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March 20 1925/2025

Hallstead/Great Bend - The County Commissioners visited Harrisburg relative to the damaged bridge over the Susquehanna River. They visited the State Highway Dept. and Gov. Pinchot, who were inclined to evade the issue. The bridge will cost $300,000. Several bills are now pending in the legislature, among which is a bill to place all bridges over 200 feet in length, located on stage highways, under the maintenance of the highway department, and under which head this bridge comes. It is hopeful that the bill will become a law.

Forest City - Richard “Dicky” Wagner, aged 23, of this place, the third of the alleged murderous assailants of Burns Lyon, Uniondale stock buyer, was arrested in Forest City as he arrived from Oneonta, N.Y.. He was taken when he stepped off the train on Thursday and then brought to the county jail on Friday by Chief of Police Edward Yanchitis. Three of the six implicated in the assault, which resulted in the death of Lyon, are now in jail. Although the story of the alleged murderers was given wide circulation in the press, Wagner said he had read none of the accounts and was surprised when told he was under arrest for complicity in the murder. ALSO Charles Gilbert, of Dundaff street, has in his possession an old violin nearly 200 years old. It is a genuine Stradivarius. Mr. Gilbert has been offered $700 for the ancient article. It was brought to this county and has been in Mr. Gilbert’s possession the past 20 years. He does not play and the instrument has been unused. It is a bargain for some one.

Montrose - George L. Hinds, of New York City, a former resident of Montrose, died in the Hahnemann Hospital, in Scranton. His age was 79 years. For some years he lived in North Bridgewater, at Hinds’ Corners. His body will be brought here and interment made in the family plot in Montrose cemetery. ALSO Contractor J. M. Noble is engaged in remodeling the apartments in the Masonic Block, lately vacated by Photographer L. G. Titman. At the rear of the second floor a large lodge room is being made, which will be 42x33 feet. A kitchen and butler’s pantry will also be built in connection, while the two front rooms will be devoted to billiard room and ladies’ quarters and for Eastern Star regalia and equipment. The floor of the main room will be of hardwood, suited to dancing and degree work. It is expected the work will be completed on or before June 1st, when a grand opening will be held.

Heart Lake - The Heart Lake Garage has an interesting announcement. The proprietor, Bert M. Brown, has lately added a wrecker and “ambulance” to his equipment and is in position to respond promptly to any calls for assistance. He has a fine plant, in which steam heat and electric lights have lately been installed.

Susquehanna - Susquehanna has a new fire truck that is about the last word in such apparatus. It is an American-LaFrance type, 75 triple combination pumping chemical and hose car. The car is driven by a rugged, 6-cylinder, 105 horse power motor, with more than ample speed and power to meet every condition of road and grade.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. - Jay Carter, of Beech Grove, who purchased the Raub farm, is cutting the timber down. He expects to put a mill in to saw it into lumber this summer. Last Friday, while skidding out logs, he was struck in the face by the butt of a log and knocked senseless. It is thought that his jaw is broken, besides other bones. It is planned to take him to the hospital today. The marvel is that Mr. Carter escaped with his life. ALSO P. E. Trible has purchased a radio and has a house full of listeners every evening.

Welsh Hill - The book club was pleasantly entertained by Miss Verde Morgan in the Grange Hall, Friday evening.

Fairdale - G. W. Snell told us that the dirt roads between Fairdale and Camptown were already being dragged and were passable though very heavy in places.

Dimock - C. W. Barnes will again take possession of his blacksmith shop, April 1st, after a long needed rest. ALSO A wood bee will be held for the Baptist minister from the woods of George

New Milford - Jack Hallock is building a dining room to his ice cream stand at Trail garage. Mr. Hallock will build a service station at the forks of the road of the Trail and Heart Lake road as soon as the weather permits.

East Ararat - Frank May and Will Hathaway are busily engaged making maple syrup.

Thompson - The many friends and neighbors of Mrs. Permelia Tucker gathered at her home on March 16th, to extend congratulations and good wishes on her 90th birthday. At noon a very fine dinner was served by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Douglas. During the afternoon many called and every one was greeted by her smile. Amid the flowers and tokens from loving friends, she left in our minds a picture long to be remembered.

Crandall Toy Factory (Continued from last week.) - About 40 persons were employed in 1870, many of them being young ladies. The business increased to such an extent that they needed still more commodious quarters and in 1875 C. M. Crandall & Co. purchased of Azur Lathrop the three story wooden building formerly used as a fork factory and the printing office of the Independent Republican. In the neighborhood of 65 persons were then employed and about one million feet of basswood and hemlock lumber were used annually. The financial affairs of the C.M. Crandall & Co. plant necessitated a large cash capital to provide for the current expenses. The financial depression of 1883 had its ill effect on the business. The factory was doing a business of about $70,000 per year, when in August 1886, occurred the fire which wiped it out. (Continued next week.)

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette & Susquehanna County Herald, March 18, 1825.

MARRIED - On the 19th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Marks, Mr. Norton Smith, to Miranda, daughter of David Wakelee, both of Lawsville, Susquehanna County.

The subscriber will pay three dollars per hundred for good quality BLACK SALTS, delivered at his ashery in Montrose. BENJ. SAYRE.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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