Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 19 1918/2018
Silver Lake – Jerry Mahanna, of Mud Lake, is the first young man from this county to be reported wounded in the fighting on the French front. He writes that he received a bullet in the right shoulder, but expects to soon be up and at ‘em again.
Lanesboro – D.O. Buckley has asked the aid of the police in finding his son, John Buckley, who left home several weeks ago. The boy is described as being 11 years of age, fair complexion, light hair and blue eyes. He wore a dark green suit and blue cap.
Friendsville – Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey Carmalt and son, Woolsey Carmalt, Jr., of New York city, are occupying their summer home near Lake Carmalt.
Susquehanna – A farewell reception was tendered to Father McHugh, as he leaves this week for Camp Meade. He has joined the army as a chaplain and been given a commission as lieutenant. ALSO Camps for the workmen are being constructed at Lanesboro for use during the period needed to complete the D.&H. railroad track building.
Nicholson – The spire on the Presbyterian church, at this place, has been removed. Church steeples are out of style with modern architecture.
Harford – It is said that if Henry S. Jones drove one of those flying machines like he used to drive a car, “something would have to get out of the way, or they would get a wheel took off.” [Referring to Henry S. Jones, son of E.E. Jones, of Harford, who is home from France where he is a member of the Lafayette Escadrille.] ALSO Miss Elsie Tingley is stationed at Fox Hills Base Hospital, Staten Island, as a Red Cross nurse. This is one of the largest military hospitals in the U.S. They are ready to receive wounded or sick soldiers returning from France.
Montrose – The work of laying the concrete pavement is going along rapidly with a good force of workmen. The South Main street paving is completed to the Church street corner, near Cooley & Son’s store, and work is now going on near the Baptist church, on West Church street, and will be continued the length of that street, and on out Grow avenue to the borough limits, where it connects with a fine macadam state road. The curbing and gutters along the pavement are to be laid following the completion of the paving.
Rush – Alvin N. Smith and Franklin Peterson, of Utah, Mormon elders, passed through Rush last week, distributing literature on the Mormon faith.
Scranton – Seated in the cab of his engine, with his hand on the throttle, John S. Loomis, aged 58, of Scranton, one of the oldest locomotive engineers in the service of the D.L.&W., was found dead last evening by his fireman. For the past few years Mr. Loomis had been running one of the yard engines and when he left his home last evening he seemed to be in the best of spirits and health. Just before the end came he drove his engine in front of the passenger station and stopped. When given a signal to move and he did not respond investigation led to the finding of the body. Mr. Loomis was born at Lenox and came to this city nearly 40 years ago and for the past 36 years worked for the D. L. & W., where he was known as one of the most efficient men in the company’s employ. He was married to Susan Snover, daughter of Anthony Snover, the pioneer hotel keeper of Lenox.
Tirzah, Herrick Twp. – N.E. Lee, E.A. and A.T. Price left with their teams for Scranton this morning where they will load a sawmill and engine and bring it to South Gibson, where it will be set up on the W. Owens tract of lumber, recently purchased by H.C. Taylor
Lynn, Springville Twp. – Miss Georgia Loomis has received her auto license and is running her touring car around the square with the best of them.
West Lenox – The ladies and gentlemen of this neighborhood gave Walter Adams and bride an entertainment last Monday evening. The music started with the “bang” of a small cannon then later it was joined by the harmonious sound of bells, horns, guns, pans, etc. We wish to extend congratulations to the young couple. [Believe this was called a shivaree or horning.]
Alford to Kingsley – The old roadbed of the Lackawanna railroad from Alford to Kingsley is a part of the Lackawanna Tail, which the State Highway Department accepted as a pubic highway. This section, with a very little cost, could be used now, and would be much better than most of the roads in this section. The surface of the road is fine gravel and is well drained. We understand that an effort is to be made to get the road open for travel from Hop Bottom to New Milford this fall.
Thompson – Mrs. Rachel Cory has just completed a quilt, called a T quilt, which contains 3072 pieces. Some work about it. We are not able to give the number of stitches.
Forest City – The bazaar to be conducted by the congregation of St. Joseph’s church the last three days of this month, promises to be an affair of more than usual interest. Some fine specimens of needle work are on exhibition in the store windows and many other articles, both useful and ornamental, will be disposed of. The society has refrained in the past from asking aid, but at present their church is undergoing repairs at a great expense, hence the call for assistance.
News Brief: Lieutenant Quentin Roosevelt, youngest son of the former President, has been killed in an air fight, the semi-official Haval News Agency announces. His machine fell into the enemy lines.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, July 18, 2018.
*Died. In this village [Montrose] very suddenly yesterday morning, Mr. James Thayer, aged 24 years.
*Wool Carding. The subscribers informs the public that they have purchased a Carding and Picking Machine of a superior quality to any in this country which they will have in operation by the first of July next at Ross’ Mills on the Wyalusing Creek, six miles S.W. from Montrose. As one of the subscribers is perfectly well acquainted with the business, they flatter themselves that they shall, by diligent attention to business, be able to give satisfaction to such as may see fit to employ them. ISAAC H. ROSS, JONA. C. SHERMAN.
*An Active Schoolmaster. According to a German Magazine, there died lately in Swabia a schoolmaster, who for fifty years had superintended a large institution with old fashioned severity. Upon an average, inferred by recorded observations, one of the ushers has calculated that in the course of his exertions he has given 11,500 canings, 12,400 floggings, 209,000 private whippings, 136,000 tips with the ruler, and 22,700 tasks to get by heart. It was further concluded that he had made 700 boys stand on peas, 600 kneel on a sharp edge of wood, 500 wear the fools cap, and 1,700 hold the rod. How vast the quantity of human misery inflicted by a single perverse educator.
Compiled By: Betty Smith