed to keep their eyes open for Jack Spence's "iron hoss."
Susquehanna - Richard N. Brush, of the firm of Brush & Tiffany, harness makers, is the inventor of a novelty in horse blankets which promises to save considerable time and trouble in adjusting. To prevent all possible mistakes, the word "head" appears upon the forward end of the blanket and the letters forming the word "tail" upon the rear. AND: Wing Lee, Susquehanna's only Chinese citizen, is this week celebrating the Chinese New Year and saying, "Gong he fot toy"-"Happy New Year," to his numerous acquaintances.
Uniondale - We regret to learn of the death of Miss Margaret Bowell, formerly one of Herrick's successful teachers and a much esteemed young lady.
Brackney - J. C. O'Day froze his ears somewhere on the road between the Silver Lake church and E. Foxes.
Elk Lake - Our stage driver, Asa Kunkle, is a man of courage. He did not miss a day during the blizzard. AND: A number are drawing sawdust from Chases's mill in Rush, to cover their ice.
East Rush - A. B. Linaberry went with a load of lumber to Montrose for C. E. Roberts last Tuesday, and on account of the blizzard didn't get home until Friday, then had to return by the way of Rush as the lake roads were piled full.
Jackson - Mrs. Franklin Barnes is very sick with erysipelas of the head and face. AND: Peter Dewitt has rented the Gunnison farm of H. M. Benson for the ensuing year. Mr. Dewitt has also purchased of G. H. Gelatt the milk route from this place to Susquehanna, together with team, wagon and sleighs for the business. George Dewitt will drive team to carry the milk.
Springville - Arthur O. Dunlap went out sleighriding the other day and came back with a smashed cutter, the result of striking a stone with one cutter runner. AND: Last week we had no mail for three days because the little railroad was filled with snow. We got a lot, though, when it did come.
Silver Lake - Mr. Foster's bid of $450 a year was accepted and he will carry the mail between Mud Lake and Montrose for the next four years. He has given general satisfaction and all are well pleased that he will continue to drive the Silver Lake stage.
Kingsley - Mrs. Polly Tiffany and daughter, Mrs. F. P. Tingley, entertained a large party of ladies at a quilting and rag bee last Friday.
Forest Lake - Roger Spaulding, the blacksmith at the lake, will move to the home of Mrs. Spaulding's mother, Mrs. William Walker, near Fairdale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chalker, of Lawton, will move in the house vacated by Mr. Spaulding, and will work at Blacksmithing.
Harford - Frank Tiffany has traded his property in town with Charles Felton for his farm.
Fairdale - Washington's birthday will be observed in the basement of the M.E. church this Friday evening. The Epworth League ladies have gotten up a fine program and will serve oysters to all. Don't fail to come.
Lenoxville - The renewal of log hauling to the Hartley mill, after a number of years of suspension, looks like business in saving the wind-fall timber in this vicinity.
Franklin - On Monday evening last, members of the Senior Class [Montrose H. S.] and their friends, enjoyed a sleigh-ride to Franklin where they were entertained at the home of Miss Flora Townsend. The hours were filled with pleasure and an abundant and delicious lunch was provided for the visitors.
New Milford - Colonel Pratt and daughter, Harriette, attended Governor Stone's reception at Harrisburg.
Compiled By: Betty Smith