Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
June 29 1923/2023
Susquehanna – The most severe tornado which ever visited here caused the death of one young lady—Miss Francis Kelly, aged 24—and property loss estimated at over $50,000, on Tuesday afternoon. The entire roof of the boiler shop of the Erie Railroad Co., in which 100 men were working, was blown off and only one man was seriously injured—E. E. Dibble, who had a leg fractured. Flying slate from the roof, timbers, boards and shingles painfully injured many. Miss Kelly met her death in a singular manner. She was employed in the office of H. E. Perry, superintendent of car repairing in the Erie shops. About 30 ft. from the frame building in which the office is located was a boxcar, erected on steel supports for the storage of oil waste and other inflammable materials. When the tornado struck the office Miss Kelly and Mr. Perry rushed to the door, intending to seek safety in a more secure place. Mr. Perry attempted to keep hold of the young woman and assist her, but the force of the wind blew both through the doorway and they became separated. She ran along the track towards the New Terminal roadhouse, when the boxcar was blown over, crushing her underneath. Mr. Perry was blown clear of the car, escaping uninjured. Rescuers immediately succeeded in raising the car from Miss Kelly’s body, but her death must have been instantaneous, as her skull was badly crushed. More damage was done to glass windows, roofs, store fronts, trees uprooted, while telephone and telegraph service was put out of business and the electric light wires were severed by falling trees or limbs. After the storm broke the people were panic stricken in may localities, the wind being estimated as traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour.
New Milford – The close of the first series of ball games in the County League found New Milford leading the league by a substantial margin, having won six games out of seven. However, it was an awful blow when Fairdale, which at that time was trailing the list, defeated her in an 11-inning game on the South Montrose diamond by a score of 7-6.
Forest City – Joseph Muchitz, a student at Harvard University, is home for the summer vacation. ALSO G. A. Mesa, of Scranton, called on friends here yesterday. He is an artist of ability. He had charge of the remodeling of St. Agnes’ church last winter and his work speaks for itself.
Fairdale – Two cows, owned by Earl Jones, were struck by lightning on Wednesday afternoon and instantly killed. The animals were valuable ones and were partially insured for a fraction of their value. The bolt struck a tree under which they had sought shelter from the storm.
Alford – Wilbur Sprout met with a singular accident on the Lackawanna Trail near Alford. He was driving a Maxwell car, the operation of which he was not familiar, and in attempting to turn the car around on the crowded trail he accidentally stalled the engine. In getting out to crank the engine he left it in reverse, and the machine backed away from him and off the paving, threatening to topple backwards down the steep bank. The rear of the car lodged against a couple of small trees, which held it until the power was turned off. For a few moments traffic was held up from both directions on the trail, but a score or more husky motorists came to his assistance and pushed the machine back up the bank and it was found to be uninjured. Were it not for the trees stopping its backward plunge, the car would no doubt have landed in the millpond.
Liberty Twp.- Dr. Royal Meeker, of Harrisburg, was among the Democrat’s callers on Monday. Mr. Meeker is secretary of Labor and Industry of Pennsylvania, having lately been selected for this responsible position by Governor Pinchot. He is a former resident of this township and has many friends through this section who admire him for his splendid personal characteristics and attainments. During the Wilson regime he held an important office in the American delegation of the League of Nations and spent considerable time in Geneva, Switzerland, where that body was in session. He spent Sunday in Susquehanna with his sister, Mrs. L. E. VanAntwerp.
Jackson – Jackson is to have a rousing 4th of July celebration this year. A ball game in the morning and another in the afternoon will be featured. There will be foot and relay races without number and a fantastic parade is scheduled. Dinner will be served at noon. The celebration will be under the auspices of the What-So-Ever class and the Jackson baseball team.
Franklin Forks – During the shower, Sunday, Chas. Berg had a horse killed by lightning and Lyle Stockholm’s barn was blown part way around and tipped sideways. The family was in the barn at the time. Their little girl was hurt quite badly.
Thompson – Miss Myra Campbell is taking a summer course at State College. She will teach the Herrick school this winter.
John H. VanLoan – aged 93, died in Binghamton on June 21st. When a young man, 21 years of age, he went to Glenwood and for four years drove the stage for the Searle Brothers on the Milford and Owego Turnpike, covering the section between Montrose and Carbondale. He later became a master carpenter with the Lackawanna Railroad, which he continued for 25 years and assisted in building the railroad between Hallstead and Binghamton, riding on the first train in 1870. Afterwards he moved to Summerville and Hallstead and then moved to Binghamton in 1907. Three children survive, Warren, of Hallstead and Mrs. B. W. Lawrence and Miss Leora VanLoan, of Binghamton.
Brooklyn Twp. – The annual opening of the Girl Scout Camp at Ely Lake took place, Monday, when 72 Girls Scouts and 10 counselors arrived at this delightful spot. For several years this has been the place where Scranton’s Girl Scouts have camped, the camp being open for a couple of months and the Girl Scouts coming to spend vacations of a fort-night. The camp has been improved this year by the installation of an electric lighting plant. Two large buildings have also been erected. The camp now easily accommodates 100 persons.
Compiled By: Betty Smith