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June 30 1911/2011

Brooklyn - During a terrific thunder shower Tuesday night, eight cows, the property of James Mead, were struck by lightning and killed. George M. Davidson also lost one cow by lightning. ALSO Brooklyn, on July 4th, will have base ball games, band music, potato, wheel barrow, sack, three-legged and bicycle races, broad jump, shot-put, tug-of-war, etc., with appropriate prizes for the winners, and fire works.

Hop Bottom - Mrs. W. K. Taylor, of Ottawa, Kan., and nieces, Audrey and Myrtie Taylor, of Huntington, West Virginia, are guests of Mrs. Anna Wilbur and Mrs. George Case. It has been 24 years since Mrs. Taylor has visited in Pennsylvania, where she formerly resided.

Parkvale, Dimock Twp. - The barns of W. W. Kinner were struck by lightning, with all the contents, and burned, June 13. Six tons of hay and straw, feed, tools, mowing machine, hay rake, five wagons, cutter and harness--everything went except the horses. He wishes to thank the neighbors for fighting the fire and saving the other buildings; for the three-day bee, tearing down and moving the old barn on the other place, so he would have a place to keep his team.

Springville/Elk Lake - Charlie Lee and Anna Lathrop were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. A. Lathrop, at Elk Lake, last Tuesday, by Rev. W.E. Lewis. After a few days spent in traveling through New Jersey, they will be at home in the Methodist parsonage here.

Lenox - Fred C. McNamara, a dental student at the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, graduated from the department of dentistry a few days ago.

Little Meadows - The ever glorious Fourth will be celebrated in this place in the good old-fashioned way, with plenty of good things to eat and amusements for all, and last but not least, a lecture with stereopticon views in the evening.

South Ararat - Hartless Crockran [could it be Harless Cockran?], of New Albany, is visiting at is home in this place.

Liberty Twp. - At Howard Hill, M. D. Reynolds is moving his barn from the upper place to the lower place. James Bunnel, of Dimock, and Lee Reynolds, of Montrose, are doing the work. ALSO Camp Susquehannock will open for the season, Friday, June 30th, and we are informed the camp will be larger than ever this year.

Harford - Every little boy has a fish pole and line with a little can of worms these days.

East Kingsley - Mrs. John Gow's funeral was held at the Congregational church in Harford. She had been living in Nicholson for a few years past and died very suddenly. She was on the street and fell dead. News was received here of the death of her brother, James, in Thompson. His death was not unexpected. He had been sick a long time.

St. Joseph - John F. Heavey's silo was struck by the electric storm of a few days ago, tearing one side in pieces. Mr. Heavey gave us a little hint as to proper etiquette during thunder showers, which we think we will always remember and which will certainly be not unwise for anyone to follow. He told of an experience that his father had many years ago, when he was sitting in a room with 15 other men during a severe electrical storm. All of the men had their feet on the floor, being seated in chairs, except Mr. Heavey, who had his feet upon one of the rungs of a chair, clear from the floor. The building was struck, and the 15 other men were severely shocked, but Mr. Heavey was uninjured. During a shower it is always advisable to be inside the house, with the windows and doors closed, to prevent a draught, and moreover, never leave the feet in contact with the floor, but have them on a rung of the chair, or in another chair. This costs nothing and may save your life.

Montrose - Rosemont cottage has been opened again for the season under the management of Miss Mary Sayre, with the same capable housekeeper as last year, Miss Reifsneider, of Philadelphia. They will be prepared to entertain transient automobile tourist parties this year. ALSO The opening of the Country Club, last Friday, was exceedingly enjoyable to a large number of enthusiastic devotees of the game. The grounds are said to be in splendid condition, and an exceedingly pleasurable season's sport is presaged.

Forest City - The body of Blasa Hagaman was found in 7 ft. of water at the bottom of a cave hole near the Clifford breaker, Wednesday of last week. Hagaman had been missing from his home for nearly a week. A footpath passes near the edge of the cave hole and it is believed that Hagaman missed his footing and fell into the depression. The dead man's wife and five small children are enroute to this country from their home in Poland.

Susquehanna - The signing of the "full Crew bill" by Gov. Tener, last week, brought satisfaction to the hearts of the railroad men in the state. In Hallstead, Susquehanna and vicinity, much interest was taken in the bill, which was hard fought by the railroad companies of the state. The bill provides that not less than six men shall be employed on trains of more than 30 cars. There must be an engineman, a fireman, two brakemen, a flagman and a conductor. Trains composed of less than 30 cars will, under the new law, necessarily have more than five men in the crew. Passenger trains of more than three coaches and a baggage car must have a crew of five men, not including Pullman car employees. Passenger trains of four or more coaches besides the baggage car must carry a crew of six men. The fine for each violation is $100.

Rush - A habeas corpus case is on in the county courts in which Mrs. Alvira Wells, of Bradford county, is endeavoring to secure a daughter by a former marriage, Luella Race, a girl of 16 years, from Clayton Squires, of Rushville. The girl has lived with Mr. and Mrs. Squires, her grandparents, for the past six years, where she has had a pleasant home and they are anxious to retain the girl in the family. The case was continued to July 12, before Judge Little.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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