Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 04 1919/2019
Whiskey Gone From the County Bars – Nothing is so very dry, after all, except the weather. However, “John Barleycorn,” so-called for hard liquors of all kinds, received the solar plexus Monday night, and while there will be some fiddle-faddling about beers and light wines, the whisky business is doomed. While interpretation of the Prohibition law is so liberal and varied that there is much confusion regarding its enforcement, the bar keepers of this county, so far as we have been able to learn, did two things: First:--They removed from their bars all whiskies, brandies, gins, etc., known as “hard” liquors, of every description; also all wines. Second: --All licensed bars are being kept open, and will sell what they term “near beer,” which as we understand, is a light beer, containing less than 2 ¾ % of alcohol.
Ararat Twp. – Charles Heeter, of Lanesboro, died in the Barnes hospital, Susquehanna, on Friday afternoon, as the result of injuries sustained near Ararat, Thursday evening, when a freight car jumped from an Erie train and sideswiped the locomotive which he was driving as a “pusher” back of a D. & H. train. The unfortunate man never regained consciousness. He was impaled on the reverse lever of his engine, the lever penetrating under the right jaw and extending almost to the brain.
Susquehanna – The employees of various departments of the Erie, here, have opened a base ball league, which opens July 1, playing until Sept. 19. The complete schedule will be given out soon. ALSO Hotel Lorraine announces it will remain open, carrying a line of near beer and other temperance drinks; also serving lunches.
Montrose – Undertaker and furniture dealer F. W. Hart has added an attractive new truck to his equipment. It has a top and an arrangement for seats and when not otherwise in use will be used by J. Lewis Hart in plying the road, as an auto bus, between the trolley station and the central city. We noticed twelve people aboard as passengers Tuesday and all seemed to have plenty of room. This improved service will be greatly appreciated. Messrs. Hart are up-to-the minute and are bound to serve you to the queen’s taste—whether you’re dead or alive.
Gelatt – Children’s Day exercises were held here Sunday night and about 200 were present. Two of the items on the program were a Recitation: “Two Rules of Grandma” by Elizabeth Thomas and an Exercise: The Farmer Boys featuring ten boys of Mrs. Sparks’ class.
Thompson – Crosier and Gelatt erected a monument in Uniondale, Monday, and sold one to parties in Forest City. During the month of June they have sold $2,000 worth of monuments. According to statistics they must be doing a rushing business. The sad part of it is that people must die in order that it may be accomplished.
Forest City – The class of 1919, twenty-three in number, were given their diplomas and ushered across the school threshold into the broader school of life. It has the distinction of being the largest class that has graduated from the institution. ALSO Miss Elizabeth Janicelli graduated from the State Normal school at Mansfield.
Uniondale – Prof. B. F. Thomas, a Welsh Hill boy, for many years principal of Keystone academy, Factoryville, is now registrar of Bucknell University. ALSO Advanced years and burdened with a large family of children, orphans of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Litchwalk, Mrs. Augusta Allen became ill and was removed to the City private hospital, Carbondale. Her personal property was sold at auction. She made a gallant fight to make a home for her grandchildren.
Elkdale – The cheese factory is thriving beyond expectations and the payments made to patrons during the month of May were large. Robert Taylor, who furnished milk from nine cows, received a check of $208. Many checks were issued for more than $400 and the average income per cow was a trifle over $20.
News Briefs: In accordance with the decision of Congress new postal rates went into effect Tuesday. We gladly return to the old-time rate of two cents postage for letters of usual weight and one cent charges for postal cards. Souvenir and picture post cards may again be sent through the mails with a one cent stamp. It is claimed that the increased postage that has been in effect for two years has enabled the government to make a profit of seventeen million dollars. ALSO From the wasting of human lives to saving of kiddies’ pennies. These extremes are seen in the new use found for hand grenades. The War department has consented to supply the Savings Division of the Third Federal Reserve District with 15,000,000 of them transformed into penny banks and they will soon be ready for distribution. The plan approved by the Treasury department favors awarding a grenade bank to each child under ten years who earns enough money during vacation to buy a War Savings Stamp. Children over ten will be required to buy two of the stamps.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 3, 1819.
*The dead body of a man was recently discovered in Asylum township, Bradford county, in the wilderness; his features were so defaced by wild beasts as to render it impossible to ascertain who he was, or from whence he came.
*Much damage has been done in the western part of this county, in Choconut, particularly, and in Bradford county, by hail. Whole fields of grain have been destroyed, buildings unroofed and some cattle killed. The season bids fair, as yet, to the agricultural interests in this county, to English grain in particular; and the papers from the different parts of the union represent the harvests to be promising.
*Good News to some Old Soldiers. Thomas Thacher has a certificate for a Pension at my office. Seth Homes do, Joshua Jackson do, Robert Shandler [most likely Chandler] do.—They may call and get them. DAVIS DIMOCK, Ass’t Judge.
*OLD SOLDIERS AGAIN. Hezekiah Olney—certificate not accepted, he must make proof of his services by two witnesses, if privates, or one officer, in the manner I have before noticed. David Sherer do. Luther Hollam do. DAVIS DIMOCK.
*MARRIED, In Choconut on the 27th inst. by Eld. Davis Dimock, Mr. Josiah B. Chamberlain of Silver Lake to Mrs. Malinda Smith of Choconut.
*Four Cents Reward. Ran away from the service of the Subscriber some time since, an indented apprentice by the name of ROBERT H. DAY. All persons are forbid harboring or trusting him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting. Any person who will return said boy shall receive the above reward but no charges. DANIEL FOSTER, Bridgewater, June 29, 1819
*TO ALBA STONE. Take Notice, That Polly Stone your wife has filed her petition and libel against you for a divorse from the bonds of Matrimony, and that an alias Subpoena has issued, you are therefore required to be and appear before the court of common pleas in and for the county of Susquehanna, to be held at Montrose on the last Monday of August next, & then and there shew cause (if any you have) why the said petition and libel of the said Polly should not be granted, and her bonds of Matrimony with you should not be dissolved. SAMUEL GREGORY, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith