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July 3 1891/1991

Rush - Mrs. Charles Hibbard pitted and canned over three bushels of cherries this season, and had put them on the shelf congratulating herself on a good Job done, when, sad to relate, the shelf proved too weak for its load and broke down with a crash, smashing everything into a jam, only nine jars being saved out of the wreckage.

Herrick Centre - Alf. Bowell, G.S. Tingley, and Fred Fletcher attended the horse trot at Windsor last week.

Lanesboro - A picnic will be held in Taylor's Grove on the Fourth. During the day there will be boat, canoe and tub races, and in the evening a pyrotechnical display and dancing in the new covered pavilion. The steamers Flora and Lalla Rookh and covered barges will be prepared to carry passengers up the river and furnish refreshments on board Busses will make regular trips between Susquehanna and the Grove. ~AND~ The new structure, which the Erie is about to build in place of the iron bridge at Lanesboro, will carry three tracks and will be one of the heaviest and most substantial bridges on the road.

Auburn Centre - The farmers are rejoicing because of the fine rains.

Springville- On Friday the folds of a large flag were seen to float gracefully from the top of the Graded School building It was purchased by the pupils of the school. Mollie Wakely, who has taught for several terms here, is the teacher.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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