Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 11 1897/1997
Susquehanna –In Hogan Opera House, last evening. Prof. Lyman H. Howe, of Wilkes-Barre, gave a fine exhibition of the Animotiscope, before a large and delighted audience. AND The Borough Attorney has been requested by the Common Council to draw up an ordinance to regulate fast driving and bicycle riding on the streets.
New Milford – The Dramatic Society will produce the drama, "Hickory Farm" at the Opera House, June 17 and 18, for the benefit of the new piano lately purchased for the Opera House.
Montrose – The finder of a split bamboo fishing rod lost June 3, between the Post office and Tyler school house, will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at W.U. telegraph office: AND The Montrose boys went to Gt. Bend Saturday to play ball, and beat the Benders, 12 to 10. The Juniors also went to New Milford Friday, and got mangled, so to speak.
Brooklyn – A.M. Gere has a class in music, which meets at the Graded School Building on Saturday evening of each week. Mr. Gere is well qualified for the work and we shall expect to see a great improvement in our musical talent.
West Auburn – Children's Day at West Auburn will be on June 20th, when the service, "The Mission of the Flowers," will be given: ~~ •"
Lynn – Frank Parks of East Lynn was here Saturday with his pair of large white horses, which, by the way, are as fine a team as can be found in Springville Township"'
South Gibson – Our last temperance meeting was a good one and those that failed to come; missed a rare treat. Mr. J. Richards, of Clifford, gave a good address on intemperance. He handled his subject from several points in a clear and logical manner, showing that he knew what he was talking about. The Society hopes to hear from him again. The following officers were elected for the next six months: President, W.E. Maxey; Vice Pres., E.W. Resseguie, Sec., Miss Ella Fuller; Assistant, Miss Josie Tripp. With these new officers we hope to go forward.
Rush – On last Wednesday Mrs. Smith and her sister, Mrs. Bush, Delmar Stark and wife, and Wm. Wilcox and family, attended a surprise party at Francis Bedell's in honor of his wife's birthday. Over 100 persons were present and a big time was the result.
Oak Hill – While working in the stone quarry last Friday afternoon, Claud Blessing saw a blacksnake about five feet long. He made a grab for the snake and the snake made a dive for him; he caught the snake by the neck and the sable gentleman caught him by the bottom of his pants, but Claud soon choked him off. He has him caged in a large box.
Harford – Miss Mary Quinlan is home from Scotland Soldiers Orphan Industrial School where she has been superintendent of the dressmaking department the past year.
Lanesboro – It is rumored that the D&H Co. will fit up McKune's grove, near the Lanesboro Cascade, for excursion grounds. It has many natural advantages.
Crystal Lake – Clark Avery, with an elegant turnout and a load of the handsomest young men of Forest City, drove to the Lake Sunday.
Little Meadows – Burglars tapped the store of C.M. Garfield early Monday morning. The Burglars went into Palmer's gristmill, where they secured a brace and bit. Holes were bored around the lock in a door of the Garfield store, the lock removed, an entrance obtained. The contents of the money drawer was removed. Several boxes of cigars were taken.
Lenoxville – Mrs. VanFleet, of Fleetville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S.B. Hartley. Her years are many, but they have dealt gently with her.
Fairdale – The ladies of Fairdale will have a Strawberry and Ice Cream festival on Friday evening, July 2nd. They will have all kinds of refreshments. John Fowler will also be there and give the most beautiful exhibition of fire works the people of Fairdale ever witnessed.
Herrick Center – Nettie Felter has been dressmaking at Jackson.
Lawsville – The band boys held a dance in the creamery hall last Saturday night. A good time is reported.
Clifford – T.J. Wells has sold his matched Morgan 'bay' team to Thompson's livery, of Carbondale, for $250. The Squire drove the best-matched team in Clifford and is now driving a milk white single horse.
Choconut – Sally Addison, wife of John B. Wilson, died March 29th, age 82. She was the daughter of Joseph and Sally Addison, who were among the early settlers of Choconut township, where she was born Dec. 6, 1815. John and Sally were married Dec. 20th, 1845 and raised seven children, six of whom survive her.
Compiled By: Betty Smith