Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 2 1893/1993
Harford – On Saturday afternoon: May 27, Odd Fellows' Hall at Harford was filled with an interested company of townspeople, brought together to witness the installation of officers, the reception of the charter, and the final completion of the organization of Harvey S. Rice Post No. 620, GAR No worthier name could have been affixed to the Post. We see him, in vision, as he bade us "Good Bye," Sept. 18, 1862. We remember his return on a short furlough in November, same year. His erect form, his manly face, his keen black eyes! Twas his last look on Harford's hills, valleys and cottages; his last meeting with her whom he hoped some day to make his wife. Three letters are in our possession. One details his capture and life in Libby Prison; another Aug. 10, 1863 says, "Out of forty days and nights there was but part of seven days that our poor horses had their saddles off to rest; and were on the march night and day. But for all that they stood it well. I was in the Beverly Ford fight, Ashby Gap, Gettysburg, Boonsboro, Falling Water, and Brandy Station." [These letters are in possession of the Susq. Co. Historical Soc., gift of Wallace Thatcher, the recipient of the letters]. He expected to die on the battlefield. Towards night of that fatal June 12, 1864, he cooked the boys' supper and remarked to comrade Payne, "Eat more George, it may be our last meal." Soon in the engagement again, it was reported after dark that Rice had been hit. An hour later he was looked up, and found dead; had been killed instantly; the bullet that ended his life passed through his diary. In a grove one-half mile from Trevilian Station, in the very heart of Virginia, sleeps the hero, the patriot, and the Christian. [Corp. Harvey S. Rice was a member of Co. B, 17th Cavalry].
Jackson - Memorial Day in Jackson was very appropriately observed by the citizens of Jackson. At 10 a.m., the GAR, W.R.C., and S.O.V., together with a large number of citizens and the Jackson Band, assembled at the North Jackson cemetery, where the service of the GAR was read. The procession was then formed, headed by the Band, and marched to the Church, where Rev. G.C. Jacobs, of Gibson, delivered a very patriotic address, which was listened to with close attention. Music was furnished by the Band and the North Jackson choir.
Montrose - O.A. Gilbert rode from Montrose to Wyalusing on his Cleveland bicycle last Friday. When in the neighborhood of Stevensville it began to rain hard and Mr. Gilbert waited it to stop but after awhile, finding there was no likelihood of it clearing up, he bought a strip of oilcloth, and cutting a hole through the center, slipped his head through and with this novel covering proceeded on his way, bidding defiance to the elements. But the horses along the way were not used to the new style and every time he met one, Mr. Gilbert had to dismount and hide behind his machine so that the driver could get his animal by him. When he passed through Camptown the inhabitants said, with interjected swear words, that a circus never did stop at their town, and when he struck Wyalusing, Burgess Lloyd was on the point of having him arrested for exhibiting within the borough limits without a license. [As printed in the Wyalusing Rocket].
Forest Lake Centre - There are twelve soldiers buried at Birchardville; eleven soldiers of the late [Civil] war, and one soldier of the Revolution.
Dimock - A.W. Main is the most extensive gardener in town. He is managing three gardens this season.
Union Dale - John Brandow is taking special pains to make his garden a thing of beauty this year; he has had his onion beds rolled and the ground thoroughly pulverized by a new process.
Friendsville - Mrs. C. McMahon has bought a piano for her two young ladies. Miss Mary and Hattie McMahon, as they are going to take music lessons in the future
Compiled By: Betty Smith