Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 25 1901/2001
Montrose - The snow which fell this week made the sleighing about town reasonably good and our streets were made merry all day Wednesday and far into the night by the jingle of the bells and the shouts and laughter of jolly young folks. AND From the NY Sun we learn that H. S. Squire, of Binghamton, F. W. Crandall, of Elkland, Pa., who invented and made a fortune of "Pigs in Clover," J. W. Beard of Elkland, and M. H. Colby, of New York, have been buying timber lands in the northern part of Georgia, intending to establish the largest toy manufacturing plant in the world. Mr. Crandall was a former Montrose boy, who has been manufacturing toys at Elkland since his factory was burned at Montrose years ago.
Gibson - Capt. D. E. Whitney, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Gibson, tripped over a wire guard around a flower bed on his place a few nights since and receiving injuries that resulted fatally the next evening. Capt. Whitney was 77 years old. He was a past commander of the S. Gibson G.A.R. post. He leaves a widow and adopted daughter, Mrs. Helen Hood, of Lincoln, Neb.
Brooklyn - G. I. Giles announces by bills printed at this office that he will offer at public sale on the place known as the James Sterling farm one mile north of Brooklyn on the Montrose road, Feb. 13th at 10 o'clock a.m., a lot of personal property including 22 young cows, fresh or coming fresh soon, 2 heifers, 2 mares, colts, wagons, bobs, harness, farming implements and household goods.
East Auburn - Miner Avery is taking a creamery course at State College. AND A new Estey organ has been placed in the craig Hill school house much to the satisfaction of the people.
Springville - Mark Scott lost a horse last week-not a very valuable one. Mark says that it just laid down and died.
Susquehanna - Ambrose McQuinn, while driving a horse of C. M. Deakin last Saturday, was run away with, thrown out and badly bruised about the head. AND Erie company has a squad of regular detectives and special officers guarding its property here at night. There are always lawless wanderers out during times of strike.
Hopbottom - Some Italian men have rented the property of Mrs. Almira Brown near the creamery where they will manufacture Italian cheese. They have contracted for milk from the new creamery. AND Those who have purchased ice for their ice houses from a pond of pure spring water are: M. A. Blair, Chancy Carpenter and Oney Case. The pond was built last fall on the properties of Mrs. Emily Rees and E. D. Carpenter and is a beautiful little sheet of pure spring water.
South Montrose - L. W. Moody has put in a very expensive cahs register in his store and the cash is pouring in a rapid rate. AND Geo. P. Wells has filled his new ice house with a find quality of ice purchased from Henry R. Decker's pond. Mr. D. cuts the ice and loads it in your wagon for 20 cents a load.
Brandt - Death came to Win. Roe, an aged resident of Brandt, and a veteran of the civil war, on Saturday afternoon. While digging a grave in the village cemetery he became unconscious and died soon after. Heart failure was the cause of his death. He is survived by the widow and a daughter. The funeral took place from the village hall in Brandt on Tuesday afternoon, Tremain Post, NO. 81, G.A.R., of Lanesboro, of which deceased was a member, attended in a body. Interment in the Brandt cemetery.
Silver Lake - Smith and sons of Binghamton are selling pure spring water furnished by Daniel Sweeney who takes it to that city in 5 gallon glass cans, taking about a ton weight each time. Binghamton should be able to furnish water free to its inhabitants, but still they are favored in getting a supply of good water at any cost. AND The roads are so icy at present that very little traveling is done over them.
Lake View - Cobb & Gelatt have cut a fine crop of ice for the farmers with their new ice plow.
Kingsley - Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner the 25th. They are named Adison and Edison.
Dundaff - Dr. B. F. Carey, of the Oregon Indian Medicine Co., who has been with us for nearly four weeks, has moved his show to Royal, Pa. The doctor's family and company are a jolly lot and they made things lively during their stay here; besides, their medicines have helped a lot of people who were afflicted with various diseases.
Transue - Our school is progressing nicely with 39 scholars. We have the oldest schoolhouse in the township; it was built in 1860 and it is about time we had a new one.
Welsh Hill - Mr. Hyman, of Wilkes-Barre, gave a graphophone concert and moving picture exhibition in the hall on Saturday evening, but the program was left unfinished, as fire was discovered in the attic. By the heroic efforts of some of the young men and the immediate action of the bucket brigade, it was extinguished before any serious harm was done.
Glenwood - Capt. Lyons Post, No. 85, G.A.R., of this place will hold a camp-fire in their hall at Upper Glenwood, Friday eve., Feb. 8. Good speaking, good music, plenty of port and beans, coffee and hardtack will be the order of the evening. Come one and all and have a good time with the old vets.
Thomson - James and Gus Burns and Harry Crosier indulged in a little horse racing last week, just for fun-pretty good speed, too.
Brackney - A large amount of very fine ice is being harvested from Little Mud Lake at present.
Compiled By: Betty Smith