Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 20 1925/2025
Hallstead/Great Bend - The county commissioners have closed the Hallstead-Great Bend bridge over the Susquehanna river to traffic, although foot passengers still use it for crossing. During the flood last week, huge cakes of ice damaged one pier and abutment and injured the ironworks on the Great Bend end of the bridge. Fearing that the water had seriously undermined it, the commissioners closed the bridge. The water is still so high that it is impossible to accurately gauge the damage done. A county bridge at Brandt was also taken out last week and carried downstream. The span was about 70 feet long. This structure was completely wrecked and will have to be entirely rebuilt.
Thompson - The Thompson High school cage artists went down to defeat at the hands of the Starrucca High school performers, Feb. 14, with a score of 35 to 24.Thompson was lost with the absence of their star center, Orland Dickey. “Don” Shelley and Rolley Buck played the best game for the losers, scoring 8 and 6 points respectively.
Hop Bottom - February 22nd will be observed in the M. E. Sunday school by a special program of music, recitations and songs. All veterans of the Civil War and the World War are especially invited to attend. Talks will be given by some of the veterans.
Harford - In commemoration of the birthday of the first president, a patriotic service will be held next Sunday at the Congregational Church. An address will be delivered by the pastor on, “The Character of Washington.”
New Milford - Mrs. Charles Ainey, formerly of Montrose, was admitted to the City Hospital, Binghamton, last week. Physicians in the hospital diagnosed her illness as a case of “sleeping sickness.” Her condition was reported as critical.
Montrose - Mrs. Marshall Goodheart, of Worcester, Mass., before her marriage Miss Anna Warriner, of Montrose, has been at her former home here this week. Friends who have known Mrs. Goodheart, as Mrs. Gutherz, will be interested in learning that recently her husband and she decided to change the combined French-Swiss name of Gutherz to the American appellation of Goodheart.
Dimock - Earl Barnes was so unfortunate as to lose his Chevrolet car by fire, one day last week, while he and Ernest Benninger were on the Lackawanna Trail. The car tipped over, pinning Mr. Benninger beneath it, but he was rescued in time to avoid being burned, luckily for him.
Brooklyn - The Ladies Musical Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Smith and Miss Roberts at the former’s home. The program consisted chiefly of patriotic songs. Mrs. Wolfe sang the French National Hymn; Miss Stonier, an Irish and Welsh song; Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Roper and Mrs. Smith sang the National Hawaiian song, and the chorus of ladies present sang several other national hymns. Mrs. Gere and Mrs. Terry played a piano duet which was a medley of five national hymns, ending with “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Susquehanna - W. H. French, a Civil War veteran, fell on the ice at the intersection of Franklin Avenue and Washington Street and fractured his right arm. Dr. Condon reduced the fracture. Many falls upon the ice have occurred but Mr. French was more unlucky than many in the results. He injured the arm that was shattered by a bullet away back in the days of the Civil War, and which showed unmistakable signs of the suffering and the handicap it has been all these years.
Williams Pond - A four-horse sleigh load from Snow Hollow attended the dance at Heart Lake, Friday night.
Gelatt - The death of Eugene Gelatt occurred at his home at Gelatt, Feb. 7, after a lingering illness of several weeks. He was 63 years of age and a life long resident of Gelatt.
Forest City - Julius Yeglinsky has joined Uncle Sam’s fighting forces. He will be a member of the band stationed at Fort Hoyle, Md. ALSO The Naperj Society will make an application to court for a charter on April 13. The intended corporation will be called “The Slovenian Catholic Singing, Dramatic and Educational Society of Forest City.”
Uniondale - It is reported that Lewis Allen is to open a blacksmith shop here in the near future.
A Quote from Abraham Lincoln: “My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.”
“200 Years Ago” from the Montrose Gazette and Susquehanna County Herald, Feb. 4 and Feb. 18, 1825.
Divorce notices were announced in the form of advertisements, as below:
TO MARTHA HARRIS. Take Notice, that Daniel Harris, your husband, has filed his petition and libel against you for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that an alias subpoena has issued. You are therefore required to be and appear before the Court of Common Please in and for the county of Susquehanna, to be held at Montrose, on the fifth Monday of January next, and then and there shew cause, if any you have, why the said petition and libel of the said Daniell should not be granted, & his bonds of matrimony with you should not be dissolved. SAMUEL GREGORY, Sheriff, Montrose, Dec. 23d, 1824.
TO ELIZA WYLIE. Take Notice, that James Wylie, your husband, has filed his petition and libel against you, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that an alias subpoena has issued. You are therefore required to be and appear before the Court of Common Please, in and for the county of Susquehanna, to be held at Montrose, on the fifth Monday of January next, and then and there to shew cause, if any you have, why the said petition and libel of the said James should not be granted, and his bonds of matrimony with you should not be dissolved. SAMUEL GREGORY, Sheriff, Montrose, Dec. 23d, 1824.
And more advertisements:
Dundaff HAT Manufactory. The subscriber, having removed his Hatting business from Wilkesbarre to Dundaff, in Susquehanna co., wishes to inform the public that he is constantly making HATS of the following description, which he offers to sell, wholesale or retail, as low for cash as hats of the same quality can be purchased of the Hatters in the cities, viz: Water-proof BEAVERETTS, CASTORS, IMITATION BEAVERS, Common RORUM and WOOL HATS. He will also receive for Hats at retail, this Manufactory, most kinds of country produce, as also, Hatting Wool and Furs. JAMES WARNER, Dundaff.
FOR SALE. A valuable improvement, in the township of LENOX, on the Milford & Owego Turnpike, at the 14th mile-board from Montrose, together with a TWO STORY HOUSE, 22 x 26 ft, with a small cellar—also a good log BLACKSMITH SHOP. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, living on said premises. EDWARD MAXSON. Lenox, January 8th, 1825
Compiled By: Betty Smith