Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 03 1905/2005
Montrose - A meeting of the Directors and the Building committee of the Susq'a Co. Historical Society and Free Library Assn. was held Saturday evening. For the past year it had been planned to proceed early the coming summer to erect a building and a motion was adopted to proceed as early as practicable. H. A. Denney, Esq., F. A. Davies and Dr. J. G. Wilson visited the libraries at Wyalusing, Towanda, Sayre, Athens, and Waverly on Wednesday and Thursday, in the interest of our society. Mr. Davies secured blue prints of nearly all the buildings, and Mr. Denney and Dr. Wilson gathered information in regard to purchasing books and cataloguing the same. These energetic fellows also investigated the concrete block, as are manufactured and used at Waverly and Sayre for building purposes, and will have something tangible to report at the next meeting of the committee, and we may feel sure that the historical and library building will be a certainty in the near future.
Lathrop Township - William Walker met death by freezing, the latter part of last week. A coroner's jury empanelled by Justice Swartz, of Glenwood, rendering a verdict to that effect. He lost a leg in a railroad accident several years ago, and the supposition is that fatigued with walking he sat down to rest and succumbed to the intense cold. His little dog was still waiting faithfully by his side when the body was found. He was last seen alive Thursday evening. There was found in his pocket, $7 in bills and silver and a jack knife.
Lanesboro - Traffic on the Jefferson division was blocked for several hours Sunday evening by a wreck, which took place between Jefferson Junction and Lanesboro. Two D & H coal trains were involved and while no one was badly injured the wreck was a very costly one, one locomotive having been badly damaged and a number of coal cars demolished. The wreck was caused by Conductor Edward Ruch's train crashing into the rear of Conductor George Kelley's train. The members of the crews were saved by jumping. Both the D & H and Erie wreckage crews were called out to clear away the debris.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - The entertainment given by the pupils of Welsh Hill school on the evening of Washington's birthday was a decided success. Gaylord Jones as George and Miss Robert Morgan as Martha, acted their parts creditably and the interesting talk by Rev. Garretson, of Clifford, was much enjoyed by all. AND Wm. Jones has purchased a farm near Elkdale and has commenced moving.
South Auburn - A runaway horse attached to a cutter, belonging to Warren Tewksbury, was stopped at this place. Although it had run two miles, neither horse nor cutter was injured. The presence of mind and bravery of a woman, combined with the usefulness of her apron, prevented further disaster. AND At Auburn Four Corners, E. T. Smith returned from Buffalo, bringing a herd of 19 steers.
Heart Lake - Two sleighloads of young people went to Brooklyn last Wednesday night to hear the Welsh singers. AND Heart Lake is to have a base ball team the coming season
Silver Lake - Letters are daily received from Col. J. West and Edward Kernan, who are at Hot Springs, Ark. They are much pleased with the effect already noticed from using the baths, and Edward says he hopes to bring Mr. West home entirely cured by the treatment, also to be benefited himself by the use of the baths, which he says are truly wonderful.
Springville - E. L. Button, who has charge of the Lynn milk station, is walking to and from his work every day, his horse having been sick a long time.
Harford - There will be no graduating exercises at the Harford High school this year. An extra year's work is now necessary to bring a student up to the standard for graduation, the curriculum having been correspondingly enlarged. The students, who would have graduated this spring will have the benefit of the higher standard, and do the honor in 1906. Prof. Stearns leaves nothing undone for the promotion of education.
Forest Lake - A large number of logs have been received at Booth's Mill and more are being drawn all the time. Messrs. Booth have an enviable reputation as first-class sawyers as is shown by the large share of patronage they receive.
Alford - J.S. Marean will attend the inauguration of President Roosevelt and also visit his sisters in Washington.
Dimock - The Dimock Literary Society will give a supper, called the Feast of Seven Tables, at their room, March 4, Saturday evening. It is the only pay entertainment that the Society will give this winter. Supper, 20 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. Come and enjoy a rare treat. The chicken pie supper that was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Mills was a social and financial success. Proceeds, $21.76, number present, 95. Everyone spoke particularly of the excellent supper served. AND Singing by the Sheen brothers treated the Literary Society at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Halderman.
Rush - The new basement of Trinity M.E. Church will be christened on Friday evening, March 10, when the young people and the intermediate department of the Sunday school sill hold an orange fete and serve supper. A cordial invitation is given to all. Come and pick oranges right off the tree and enjoy their finest flavor. AND A large number of the elite attended Nella Hibbard's birthday part on Monday evening.
Great Bend - Chas. Hamlin was confined to his house a few days as the result of a run-away while delivering groceries for P. H. Lines. He was badly bruised about the body and his face badly cut above and below the right eye.
Meshoppen, Wyoming Co. - On Wednesday evening the parties interested in building a telephone from here to South Auburn and West Auburn met at Hotel Kennard and formed a temporary organization for carrying out the plans. The name of the company will be "Meshoppen & Auburn Telephone Co."
Compiled By: Betty Smith