Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
July 21 1893/1993
Oakley - One day last week a stranger called at the store of L.D. Wilmarth, at Oakley, and asked to have a $20 bill changed. After talking a while he suddenly drew a revolver and demanded Mr. Wilmarth’s money. As the latter was on his way around the counter toward the money drawer, he darted through an open door and at the same time a bullet whistled by his head. The robber disappeared.
Harford - J.M. Clark, of the Soldier’s Orphan School, is erecting a new building and making arrangements for a large acquisition of pupils for the coming year. The new law gives an opportunity for the children of survivors of the late war to attend these excellent school.
Hallstead - Eight or 10 young ladies from this place, chaperoned by Mrs. Hatch, will spend a week or two outing at Heart Lake.
Upsonville - The itinerant clock tinker is about.
Birchardville - F.C. Maynard was the lucky man. A very large swarm of bees came along a few days ago and finding one end of a siding loose on his house, concluded to take possession. They have a very nice place between the siding and inside wall of the house and seem to be working nicely. The wonder is how will he get the honey.
Montrose - while going to our noon day meal, one day recently, we noticed O.T. Spencer in front of one of our local trademen’s stores, busily and ingeniously engaged carving on a basswood walking stick, and upon asking him what he was doing, he showed us the stick, and upon it the following words were carved: “O.T.S. born May 10th 1843, in Wis., Beetown, Grant Co., enlisted at Springville, June 1861, in Battery H, 1st Pa. Light Artillery shot at the battle of Fairoaks, May 31, 1862, about 1:15 p.m.; lay on the field for 123 hours. Arrived in Philadelphia, June 8th, 8 p.m.” On the bottom of the stick are the words that was frequently used among the soldiers of those days, “Say, soldier, would you buy a dog?” The dog also is carved out very neatly. This is a bit of ingenious work and no doubt will be prized by O.T.’s family [if not by local outsiders, as a relic] as the years come rolling on.
Bridgewater Twp. - J.W. Mott has brought suit through his attorneys, W.M. Post and J.M. Kelly, against the Consumers’ Water Co., of Montrose for $6,000 damage, which he alleges has been done him in shortening the water power at his woolen mill.
Heart Lake - If you go to Heart Lake, [and everybody goes to Heart Lake] you should not fail to call at the Spring House, U.E. Crofut, proprietor,. Greatly enlarged, and in splendid shape to accommodate all. Boats and fishing tackle free to guests. A new road has been built from the station, and barn for guests’ horses. Splendid beds. House and grounds brilliantly lighted.
Susquehanna - If we are rightly informed, the present month is a very unhealthy one for un-muzzled dogs in this borough. Eight were shot Tuesday by the proper authorities and several more yesterday. If you wish to save your pup, comply with the ordinance and muzzle him.
Oakland - The Episcopal S.S. of Grace Church will hold its annual picnic at Beebe’s Park on Saturday, July 22nd for the benefit of the fresh air children. Families not connected with any church are invited to join them. The bus will being running from ten o’clock. Round trip, adults 10 cents.
Clifford - George Simpson is getting ready to pitch his moving tent on the shores of Newton Lake, All right, George, we’ll pay you a visit when you are settled.
Susquehanna County - Bean leaves bruised and applied will afford instant relief and arrest the progress of ivy poison. The decoction of dried bean leaves is quite as satisfactory, so the prudent may always have the remedy at hand, summer or winter.
Compiled By: Betty Smith