Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 23 1925/2025
Great Bend – Fire destroyed the house and barn of Cyrus W. Bankes, Monday morning. Two daughters of Mr. Bankes were milking the cows in the stable when they heard a crackling in the haymow as though it were burning. They called their father, who was in the house at the time, and on hurrying to the barn the interior of the structure was found blazing. There was no means at hand to effectively fight the flames and the attention of all was given to saving the animals, which was accomplished. Burning embers from the barn set fire to the house, which was also speedily consumed, together with sheds near the barn. Mr. Bankes was a former merchant in Great Bend, but for several years had been following farming. His farm is located just across the Hallstead-Great Bend bridge and adjoining the farm on which the toll house used to be located.
Lanesboro – The Frank Kishbaugh General Store was destroyed by fire on Thursday morning with practically all of the stock of merchandise. The Lanesboro and Susquehanna fire companies did good work in confining the flames, working desperately in the zero atmosphere. This was one of the largest general stores in that section, and is better known as Buckley Bros. Store, sold to Mr. Kishbaugh not long ago. The fire is believed to have originated from the heating plant in the cellar. Two clerks were in the store when the flames were discovered and they promptly gave an alarm, but so rapid was the spread of the blaze that it was well under way when firemen arrived.
Dimock – Between 30 and 40 pupils are served hot lunches every day. Several individual families, without children in school, have given food supplies to Miss Boyer for school lunch. To mothers of pupils bringing milk, may we suggest that they urge the children to bring their jars along home each evening. ALSO Pupils of Miss Gere’s room have been drawing pictures of great horned owls. Francis Cholerton won the first prize, a Frank Chapman book, and Clyde LaRue received a pocket bird guide book.
Thompson – The Thompson High School basket ball team won its sixth victory of the season by downing the Pleasant Mount High on Jan. 16th, on the Starrucca court, by a score of 35-19. Edward Karcher and Arlend Dickey were the big guns for the winners. In the girls’ game the Pleasant Mount girls won over the Thompson girls by a score of 15-1.
Brooklyn – The electric light current was turned on Friday and those who have their houses wired and equipped are enjoying the privilege of electric lights. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green and daughter, Margery, were overcome by gas at their home in West Brooklyn. Mrs. Green and Margery were real bad, but are much better now.
Montrose – The humane characteristics of Miss Mary J. Carr recalls a case where, about fifty years ago, she warmed the water a little in which Uncle Dan Brewster was about to drown a mouse in the trap. That case has served as a precedent a good many times since, when mice had to be drowned. ALSO When the automobiles began crowding the horse drawn vehicle off the streets, and the outgrown hitching rails in the business section were removed, complaints were heard that there was no place for the farmers’ horses. The farmer said if you do not want my business I will go where they provide a place for me to tie my horse. Various methods were tried until the Chamber of Commerce located a lot and erected commodious, comfortable sheds, where horses may be tied. Ten sheds were built at the rear of the H. G. Lake store on South Main street, and can be used without cost.
Rush – Messrs Chas. Gregory, Haskell Devine and Ralph Vandyke are filling the creamery ice house at Fairdale.
Forest City – Anthony Skersavich, John Virakaitis, Joseph Grauskus and Frank Banevica appeared before the naturalization court at Scranton and were granted full citizenship papers. ALSO Martin, familiarly known as “Shocky” Madden, has again donned a uniform in the Uncle Sam’s army. He said he could not resist any longer. He begins his third enlistment. When the world war broke out he, with the “Gallant Fifteen,” offered his services and saw service overseas. Following his discharge he re-enlisted for one year.
Ararat – In the death of Mrs. L. O. Baldwin, we have lost another of our oldest residents. She was 87 years old and with her husband, Leonard, had spent most of these years on their farm in Ararat. A true Christian, a splendid neighbor, never more happy than when doing something for someone. She passed away surrounded by relatives and neighbors who had done everything to make her last hours comfortable. The funeral services were simple, as she wished, and held at the house where she had spent so many happy years. We have laid her beside her beloved husband in the little cemetery on the hill, knowing she is at peace, knowing she is “safe home,” knowing we are all better from having known “Auntie” Baldwin.
Little Meadows – Hicks & Collins Creamery Co. has finished getting in a goodly supply of ice for their summer use.
Gelatt – Mr. and Mrs. Denney were pleased when their former neighbors came with teams, axes and wood saw, and cut and buzzed up a quantity of wood for them.
Hop Bottom – Born to Postmaster and Mrs. Stanley Williams, Sunday, Jan. 11, 1925, a son.
Uniondale – Tuesday’s storm was the worst since March of 1914. The rural carriers did not leave the office, but yesterday they were able to nearly circle their routes. There seems to be a dislike on the part of many of the patrons to open the roads. It is a rule of the department that if the roads are not in fit condition to travel the carriers are not expected to make an attempt at delivery. Shovel out the roads and then you will get your mail.
Electricity – The Breese Electric Co. has lately installed lighting systems for the following: Bruce Darrow, Jessup townships; H. B. Stone & Son, Forest Lake; Robert S. Caterson, Bridgewater; Frank L. Muzzy, D. A. Mills, Dimock; Bert Thomas, Edgar Button, Springville; Father Walsh, Matthew Kelly, Byrnes Bros, St. Joseph; Fr. White, Friendsville; A. E. Goff, New Milford; Homer B. Shay, South Montrose.
Marriage Licenses – Leon F. Hart and Helen E. Rice, both of Montrose; Glenn Chamberlin and Clara Linfoot, both of New Milford; W. Albert Hawley and Norma F. Cobb, both of New Milford; Maurice J. Duffy, Binghamton and Bernice L. Seamon, Lanesboro.
Compiled By: Betty Smith