Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 14 1899/1999
Forest City - James McKinney, Esq., has been appointed to the position of farm agent for the D.L.&W. Railroad company, with headquarters at Scranton. This is an important and lucrative position and has been filled for over twenty years by W. H. Freeman, who has just resigned. Mr. McKinney is a member of the Susquehanna County bar and had been quite a prominent figure in Democrat politics in this county, being a candidate for the State legislature in '96.
Springville - Celebrated an old-fashioned 4th of July with the booming of a cannon at 3 a.m. and the snapping of fire-crackers. From 6 a.m. on the crowd came from every direction and in every sized vehicle. On the morning train came Reed¹s band of Tunkhannock with Co. K., N. G. PA and a little later came the Nicholson band. The parade was a success as were the races and greased pole. Several weeks ago it was said that the balloon would not go up. At the proper hour, when it was nearly filled, it swayed considerably in the wind and a snap by which it was held at the top came loose and let it collapse. The "I told you so" element was very prominent, but a blacksmith was speedily found and the damage repaired, the canvas again put in place and the fire started. When it was again filled Prof. Baker took his position on the bar, the word was given to "let-er-go" and she went, the first thing of the kind that Springville ever saw. The rise was very nicely made but not to sufficient height to allow the parachute drop. The crowd was very good natured, it being the biggest crowd the town ever saw --more than 2000 people. The receipts were a little less than $700.
Susquehanna - The Erie Hose Company has given a contract to A. F. and J. C. Steward, of Rochester, NY, to build them a new hose wagon for one or two horses, to be completed in 8 or 9 weeks. AND - Prof. I. L. Twilley, of Baltimore, MD, has been elected Principal of the Susquehanna Schools. The Professor is a graduate of Washington College, and has taken a post-graduate course at Harvard College. He has also made a trip around the world. AND - Pawnee Bill's circus is soon coming.
Silver Lake- The picnic on the 4th on the shore of Mud Lake was well attended, refreshments were served afternoon and evening, and dancing and other amusements indulged in till a late hour. The money received to be applied toward fixing the cemetery on the hill near Quaker Lake.
Harford - The district teachers are as follows - Naaman Wilmarth, Orvey Maynard, Flora Jackson, Libbie Gillespie, Minnie Stearns, Flora Sweetser, Anna Quinlan and Carrie Brewster.
West Lenox - Last Tuesday, while Mrs. G. S. Lawrence and Mrs. A. W. Miles were driving down Kingsley hill, the horse stumbled and fell, throwing the occupants from the wagon. Mrs. Lawrence fell between the wheels and Mrs. Miles was thrown on the horse near its head. Fortunately two gentlemen, Mr. Ingeman and Mr. Wilmarth, came to the ladies' rescue. Neither of the ladies were seriously injured, but sustained a pretty through shaking up. The result of the accident was one broken thill, a broken dash and a few scratches on the horse.
Thomson - Mrs. Ada Turrell has received a gift or legacy from her father of the old Toby farm, about 3 miles from here, on the road to Lanesboro. It contains about 80 acres of land valued at $1000.
Melrose - Two large wildcats were killed near her on Saturday last.
Montrose - C. R. Woodin, of Berwick, was in town Monday, with his horseless carriage, which was an object of considerable interest. In appearance it looked like an enlarged covered buggy, and was run by a little gasoline engine inside the body.
Dundaff - Mat Gebens has rented the Phinney farm of 160 acres. Himself and family live in the building that at one time served as a bank. The structure is said to be about 90 years old. It is one of the landmarks of the county.
Hallstead - A farmer named Vandemark was in town with a box containing two live rattle-snakes which he caught. AND A new turn-table in the center of the round house was placed in position to take the place of the old one that has seen a long service.
Brookdale - There was a large gathering at A. L. Roe's on the evening of the Fourth. Ice cream, cake and lemonade were served and a fine display of fire-works. All the accidents we heard of was the constable shooting the postmaster behind the ear with a Roman candle. Aside from that, everything went lovely.
Ararat - Peas and new potatoes have been on the bill of fare at Fred Brooks's for the past two or three weeks. AND All the farmers about here are engaged with their haying.
Herrick Centre - Will Pickering has sold his farm to the Forest City poor district.
Jackson - Fred Sheldon, returning from Susquehanna, encountered a large rattlesnake on the "barrens." Mr. Sheldon soon dispatched the varmint and secured the rattles, ten in number.
Brooklyn - Prof. Stephens and Miss Lizzie Wright are retained as Principal and primary teacher, with Mr. Schook of Bradford County as assistant Principal, and Mable Nash as fourth teacher.
Auburn Centre - William Baldwin, of Jenningsville, passed though this place selling stereoscopic views.
Hopbottom - A complete surprise as a family gathering came upon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conrad Tuesday the 11th, of their friends from Scranton bringing with them the celebrated Bauer's band. When the band returned home their wish was gratified in riding on a partial load of new hay, which they seemed to enjoy and discoursed sweet music on their way to the depot.
Compiled By: Betty Smith