Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 27 1925/2025
Jackson - For a town of its size, the people of Jackson and vicinity should be proud of its Library. The Jackson Library was founded in the year 1902. With the liberal donations of money and books at the time we were able to place on our shelves abut 600 volumes of good reading. With the books we have added to the list, up to this time, we now have abut 1400 volumes. The annual fee is 50 cents and the Library is open every day and evening for the exchange of books. The patronage has been gradually dropping off for the past few years until the past year, 1924, we had but 17 members. It does not seem that the people of this vicinity would let such a good thing go down for lack of support. There will be a public library meeting at the Central Hotel on March 3. Every public spirited person is invited to attend this meeting and help promote a good cause.
Montrose - Helen Gow, five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gow, of Dalton, fell into the well of Dr. Chas. Decker, while she and her mother were spending the day at the doctor’s home. The child had been out of her mother’s sight for 20 minutes when she started in search of her. Mrs. Gow noted a pencil beside the well and the cover of planks being partially pushed aside. Suspecting her child had fallen in, carpenters working nearby came to her assistance, and in a few minutes the lifeless little body was taken from the water. Mr. Gow recently purchased a farm in North Bridgewater, and he and his family were moving there on Monday. Much sympathy is felt for the survivors, all of whom are grief stricken in the loss of the beloved child. The funeral will be held from the Decker home, Rev. L. B. Bryden officiating. Interment will be made in the Harford Cemetery.
Friendsville/Montrose - Former District Attorney, James F. Carmalt, 85 years old, died at the home of his daughter in Philadelphia. He was a former resident of Friendsville and spent his summers of late in Montrose, at the home of his nieces, the Misses Morris, on South Main street. He was for some years a member of the Susquehanna County Bar, having studied law at Harvard. He was district attorney of the county for one term in the ’70’s, but refused to attempt re-election on account of his distaste of the oath of office, which required him to prosecute alleged criminals when he believed them guiltless. He was a fine old gentleman and possessed the courtly manners of “gentlemen of the old school.” For years he was active in the Susquehanna County Agricultural Society. At one time he owned the north shore of Lake Mont Rose, now a part of the W. A. Lathrop estate. Besides his daughter he is survived by a son, James Carmalt, of Washington, D. C., a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Montrose - All who are interested in the Montrose Fire Department, or in having insurance rates reduced, should attend the annual department meeting on Friday evening. It is proposed to unite the companies into one organization at this time, in the belief that a more effective fire-fighting organization will result. With an improved fire department, and better equipment, thousands of dollars can be saved yearly in insurance premiums.
Uniondale - A serious accident occurred at the lower grade crossing of the Erie railroad here on Sunday, when a south bound train struck the team and wagon of John Onofrey, of Pleasant Mt. township. Mr. Onofrey and his son, Nicholas, 18, had delivered their load of milk at the local station and were returning home. Nearing the crossing they failed to notice the approaching train until they had driven onto the tracks. The wagon was demolished. The elder Onofrey was hurled high in the air, suffering injuries which caused his death. His son received a deep laceration of the scalp, a broken shoulder and other serious injuries. The horses were cut loose from the wagon and ran some distance before being caught. Mr. Onofrey was 59 years of age and is survived by his wife and eight children.
Dimock - Hon. E. P. Brown, who is not only a good legislator but also an ardent sporting fan and likes young people, is taking six high school boys to one of the greatest athletic carnivals of the year at State College. They will see the Navy in boxing, Notre Dame in basketball and Lehigh in wrestling.
Hop Bottom - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin, Feb. 21, a daughter, Shirley May; and born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Feb. 15, a son, Walter Nash. ALSO Delbert Wright has been named postmaster of Hop Bottom to succeed Postmaster Stanley Williams. Postmaster Williams has given excellent satisfaction and many favored his retention, but he was politically a Democrat and hence on the wrong side of the fence.”
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - We were very much shocked to hear of the death of Leonard Hart, at the Mackey hospital, resulting from a operation for appendicitis. He only lived one week. Death was caused by heart trouble. ALSO We are having April weather in the month of February. Hope we do not get our February weather in April.
Thompson - The members of the Thompson Epworth League are preparing a three act play, “The Barnsville Choir Spruces Up,” to be presented on March 6th, in the High school building.
Forest City - Mrs. M. J. Gorman is an accomplished violinist and yesterday delighted listeners of the WQAN station in Scranton. Displaying the true touch of the artist, Mrs. Gorman, of Forest City, brought enjoyment to thousands of listeners. With Miss Genelda Walsh at the piano, Mrs. Gorman played three selections, ending with “Ave Maria.”
News Brief: What with robins and bluebirds again with us and geese flying northward on Tuesday, youngsters roller skating and playing marbles, it surely looks as though spring had come. ALSO Senator Gelder has presented a bill providing for the construction of a state road from Auburn Center via Elk Lake and connecting with the concrete pave at South Montrose. Representative Brown has proposed a bill for a state road between St. Joseph, in the northeastern part of the county, to Stone’s Corners, in Forest Lake township. Both of these proposed thoroughfares are widely used and the sections traversed have no railroads to handle heavy freight transportation.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette and Susquehanna County Herald and also The Susquehanna County Republican, February 25, 1825.
Died - In Lawsville, on the 16th inst., Miss Fanny Green, daughter of John Green, in the 17th year of her age.
Married - On the 16th inst., by Edward Packer, Esq., Mr.Robert Kent, to Miss Prudence Bailey, daughter of Capt. Amos Bailey, all of Hop Bottom.
Compiled By: Betty Smith