Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 01 1904/2004
Susquehanna - Thirty or forty residents of Susquehanna have been ill as a result of tyrotoxicon poisoning following the eating of ice cream purchased from a vender. None of the cases were especially alarming. AND A camping party composed of Messrs. Will Ahearn, Joseph Kendrick, Thomas and Frank Burns, are brushing off mosquitoes on Peet's Flats, this side of Windsor, for ten days. By the aid of wireless and tireless telegraphy, we're informed there's somethin' doin' every minute.
Great Bend - Horsemen are taking an interest in the following horses now being "worked" at the Keystone Driving Park, this place: Eff Eye Ell, F. I. Lott, Montrose; John M. Sullivan and Red Sovereign, W. A. Smith, Deposit; Black Rose, J. McGinity, Susquehanna; White Line, F. Sutton; Marshland and Rose, William J. Day; Sweetheart, J. Kindrick, Susquehanna. Dr. Miller and Mr. McMahon, of Susquehanna, also have fine horses here. AND The purchase of the Chamois tannery at this place, and the consequent blending of the chamois factory at Brandt with the one here promises to develop a business which will result in a great increase in the population of the town, and more residents means the stimulation of all lines of business. The new proprietors will take possession of the property here July 1st.
Montrose - Our little next-door neighbor, Master David Eugene Stilson, whose bright and happy face greets us nearly every morning, celebrated his 7th birthday on Friday last. In honor of the event his aunt, Mrs. A. W. Lyons, gave him a party, which was held on the Fair Grounds in the afternoon. The merry peals of laughter of the children, who indulged in various juvenile sports, gave evidence that merriment reigned supreme. Refreshments were served under the management of the chaperones, Misses Emily Dennis, Lottie Fargo and Mrs. Levy. The little guests present were: Misses Florence Maxey, Margaret Lyons and Baby Mildred Lyons, Mollie Frink, Florence Bast, Mollie Miller, Beatrice and Ruth Rambo, Margaret Reynolds, and Masters Lyons, Fancher, Albert Miller, Jr., Donald Maxey and Paul Biermann. Robert Bostwisk, Harry Dolan and Charles Morris. AND Mrs. Lydia Smith, of Chenango Street, announces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Miss Rosa L. Smith, to Rev. J. H. Washington of Auburn, NY. Miss Smith is a prima-donna who has assisted greatly in the musical department of church work in Zion Church, while the prospective groom is one of the leaders of African Methodism in New York State.
Fairdale - J. B. McKeeby died at age 80, on May 8, 1904. He was born April 8, 1824 in Sussex Co., N.J. and moved to Dimock when 11 years old. In Nov. of 1850 he married Miss Sarah E. Shay. His children were George T., Margaret J., and Benjamin, who served for six years as a county commissioner. Mr. McKeeby enlisted in the War of the Rebellion with Company B, 17th Regt. U.S. Cavalry. He was industrious and thrifty and successful in his chosen vocation, a good citizen and neighbor, and enjoyed the good will of his friends.
Franklin Forks - The 4th will be celebrated under the auspices of the Athletic Club, a hustling lot of young men of that place and a rousing and enjoyable time is expected. Bicycle, potato, wheelbarrow, foot and sack races, fantastic parade, tug-of-war and a fine fireworks display are among the features. You are invited to attend and participate in a "good old-fashioned celebration."
South Auburn - Harry Place has gone to Scranton where he has accepted the position of streetcar conductor.
Silver Lake - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Rose, on June 28th, Mrs. Laura Griffen and Oscar W. Caswell were married by the Rev. Robert Bramfitt. The parlor where the ceremony took place was handsomely decorated with ground pine, laurels, daisies and damask roses; also a profusion of pink and white carnations. The bride was dressed in brown silk. After the ceremony, refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell left for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other places; on their return they will reside with O.C. Caswell, Silver Lake.
Hopbottom - Surveyors have been looking over the territory from here to Brooklyn to consider the probability of having a branch railroad from this place to Brooklyn.
Friendsville - Camp Choconut opened on Friday, June 24.
Rush - The work on the Baptist church is progressing slowly. The contractor, Mr. Lacey, is waiting for the new pews and steel ceiling to arrive. B. H. Kennedy, of South Montrose, has had charge of the mason work.
Ararat - Jasper Hobbs, while drawing milk to the Thomson creamery, lost a large pocketbook containing $205 from the hip pocket of his overalls. The loss was discovered at about 11 a.m. and from that time until 9 o'clock in the evening the search was continued unabated, when it was returned by Rev. E. C. Layton, who had picket it up near his home a few hours previous. The empty pocketbook was found ground to shreds early in the day, wagon wheels having passed over it, the wad of bills having evidently rolled out when dropped from the owner's pocket. The wallet was tossed one side, while the money, almost within the range of vision, passed unnoticed.
Forest City - Harold Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Walker, is one of the first violinists of the St. Rose Academy orchestra in Carbondale.
North Branch, Middletown Twp. - Miss Mary McCormick, one of Middletown's popular young ladies, was married to Chas. Welch, of Apolachin, at St. Patrick's church, Rush, Wednesday, June 21. The young couple has the best wishes of their many friends.
Springville - The Ladies' Aid will give a regular supper for ten cents in connection with the 4th celebration. Do not fail to see the fireworks in the evening.
Gibson - The 4th will be celebrated under the auspices of Gibson Star Grange. The speakers engaged for the occasion are Rev. G. O. Beers and Rev. H. J. Crane, Rev. G. W. Stanton and wife, of Herrick Centre will entertain with some fine vocal selections; there will be a parade led by the Gibson cornet band at 10 a.m. and a fantastic parade at 11:45. Dinner will be served in the grange hall. Oration at 2 p.m., followed by sack and wheelbarrow races, etc. Ice cream, lemonade, etc., will be dispensed at the stands. The evening entertainment will consist of songs, tableaux, recitations, dialogues and the temperance farce, "Switched Off." Admission 20 cents. Go to Gibson and have a good time.
Compiled By: Betty Smith