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January 8 1892/1992

Union Dale - Union Dale, on the Jefferson branch, is greatly excited over the attempt of one of its citizens to obtain a liquor license. There has been no licensed house there heretofore and the citizens are vigorously protesting against granting a license for one now.

Susquehanna - An engineer in the Eric yard welcomed the advent of the New Year by prolonged whistling from his engine, thereby arousing scores of people who thought a big fire was raging somewhere within our borough limits. Some of our people are quite indignant, and that engine driver had better remain incognito.

Montrose - Charles H. Backus is the new assistant freight agent at the L&M depot. Mr. Backus says he is now prepared to act in any capacity except superintendent and conductor. We presume Charles will make a No. 1 "baggage smasher." AND L.M. Baldwin was out on Tuesday afternoon exercising his trotter. Said trotter behaved beautifully, until he got the idea that he had exercised enough for one day, whereupon he refused to draw the wagon any farther, but drew a crowd instead.

Franklin Forks - Robt. Scott contemplates going to Greenland on a whaling expedition, it is said.

Herrick Centre - The prohibition club has challenged any six men in the town for a debate, but at present there is no one to accept the challenge. The club meets the first Monday night of each month. AND Our blacksmith, A. Cawley, has hired a man, so we have two shops running full blast.

Silver Lake Twp. [Snow Hollow] - Johnie Shea says he saw two ghosts, dressed in white, dancing on Quaker Lake one night, when coming home from Binghamton, and he was sure he hadn't had an overdose of the oil of joy when he saw them.

Forest City - John Johns and John Maxey have purchased the goods in Bryant's store and also the building, which belongs to Mr. Penticost, and will do business under the name of Johns & Maxey.

Clifford - Landlord Decker is about to leave us and go to Susquehanna, where he has accepted a situation as fireman on the railroad. He will be missed here very much, as he is one of the most accommodating and hospitable landlords ever in Clifford.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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