Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 06 1925/2025
Montrose - One of the largest attended and most animated fire department meetings took place Friday evening. At that time the various companies voted to unite under one head: Rough &Ready, No. 1; Hose and Chemical Co., No. 2, and Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. In order to bring the matter up for vote, B. R. Gardner moved that the three companies unite under the charter of the earliest company — Rough & Ready Fire Co. (1849), placing their funds in a common treasury and working for the common good of the one organization. The serious fire at Hallstead, on the same morning of the day this meeting was held, had a salutary effect in bringing out many who might not otherwise have attended.
Springville - The Fike home in Parkvale, about 2 1/2 miles east of Springville, was burned to the ground early Saturday morning, while the men were in the barn doing early chores. The three Fike brothers, Warren, Edwin and Jacob are bachelors, all of whom are over 70 years, and their sister, Miss Mary Fike, live together. They are temporarily with relatives and neighbors in that vicinity. A great deal of sympathy has been expressed for these aged people in their overwhelming loss and neighbors and friends are helping them in all possible ways. ALSO The southbound Lehigh Valley train was derailed between this place and Tunkhannock on Saturday. The train was about five hours late in reaching Tunkhannock.
Forest Lake - The home of George Micks, who resides on what was formerly the T. I. Kane farm, was burned Friday morning. Mr.and Mrs. Micks and their five children were roused by the crackle of flames and smoke and barely escaped with their lives. All of their provisions were destroyed, together with their household goods, clothing and the home. Mr. Micks came from Scranton two years and purchased the property. H. V. Ruger and James Broderick have taken the family into their homes until other provisions can be made for them.
Hallstead - Fire broke out in the business district early Friday morning, practically destroying seven buildings and resulted in a loss of upwards of $150,000. Among the buildings and business places destroyed were the garage and salesroom of the Conrad Motor Car Co., including 27 cars, 19 of them new Dodge models; the Hanrahan block, the J.. B. Rogers building, First National Bank building; block owned by Era Whited, in which was located F. B. Brown’s confectionery and jewelry store, known as “The Sugar Bowl;” C. Homer Young’s Garage and the Hallstead Opera House; while other buildings were damaged. The Binghamton Fire Dept. was called before the wires came down and Chief Lyon and combination jumper No. 4 went to the assistance of the Hallstead firemen. The bridge was closed over the Susquehanna river but it was opened to let the Binghamton and Great Bend apparatus through. With a pumper working on the river bank, streams of water were soon being thrown onto the blazing buildings. A high west wind was blowing, which with the near-zero atmosphere, made it most strenuous work to fight the flames.The Hallstead firemen in their first efforts, unassisted by the Binghamton department, were handicapped by inadequate apparatus and low water pressure. Chief John Leahy and Fireman Frank Sickler were painfully burned when the wind whipped the chemical streams around from the chemical truck. The greatest loss was sustained by the Conrad Motor Car Co., estimated at $60,000, but fortunately the cars were largely insured.
Harford - Word was received here last week of the death of Ross Whitney, at Jamestown, NY. He was a former Harford boy.
Susquehanna - Wm. G. Getter, the well known baker, has bought the building at the corner of Grand street and Jackson Avenue from Harry G. Brush. Mr. Getter has occupied this building for some time. He is remodeling it and a suite of living rooms is being arranged upon the second floor. ALSO Work will be started on the new high school early in the spring.
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - March came in quite lion-like. Hope it gets more lamb-like soon.
Brooklyn - “Patty Makes Things Hum” will be presented by local talent in the Universalist church, Friday evening.
East Rush - Wade Knuckle went to Washington, D. C., the first of the week, to witness the inauguration of President Coolidge.
Thompson - There will be a general meeting in the interest of the new bank organizing under the name of First National Bank. Two New York and Philadelphia bankers are expected to give short talks on country banking and why the county should do their business at home to develop the home town.
Uniondale - There seems to be a great desire to own radios among our people and the fascination cannot be thrust aside. George Fowler has purchased a set from Earl Payne, the local agent. D. B. Gibson has a hummer and Miss Beulah Deming has made the purchase of a radio. ALSO The upper road to Forest City is far better than the lower road. There are not so many ruts on the upper road.
News Briefs: Harry Biles, of Kirkwood, NY, was killed by a train on a railroad crossing on Wednesday morning of last week. Mr. Biles was the first man in Bradford county to be successfully operated on for the then new disease, appendicitis. The disease, when it first attracted special attention from medical men, was thought to be caused by fruit seeds in the appendix. ALSO The chestnut blight is steadily spreading over the country, exterminating the American chestnut as it moves. The financial loss has been very heavy for owners who failed to cut their dead chestnuts before it deteriorated and the U. S. Department of Agriculture and State forestry departments have been active in advocating timely utilization.
200 Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Republican and Montrose Gazette and Susquehanna County Herald, March 4th, 1825.
TOWNSHIP ELECTION: Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of Bridgewater township, that an election will be held at the house formerly occupied by Isaac Post, in said township, on Friday, the 18th day of March, 1825, between the hours of one and six o’clock in the afternoon, for the election of four Persons for AUDITORS of the accounts of said township—two persons for OVERSEERS OF THE POOR—four persons for CONSTABLES, and two persons for SUPERVISORS of the highways. JOSEPH WILLIAMS & SAMUEL BARCLAY, Supervisors.
MARRIED, on the 1st. inst. by Edward Packer, Esquire, Mr. Francis Babcock, of Springville, to Miss Parnal Ely, of Hopbottom, Susquehanna county.
ASHES. TWELVE and a half cents per bushel will be given by the subscriber for good HOUSE ASHES, in goods at cash price, at his store in Hop Bottom. JAMES NOBLE.
A few hundred weight of SPANISH BROWN, of a superior quality, just received at the DRUG STORE, and will be sold on reasonable terms.
Compiled By: Betty Smith