Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 03 1921/2021
Brooklyn – Probably the largest flag in the county was swung to the breeze in Brooklyn on Memorial Day. The flag measures 20x20 ft. and cost about $100. It was purchased by the citizens of Brooklyn to replace one purchased by them at the close of the Civil War and which has been displayed on all patriotic occasions since that time, but is much the worse for wear after its 55 years of service. Much praise is due Comrade E. E. Rozelle, one of the few surviving members of Rogers Post (G. A. R.), who was instrumental in securing the same. Comrade Rozelle served nearly four years in the War of the Rebellion under General Geo. B. McClelland in the campaign of the Peninsula and others, and is always ready to do duty for his flag and country as he was in the days of ’63.
South Gibson – Mrs. Sabra Carpenter, Susquehanna county’s oldest resident so far as known, passed away at her late home in this place, Thursday, May 26, 1921. She had celebrated her 101st birthday last Christmas. Deceased was born in Harford, daughter of Darius and Sabra Tingley, and had spent her life time of more than a century in this county. On January 15, 1845, she married Timothy Carpenter, who died January 1, 1900. A notable thing in deceased’s life was that she voted for president at the last election, having rounded out an even hundred years of life when this important privilege came to women. She voted a straight prohibition ticket. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Rhoda Carpenter and Mrs. B. D. Reynolds, both of South Gibson.
Montrose – Nearly everyone you meet, nowadays, propounds the question, “When is the Scranton and Montrose trolley to resume?” Or, “Will this trolley line ever resume.” While the 7th son of a 7th son would, likely, be stumped at such interrogations, The Montrose Democrat is optimistic enough to believe that it will not be very long before cars are again in operation. The men, of course, do not like to take less and to all appearances are very obdurate but the trend of prices is steadily downward, and it is no secret that the trolley company can get plenty of men to operate the line at a price that would permit the road to pay expenses. There are, undoubtedly, hundreds of men idle today who would be happy, indeed, to work and earn an honest livelihood for themselves and families and would gladly man these cars were opportunity offered.
Forest City – The Forest City team in the County League has made a proud record, winning every game played. Last Sunday it downed the standards of South Scranton and gave an exhibition of hard hitting for which the team has become famous. Shamro, the southpaw hurler, fanned fifteen of the opposing team. Hobbs, the star backstop, was on the job and woe unto him that tried base stealing. Home runs by Payne, Moresky and Kaplavko featured the game. The score was 17-3.
Springville – Robert Lee, a nine and one-half pound boy, arrived at the home of Mrs. Charles Lee on Sunday, May 22. ALSO Ground has been broken for the community building here, the erection of which the citizens have entered with enthusiasm. Dimock already has a community building which is of great benefit to the community.
Dimock – Bids are solicited, through advertisement in another column, for carrying pupils in Dimock township to the consolidated school at Dimock village. There are six routes and these contracts will likely be profitable to those situated so as to conveniently take care of them. ALSO Miss Fanny Bunnell, of Montrose, visited Miss Isa Mills on Monday afternoon. Both of the librarians started for Towanda, Monday night, where they will attend the librarians’ convention next day.
Brandt – The station at Brandt, at the junction of the Erie Jefferson Division and D&H, was closed June 1 and will hereafter be a flag station without an agent. Heretofore the transfer of local freight from the D&H to Erie trains was made at Brandt. After June 1 the transfer will be made at Binghamton. Years ago the freight shipments in and out of Brandt amounted to around 83,000 per month.
Jackson – Miss Nellie DeWitt, a government nurse, was called home on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Peter DeWitt, who died two days later. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.
East Rush – Decoration Day was observed at this place and was largely attended. Everyone seemed to have a good time. The dinner served by the Ladies’ Aid was a success, they realizing a tidy sum from same. The ball game in the afternoon between Dimock and our home team was hotly contested but our boys came off victors with a score of 5 to 6.
Gelatt – William Wheeler’s store was broken into Saturday night. The intruder helped himself to a suit of new clothes, leaving his tattered raiment behind, helped himself to cigarettes and chewing gum and took his departure. He was rounded up by Frank Wheeler and Claude Hine and the suit he wore was claimed by Wm. Wheeler. The man gave his name as Hallstead and New York as his place of residence.
Uniondale – Our baseball team journeyed to Elkdale Saturday and trounced the team of that place to a standstill. The valleyites could not connect and were defeated to the tune of 22 to 2. Monday, however, in the presence of several ardent fans, the Elkdaleites defeated the local team in a sharp, snappy contest on the new grounds near the high school building. ALSO The graves of our fallen heroes were not forgotten Memorial Day. The remnant of Mathew McPherson Post, G. A. R., and the children of the various Sunday schools, marched to the cemetery and strewed flowers on the graves of the sacred dead of the wars of 1812 and the Civil War. ALSO David Canfield has installed wireless telegraphy. Last Sunday, he states, he heard distinctly a sermon by a minister at Cincinnati. Ellis Foster, of Thompson, heard the sermon also. He receives messages by wireless or by the Morse code, but is not able at present to transmit messages. Attitude has much to do with the successful operation of the wireless and Mr. Canfield is fortunate in that particular, his home being near the Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Hop Bottom – Miss Platt, Red Cross nurse, has organized a home nursing class which meets at the school house on Tuesday afternoons at four o’clock. Anyone wishing to join the class will be admitted anytime.
Compiled By: Betty Smith