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June 28 1901/2001

Oakland - The Oakland side was on Monday morning the scene of a sad drowning accident. The two little sons of Engineer and Mrs. George Horton, of Elmira, have been visiting Oakland relatives. At about 9 o'clock they were amusing themselves by playing around a boat in the river a few rods north of the Susquehanna-Oakland bridge when they got into deep water and sank from view. The younger boy, Ernest, aged about 9 years, was drowned. The older boy was brought to the surface and restored to consciousness with great difficulty. The body of little Ernest was soon recovered near the scene of the accident.

Silver Lake - St. Augustine's church of Silver Lake, one of the oldest edifices in the county, will be improved before long. A painting may be placed on the wall back of the altar, the sanctuary will be newly carpeted, while new statues will add to the interior beauty of the church. The walls are to be frescoed also. Father Lally, the rector, takes special pride and displays excellent taste in keeping up his parishes-this and St. Josephs.

Jackson Valley - Henry V. Jones, of Stevensville, was in this place on Tuesday, working in the interest of the McCormick Machine Co.

Our Lakes- Laurels grace the borders of our neighboring lakes. At Forest Lake and Silver Lake this beautiful species of shrubbery abounds most plentifully. Water lilies, too, are in bloom on the different lakes. The white ones are general favorites and the odd-looking yellow ones are scarcely plucked at all. Elk Lake produces lilies in large numbers but Jones' Lake [Lake Montrose] differs greatly, having no lilies to beautify her waters. Late years a few laurel bushes have sprung up and are thriving near the head of the lake.

Vestal - The Binghamton Republican says that on Saturday last Coroner Smith rendered a verdict in the Vestal explosion and wreck case. The verdict finds that George Mattice, engineer on the wildcat train No. 61, and Henry Polhamus, flagman on train No. 61, are criminally responsible for the deaths of the five persons, that a warrant should be issued for their arrest and that they be held for examination on the charge of manslaughter in the second degree. Mattice and Polhamus are both under arrest.

Lemon Station - Of the accident on the Narrow Gauge, near Tunkhannock last week, the New Age says: While the Montrose train was making its return trip yesterday morning, four cars were derailed a short distance above Lemon station and three of them rolled down the bank. Two of them were loaded with milk, which of course was a total loss; while the third was loaded with flag stones. The baggage car also left the track, but was not upset. The cause of the accident in unknown. Nobody was injured in the fracas, and the engine and passenger car came on to Tunkhannock. The afternoon train was delayed considerably by the accident.

Montrose - Just before noon on Wednesday, Seth Wright, from Forest Lake, drove into town and went to put out his horses in the stable in the rear of Read's store. On entering the stable, Mr. Wright was horrified to find George Lounsbery, the aged proprietor of the stable, lying on his face in a pool of blood, and unconscious. In the stall near by was a horse belonging to Will Cronk, who had driven into town a short time before and put out at Lounsbery's stable. It was evident that this horse had kicked the old man in the head, and fearfully, if not fatally injured him. Help was summoned and Mr. Lounsbery was conveyed to his cot in the little room in which he ate and slept. Dr. Mackey quickly arrived and an examination showed that the man's skull was fractured and he had lost a large quantity of blood. Later he was removed to Dr. Mackey's barn where things were arranged as comfortable as possible for him. He never regained consciousness and died early last evening. The old man had a snug little sum in the bank, and efforts are being made to ascertain if he has any relatives living. It is known that "Old George," as he was familiarly known, came originally from the South, but from just what part is not known. The deceased was a good hearted, inoffensive, old man and his tragic death is regretted.

St. Joseph - Miss Margaret Sweeney, a teacher at Sanataria Springs, NY, who has been spending her vacation at her home here, expects to leave this week for a pleasant trip to the Thousand Islands. Miss Sweeney is an accomplished vocalist and received her education in one of the musical conservatories in Canada. At the preaching of the Baccalaureate Sermon in St. Lawrence's Church in Great Bend, recently, Miss Sweeney very creditably rendered an "Ave Maria."

South Montrose - On Friday afternoon, as Earle Robinson was passing along the road by the Cool farm he found the pocket-book which was lost by Guy Wells nearly a year ago. The money was in good condition. Mr. Wells gave him a suitable award.

Susquehanna - The local labor contention at Susquehanna is ended at last, differences between the Erie and its boiler makers and their helpers having been amicably adjusted. The men will return to their old positions on Monday next. The settlement of the strike is great relief to the entire community. Whitney suggests that the band now play.

Dimock - Fred Mills and son, from Gordon, Neb., are spending a few weeks with C. C. and A. C. Mills.

Auburn Corners - We hear many complaining about the intense heat, and nearly everybody complains about our roads. It is true we have marked out roads, but they are in bad condition, they are scarcely fit to drive over. Between the Corners and Shannon Hill there are many, yea, very many stones large enough to build a foundation for a home; to ride over these roads is enough to convince one that your life, the horse you drive and the carriage you ride in ought to be insured. When may we expect better roads.

News Brief - The shirt waist man and the net waist girl go hand in hand in hand today, and the people year after year keep on throwing their clothes away. The coat and vest are laid to rest, and where is the fleecy shawl? And clothes get fewer and thinner-what will be the end of it all? Or, what will the shirt waist man take next from the things he has to wear? And what will the net waist girl throw off from the shoulders now half bare? The shirt waist man and the net waist girl go rollicking down the way. Have we started a trend that's going to end in the old fig leaf some day?

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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