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January 31 1908/2008

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Married at the M. E. Parsonage, at Jersey Hill by Rev. A. R. Fiske, Jan. 22, 1908, Miss Lola Bell Green, of this place and Mr. Ferris Hibbard, of Rush. They then drove to Brooklyn, Pa. to visit friends there. Thursday morning left for Owego where they visited his uncle, from there they went to Binghamton and Castle Creek. On their return they will begin housekeeping at once at his home with his parents. Mrs. Hibbard was one of our most popular young ladies and will be greatly missed from our midst. She has been a very successful school teacher for a few years and has made many warm friends where ever she has been. We extend hearty congratulations.

Harford - "Saul, King of Israel," the Great Dramatic Cantata, as sung by the [the]New Milford music club, twenty people, will be given in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Harford, Friday evening, January 31, 1908, under the auspices of Live Oak Lodge, I.O.O.F. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years, 15 cents. The Cantata was given in the Opera House, New Milford, the 17thth and was spoken very highly of. Chairs from the churches were brought in to accommodate the people.

Lawton - The young men of this place are complaining of the scarcity of young ladies of an entertaining disposition in this burg. The committee of ways and means is seriously considering the problem. AND For the second time this winter the planks on some of the bridges over the creek have been partly removed. The party or parties who would take such a criminal way of getting even for some fancied insult, if that is the purpose, if ever caught or found out should be put where they could not endanger life for years.

Thomson - James Wall's house, hard by the County line, was destroyed by fire last week with all its contents. This week the good ladies of our town are making garments for the family and bedding, quite a supply of household goods having been gathered by kind neighbors for the family. This is the second call like this our people have had recently, and their ready and hearty response is commendable indeed.

West Lenox - Our creamery is closed for the first time. It will reopen in the Spring again. Some of the farmers draw their milk to Harford, while others are making butter. AND Mrs. Fred Green is suffering with her eyes.

Brandt - A Republican Caucus was held in the Club House a few days ago, and all the farmers from Stevens Point came down to see about that "Justice o' the Peace." affair. Men, remember who has rendered such good service in that capacity for this town in the past term, and show what you can do for him when the "lection" comes around.

Great Bend - On Thursday morning, about noon, fire was discovered in the residence of Mr. Chapot, on Tannery street, in Great Bend, adjoining the beautiful residence of Mayor Parke. The Great Bend Hose Company responded to the alarm, and found the fire to be confined principally to the garret, where it is thought it started originally from a defective chimney. The fire was soon extinguished and the damage, which will not exceed more than $1,000, is covered by insurance. There were several exciting scenes at the fire when it first broke out, and Mr. William Dobson, an aged man, was knocked down by the hose cart and seriously injured. Another volunteer fireman was knocked off the ladder by the force of the water when it struck him in the face. He was knocked to the ground and seriously hurt. AND The president of Locust Hill Aid Society recently received 400 books from Dr. F. L. Brush, of Boston, toward starting a library here. The books were accepted and it was voted to call the library "The Cora Brush Memorial Library."

Uniondale - The R.F.D. from here to Orson takes many patrons of the Burnwood postoffice. In view of this fact the postmaster, the irrepressible Charley Ross, has sent his resignation to the department.

Montrose - Montrose people will be interested to know that the firm of Becker & Wilson, which moved its cutlass factory from this place to New Brunswick, N. J., is far pleased with its present location. They find many things against them, which they did not have to contend with when in Montrose. One of the principal ones is the difficulty to retain a force of men, rentals, cost of living and the like in the city being much greater than when here, and consequently as the employees secure no higher wages they are dissatisfied and unwilling to remain. Very few of those who went with the factory [from Montrose] are now in the employ of the firm.

Lawsville - M. E. Lindsley has been suffering from a preliminary attack of appendicitis.

South Gibson - W. D. Tobias has rented his mill property to G. G. McNamara and his house and farm to Harry Michael. Mr. Tobias and family are going to Hanford, Cal., where expect to spend a year. While we can hardly spare them from the community and church, we are glad that their long cherished desire to see the great west will be realized. We are glad that we have young men here who will carry on the business.

Hallstead - Work in the chair factory has been reduced to six hours per day.

South Montrose - Guy E. Wells left on Friday last for Buffalo, where he will enter the employ of the Thomas Automobile Co.

Springville - One of George Lee's team horses fell dead one day last week while driving through town.

Susquehanna - The office of Erie superintendent Hayes, with its large clerical force, is to be transferred to Port Jervis.

Forest City - W. H. Wildenburger, for Enterprise hose company, made a request for material and the [town] council, after some discussion, authorized the purchase of 250 feet of hose, two ladders, one nozzle, one dozen jackets, one hand axe, totaling to about $325.

Crystal Lake - School is progressing finely under the careful attention of Mrs. John Wayman.

News Brief: The grading of the new court house plot in Wilkes-Barre has caused the obliteration of the little knoll near the Lehigh Valley tracks, on North River street, which has been pointed out for many years as the site of the old Fort Durkee, a defense erected by the settlers during the Revolutionary War.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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