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February 23 1917/2017

Forest City – On Feb. 10th fire destroyed a two-story frame dwelling and the Lithuanian church and badly damaged three other dwellings. The total damage, it is said, will reach close to $70,000. The fire was caused by the blowing up of a boiler in the church. The janitor, in starting the fire, had failed to put in water and when the boiler became heated the water, which was turned on slow, caused the boiler to explode. Rev. A. Yunuszas stated that the loss of the church would reach close to $62,000 and an insurance of $16,000 was carried. The loss of the dwelling adjoining the church will reach $5,000 and damage to the other three will reach $3,000.

Elk Lake – Rev. Cadwell, accompanied by Mrs. Cadwell, hiked in through snow drifts to his appointment at this place Sunday last.

Herrick Center - A petition was presented to the Public Service Commission for the elimination of the grade crossing near P.H. Flynn’s hotel, by residents. Mr. Clanson, representing the commission, heard testimony in the case pro and con at this place, Thursday. The Erie railroad was represented by its council. The county and township was not represented by counsel. Testimony was given by G.L. McGonigle, the chief complainant, Dr. A.L. Craft, Arthur Bowell, Laverne Carpenter, Arthur Flynn, John Jones of the Woodlawn Dairy Company, Joseph Calkins, township supervisor, Walton Burdick, on the part of the petitioners. Erie officials gave testimony against the feasibility of a crossing. It may be some time before a decision is reached. The Ladies Aid furnished dinner for the gathering at the grange hall.

Montrose – The three upper classes in the high school have rebelled at a rule laid down the beginning of the year, Namely that if a student was tardy once, or absent five days, they must take the examinations even if their average was 85 or above. A committee was appointed to wait on the principal, and the school board, and met with no success. Then an article appeared ion one of the local papers signed “The Student Body” laying the bitter facts before a sympathetic (?) public and explaining how unjust it was if a person was unfortunate enough to be out on account of illness, that he must also have an added burden. There is no getting around the fact that the rule is a stiff one, but in all probability, if certain students had minded the morning bell and been found in their places, instead of on the streets, this tardy rule might never beheld the light of day.  A week ago the school building was broken into, the clapper of the bell hidden; the art group of handsome statues presented to beautify the school room by graduating classes of the past was covered with ink and permanently damaged.

Thompson – Mrs. D. G. Casterline, of the North Side, who has been dealing out sauerkraut this winter, in generous sized pails, selling to some and giving to many, took a 5 lb. lard pail from her pantry shelf the other day and went down the cellar to fill it with sauer kraut for one of her neighbors, and just as she was about to put in the first cupful something in the pail attracted her attention, which proved to be a most beautiful work bag of the latest design, which looked like one that had never been used. Now she wants to know how it came there, who it belongs to, and all about it.  She hasn’t the remotest idea of how long it has been there, or who is the owner, but thinks that in some way the pails have got changed by mistake and that someone is wondering where on earth their hand bag has gone. Someone suggested the idea that maybe it was a hint for more sauer kraut and thought the pail would not hold enough. At all events it had a narrow escape and the owner may be thankful that Mrs. Casterline saw it just in time to save it from utter ruin. ALSO The store of C.R. Crosier has been a sort of rendezvous for the men and boys to congregate and talk over basket ball and war times, and it is now thought best to have them enlist and form a company and assign the honor of captain to Mr. Crosier to keep them out of danger.

Harford – Henry S. Jones, son of “Good Roads” E.E. Jones, State Senator from this district, has been driving an ambulance in France, in the vicinity of Verdun, for some months. Not content with the excitement from dropping into shell crater holes or having shrapnel flying about him, he has taken up aeronautics. While we naturally take pride in the daring of the brave young Susquehanna county boy, we would wish for him a less dangerous calling.

Jackson – John Jeffers, one of the few surviving veterans of the Civil War, celebrated his 70th birthday on Feb. 9, at his home near Jackson. Neighbors and friends gathered in honor of the event and passed an enjoyable day.

Auburn Twp. – T.R. France’s family, of Jersey Hill, are sorely afflicted. About Christmas their son, Arthur, had his ankle bone cracked by a wagon running over it. Later, a daughter, Lela, was stricken with appendicitis and was taken to the Sayre hospital. Soon after returning, she broke out with the measles and a few days later a younger sister, who is suffering from anemia, was stricken with diphtheria. Both girls are being treated by Dr. Fry, of Rush, and are doing nicely. The grades of which they are scholars, in the Auburn High School, are preparing a sunshine box this week. A rigid quarantine is being kept and there is no fear of the dread disease being spread.

Dimock – Carl Fuller and wife are getting ready to move on their large farm when vacated by Byron Benninger on March 1.

Silver Lake – Thomas Kanane, is making arrangements for a sale of personal property. Mr. Kanane was born on the farm about 74 years ago and has always lived there, except when in the employ of the government for about four months near the close of the Civil War. His father came from Ireland about 10 years prior to his birth and cleared the farm on which he now resides. Mr. Kanane hopes to spend the remaining years of his life in some less toilsome occupation than farming. He and his wife are considering moving to Montrose.

Kingsley – Matthew Oakley got up a wood-bee for William Benning last Saturday afternoon. It was hurridly arranged, but the men who responded did good work, which was appreciated by Mr. Benning. Both he and his wife are gaining from the shock and bruises received at the Harford fire.

Susquehanna – One of the employees at the new terminal, William Vedder, was struck by an engine at the depot here, while waiting for a train to return to his home in Binghamton, on Saturday last.  He was standing on the tracks and, through some oversight, was struck by the engine.  At the Simon H. Barnes hospital one leg was amputated between the ankle and knee. The other limb is badly crushed, but his condition was so precarious that the surgeons had not decided whether to attempt to remove it, hoping to save it.

South Montrose – The school gave an entertainment on Friday evening, at the schoolhouse. A pleasing program, consisting of patriotic songs, drills and recitations was rendered. An Indian drill by the primary grade and a minuet dance by eight of the older pupils, dressed in antique costumes, were among the most attractive features. The entertainment was followed by a cobweb social and box supper. Proceeds, $10.50. This is to be used in framing pictures for the school rooms.

200 Years AgoNo news this week.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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