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March 26 1920/2020

TALK ON INFLUENZA [1920]: Influenza was discussed recently by the Medical Society at Bay Ridge, New York. Dr. Robert E, Coughlin read a paper on “Influenza, Past and Present,” in which he reviewed epidemics in America and Europe, dwelling on investigations by Noah Webster in 1789, who believed influenza was not due to infection, but to peculiar atmospheric conditions. Dr. Coughlin did not think whiskey was necessary in influenza. He also spoke against persons drugging themselves when they feared an attack of the “flu.” He said no definite treatment had been determined upon.

Silver Lake – Quite an exciting time at Flowery Valley, Saturday last, when a horse belonging to Daniel Kane, of Forest Lake, was taken with blind staggers. The horse ran into a barbed wire fence, was marked up some, but about dusk was hitched to the sleigh again and driven home.

East Rush – The family of Fred Jenner is quite sick at preset with the “flu.” The son, Harrison, was taken sick last Monday and at present the other son, Carl, and the father are also ill.

Lake View – Stuart Corse has gone to Oil Top, Kansas, to work for his brother Paul.

Susquehanna – The Knights of Columbus held a smoker on the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, which was well attended. Souvenirs, consisting of shamrocks with miniature pipes, were given each member. An address by Rev. P. F. Broderick, social music and a boxing bout were features of the evening programs.

South Auburn – T. S. Brewer has sold his farm to the Mowry brothers, of Shannon Hill.

Montrose – We understand that Atty. Wm. A. Titsworth, who, as a passenger on the L. & M. train, was marooned in a snow bank between Montrose and Alford, will bring suit jointly against the weather bureau and railroad company, alleging “breach of promise.” ALSO Some 70 years ago the Smith Brothers started a “cabinet shop” in the same location which M. J. O’Brien now occupies. The Smith Brothers were known all through this section for the fine furniture which they made. Later W. W. Smith conducted the business and was also a successful undertaker. The furniture and undertaking establishment has all these years enjoyed an unexcelled reputation for the excellence of its goods, the integrity of its proprietors and the satisfactory service which it has rendered. [A fine example of the work of W. W. Smith can be found in the museum of the Susquehanna County Historical Society. It is a large breakfront made of native American woods, constructed to be shown at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876. It was brought back to Montrose and purchased by Byron Camp, a Civil War veteran, and later given to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Taylor, neighbors of Mr. Camp. It was donated to the Historical Society by Mr. Taylor in 1989.]

North Jackson – Announcement of the deaths of two children of Benjamin Brown, appearing in last week’s Democrat and other papers, was incorrect. One death did occur in the family, that of the oldest boy, who passed away March 6th, 1920. The younger brother was critically ill, but is rapidly on the gain now, according to latest reports, we are pleased to state.

New Milford – William D. Houlihan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Houlihan, died at the City Hospital, Binghamton, March 18, following an operation for appendicitis. A Requiem High Mass was offered by Rev. Father M. E. Loftus, with burial in the family plot in the church yard. William was president of the junior class of the New Milford high school. ALSO Dr. W. E. Park, for two years in the medical corps with the A. E. F., in France, has been promoted to the office of major. Dr. Park was gassed while at the front and following his recovery he was stationed in the base hospital and later in a New York hospital. His promotion was recommended while in France, but the red tape was not unwound sufficiently to consummate the act until a couple of weeks ago.

West Lenox – A daughter, Eunice Theta, was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Adams, March 2, 1920.

Fair Hill – The rural carriers are having a hard time delivering mail for the last six weeks. We have had no carrier over the Hill in six weeks. ALSO Some are getting ready to tap their trees and make some syrup on account of the high price of sugar.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – After a lapse of ten weeks, services were held on Sunday at the M. E. church, the weather and “flu” not permitting the people to get out before.

Franklin Forks – The Ladies Aid met at the Alliance Hall last Wednesday. The work for the day was sewing for Mr. Wilson’s family, who were recently burned out.

Harford – Philander Harding, an old and respected resident of South Harford, died at his home Monday. Funeral was held Thursday at the house. Sympathy is extended to his aged wife and all relatives and friends who mourn his loss. ALSO The men got busy and shoveled the big snow banks out of Fair Ground Hill a few days ago, and it sure was some job.

Forest Lake – Ellery Corner, a young man employed by Homer Coy, at Hamlin Hill, while handling a revolver on Saturday, accidentally discharged the firearm. The bullet struck him in the chest, over the heart, but fortunately struck a rib, which changed the bullet’s course and only a small wound resulted.

Clifford – A. O. Finn, who for many years has been connected with the State Department of Agriculture and is an authority on all matters relating to fruit trees, states that this winter has caused a loss of thousands of dollars to fruit growers. The ravages of mice has been the greatest he has ever known, and many young orchards are rendered worthless. The deep snow has given them more room for their work of destruction.

Elk Lake – Patrick Oliver rescued Amos Mead from a snow drift near the Mott cottage on Friday afternoon. Amos had walked to South Montrose that morning and was returning when he became so exhausted from the trip that he was unable to help himself. The timely arrival of Patrick may have prevented serious consequences.

Fairdale – R. H. Olmstead and family will return to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Olmstead, at this place, this spring. Mr. Olmstead has been engaged in agricultural extension work in Center county as superintendent, with headquarters at Bellefonte.

Marriage Licenses: Elmer Edwards and Lillian M. Wayman, both of Lanesboro; Alfred Zancpi, Endicott, NY and Mary J. Dalesandro, Susquehanna; Ferdinando Pacifici and Catherine Dellavigna, both of Susquehanna; J. C. Wademan, North Bridgewater and Susan Conrad, Meshoppen; Thos.. J. Scanlon and Martha I. Smethurst, both of Susquehanna.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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