Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 08 1910/2010
Dimock - T. B. Williams and A. W. Chase, who are both over 86 years old, seem to have the best gardens in Dimock Corners, as they spend most of the early mornings working in them while it is cool/
Birchardville - Postmaster and general merchant, J. S. Hosford, has sold his large stock of general merchandise (and good will) to D. Fred Birchard, also of Birchardville, to take effect September 1st next. Mr. Birchard was born and has alwasy lived on the old homestead farm, within a few rods of his newly acquired property, and already has had some experience in country store keeping. This, with his sterling qualities and strict attention to business, which have always characterized his life, should warrant his success in this new enterprise.
Montrose - Montrose had a quiet and sane Fourth with no accidents of a serious nature reported. The preaching of the press and magazines of the country seemed to bear fruit and after the statistics are in we believe it will be found a Fourth unusually free from fatal and serious accidents. Fireworks and decorations are no bad -- in fact are quite appropriate. ALSO Outside the routine business of Borough Council, an ordinance was adopted granting to the Commonwealth Telephone Co. (Bell) all the rights and privileges formerly granted to the PA & NY Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Heart Lake - The following young people are spending the week in the Fancher cottage. Misses Anna Warriner, Vida James, Helen Mackey, Ruth Burns, Kathryn Keller, Marion Allen, Nellie Smith, Carolyn Read, Florence Smith, Lillian Titsworth and Bertha Benedict. Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Birchard are chaperoning the party.
South Montrose - Louis Wells recently received a check for $200 from the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. for the loss of a horse caused by stepping into a rotten stump left by the telephone company near the highway, causing the horse to break a leg. Attorney W. A. Titsworth acted as counsel for Mr. Wells and brought the case to an early and satisfactory settlement.
Rush - The Fourth of July celebration was a decided success. The day was perfect and all had a good time. LeRaysville won the ball game against East Rush, and the single men beat the married men. Donald Pierson took first prize in the running race and Ralph Bunnell second. Walter Millard proved champion jumper. The beautiful guessing cake made by Mrs. Anderson added much to the merriment of the occassion. R. H. Hillis and Wilbur Terry proved able auctioneers in selling the provisions left after the multitude was served. The proceeds of the day were $129.97. We wish to express our thanks to J. C. Millard and wife for the use of their spacious lawn, and to all others who assisted.
Brooklyn - Two carloads of machinery for use on the State road to be built between Foster (Hop Bottom) and Brooklyn, and north as far as the old DeWitt farm, reached Foster on Wednesday and work will begin in earnest next week. The road will be finished by Dec. 1.
Forest City - The hotly contested base ball game for a purse of $20 between the Polish club and the Slavish Giants, both of this place, took place on the local grounds on the Fourth of July afternoon. It was a slugging match from the beginning to end and in a ten inning game the Polish club won by a single run, the score being 21-20. Abouth 600 people witnessed the game and at times the rooting was as vigorious as the hitting. The Giants, who held the lead until the eigth inning, believe that another game will tell a different story and have already challenged the victors to another game for $25 a side.
Elk Lake - The Grange held its regular session June 25. The first and second degrees were conferred upon one candidate. During the Lecturer's Hour there was a lively discussion on the question. "Is woman's work on the farm more monotonous than man's?" The brothers all agreed that they would not care to exchange places with the sisters.
Alford - The display of fireworks on the Fourth was grand.
Choconut Valley - Last Friday the campers passed through this valley in autos and hacks on their way to Camp Choconut.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Ellen Keena died suddenly July 3. She was taken ill while attending late Mass in St. John's Catholic church. She was taken to the residences of John McCoy, nearby, where she died in a few minutes, heart failure being the cause. She is survived by five daughters: Elizabeth, Mary and Mrs. R. S. Crosskill, of New York, Mrs Henry Whalen, of Binghamton, and Katherine, of Susquehanna.
Thompson - THe track-men are on a strike along the Jefferson Branch. They have been receiving $1.40 per day; they demand $1.70.
Lenoxville - A large spider thought to be a tarantula was found on a banana stalk in Stephen's store. It was kept alive for a few days.
Great Bend - Joan C. O'Neill, who graduated from West Chester State Normal, will teach in Torresdale, with a salary of $550. She is a daughter of THomas O'Neill and taught for two years at Laurel Hill Academy in Susquehanna.
New Milford, Highlands - Last Friday, Bruse Darrow killed a rattlesnake in the dooryard, within a few feet of the house.
News Brief - Eloping couples from Pennsylvania and others from the Keystone State who come to Binghamton to wed are becoming a source of considerable expense to the city taxpayers, says the Binghamton Press. The law provides that a minister or person registering the record of a marriage shall be entitled to a fee of 25 cents for each wedding recorded. At the last meeting of the Health Board, one minister had a bill of $50 for 200 marriages, which was audited. Of the 828 marriages recorded last year, it is estimated that nearly 600 were from Pennsylvania, which would mean that eloping couples cost the local taxpayers $1.50.
Compiled By: Betty Smith