Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
March 12 1925/2025
Herrick Twp. - Over three years ago, Oct. 3, 1921, Burns Lyons, a prominent Uniondale stockman, was brutally assaulted and robbed of $2,000 in a barn on his farm in this place. The following Thursday he passed away without regaining consciousness. The state police, detectives and local officials worked on the case but were apparently baffled in obtaining clews [clues] that warranted making arrests. Recently, information was obtained that led to the arrest of Walter Kubas, age 16, a lad of this place and Michael Turano, a former Herrick resident. Warrants have also been issued for Joseph Welicks, Richard Wagner, Mike Bussik and Clarence Eagan. Kubas, who is several years younger than the others, claims that he was posted as a “look out” by the others, and was not an eye witness of the affray. The attack on Lyon, who was a stock buyer, was known to keep considerable sums of money in his pocket.
Auburn Twp. - The death of R. M. Bushnell, a native of this township and for many years a well known justice, occurred on March 10, 1925. Deceased was 81 years of age and was born to John and Eliza (Riley) Bushnell, Jan. 7, 1844. He followed farming as long as his health permitted and for many years served as school director and justice of the peace. He and his wife moved to Montrose about seven years ago. ALSO Many in the place heard over the radio the president’s [Calvin Coolidge] inaugural speech.
Dimock - William Bell and Thomas Noble are making maple syrup. New maple syrup is being offered by local makers from the first run at $2.00 a gallon. ALSO The net proceeds of the Community Workers dinner, was $37.74. Several persons asked how it was possible for the ladies to put on such a fine dinner for 25 and 15 cents, the usual prices charged.
Little Meadows - The Graves school has been closed the past week because of the illness of the teacher, Miss Cathleen Coleman.
Forest City - “Pat O’Malley,” who is often seen on the screen, is a Forest City lad who has made good in the theatrical world. He has a brother, in Susquehanna, employed as a trainman on the Erie.
Upper Lake, New Milford Twp. - Justin Tingley had his horse “corked” one day last week while working in the woods. Dr. Miller, of Montrose was called and doctored the wounds.
Harford - Mrs. Ida Whitman and William Holmes were united in marriage, March 7th, by Rev. Sanford, at the M. E. parsonage in Montrose. They will reside at Union Hill. They were attended by Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lewis.
Susquehanna - Miss Dorothy Osborne, formerly of this place, is winning fame as a moving picture actress. In the March issue of the “Smart Set” magazine, she is pictured, and the story of the play in which she is starring is printed. Miss Osborne is the grand-daughter of Mrs. Osborne, of Myrtle street, and a niece of Mrs. Harry Demander and Mrs. H. Perry, all of Susquehanna.
Hallstead - Eugene F. Wilmot, who has not been in the best of health recently, is showing a decided improvement. He informs us that it was just fifteen years ago that he relinquished his position as conductor on the Lackawanna railroad and was succeeded by the present conductor, Charles Flanagan.
Oakland - Oakland township and Oakland borough school districts are considering building a new eight room high school building between High and Borden streets. Owing to the heavy handed indebtedness of the borough, at present, to float the necessary bond to build the building will make the indebtedness exceed the limit of 7% of the assessed valuation of property.
Franklin Forks - Fred Knapp has purchased the house and blacksmith shop at the foot of the long hill, owned by parties in Binghamton.
Brookdale - Born to Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Henry, a son, Dellmont Coolidge.
Brooklyn - Mrs. McKeeby entertained in honor of her sister, Mrs. Mary Carey’s 82nd birthday. The following ladies were present, all except one being over 80 years of age: Mrs. E. M. Hine, Mrs. M. J. Kent, Mrs. E. A. Giles, Mrs. J. S. Wright, Mrs. Perigo and Mrs. Carey and Mrs. McKeeby. ALSO The Girl Scouts, with their captain, Mrs. Wolfe, enjoyed a hike to Ely Lake on Saturday.
Uniondale - Today marks the 37th anniversary of the blizzard that swept the eastern section of this country. Railroads were blocked, street traffic in the larger cities and the county roads were blocked for several days. Morgan Daniels tells us that on the previous day he took a case of eggs to the station for shipment. The hen fruit was not sent to its destination for more than a week on account of blocked roads. The Erie had but one track at that time and was not cleared for more than a week.
Montrose - From an article published by F. B. Jewett: “Charles M. Crandall invented some wood children’s toys that were patented in 1867. Soon, afterward Mr. Crandall showed some of the alphabetical blocks to P. T. Barnum, the great showman. Mr. Barnum was so interested in them that he gave them a place in his museum in New York city. They were on exhibition for some time and such demand was created for the building blocks that Mr. Crandall had to arrange for larger quarters and more machinery in order to fill the orders. He arranged with the Sayre Bros. for the second story of their large building, with power furnished by the Sayres from their large steam engine and boiler. In a short time the toys manufactured by this firm were sent to all nations and this factory was the largest in the world manufacturing children’s toys exclusively.” [Continued next week.]
News Brief: Eggs are taking a drop in price. Local buyers are giving 27 cents a dozen at present. The hens are getting over their “long rest” and are “shelling ‘em out.”
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette & Susquehanna County Herald, March 11, 1825.
TO PENSIONERS. Congress has made the necessary appropriations for paying off the revolutionary soldiers for the present year.
NOTICE. The Eastern and Silver Lake Post routes will now be performed by Mr. T. Tewksbury. The terms will be the same as formerly, except that each subscriber will be required to pay the carrier fifty cents. One dollar seventy-five cents to the printers. J. CATLIN & CO.
It is estimated that nearly one half of the citizens of Philadelphia and New York are afflicted with the influenza. The disease is also very prevalent in many parts of the country.
Compiled By: Betty Smith