Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 12 1893/1993
Hallstead - The gentleman who contemplates establishing a silk mill on the Hallstead Land Improvement Company's subdivision will be here to look the ground over and formulate plans, the present week. The prospects were never brighter for this new industry than at the present.
Montrose - There was a narrow escape from a sad accident near the depot yesterday morning. As the morning train came thundering in. the engineer discovered a little child beside the track; in the deep cut near S.F. Lane's. It proved to be Baggage Master Finn's child, and it had fallen down the bank, but fortunately was not struck, receiving only a slight bruise on the head caused by the fall.
Susquehanna - Kidder & Co.'s circus came to town, but, on account of the rain, did not take its paraphernalia from the cars
East Rush - We are having very pleasant spring weather. "For the winter is past, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land."
Thompson - Miss Martha Jenkins began teaching school at Jenkins Hollow, last week
South Auburn - David Jackson, an aged citizen of South Auburn, died of typhoid fever May 1st. Five sons and one daughter mourn the loss of a loving father and an aged wife sorrows for an affectionate husband. William Jackson was taken sick with typhoid fever soon after his father's death
New Milford - The telephone line between New Milford and Heart Lake, erected by O.C. Whitney for the accommodation of his ice business, is completed. It is connected with the L&M depot at Heart Lake, and the DL&W depot, New Milford, the Creamery, and Dr. Snyder's residence, at that place. There being no telegraph office at Heart Lake this line will be used by the Heart Lake Creamery for the retransmission of orders by telegraph from New York and other cities.
Great Bend - Last week the Hat between the two boros and the DuBois flat on the Hallstead side of the river, were overflowing with water.
Susquehanna County - The National Baptist, speaking of the numerous cases of assault by ruffians upon unprotected women, says that a woman need never be entirely defenseless if she has a hatpin. That such an instrument, in the hands of a determined woman, is a most efficient weapon. If a hatpin is a good thing, what's the matter with one of those long steel daggers that many ladies wear stuck through their back hair which have the additional advantage of a handle. The casting of the great Columbian Liberty Bell will occur June 8. This bell will be composed of historic material gathered from many sources. The bell will be cast at Troy, NY and all contributions of material to be used into the bell should be sent to the C.H. Meneely Bell company, at that place, and a full statement of the history of said material be sent to Minnie F. Mickley, Mickleys, PA. The following metals can be fused into the bell: gold, silver, bronze, copper, tin, and nickel. It is also desired that each child who attends a public school shall send a penny to help pay for the casting of the bell. These contributions should be sent to Liberty National Bank, New York. The historical material will be carried free by the United States, Adams, American, or Wells Fargo Express companies. AND We [Republican, Montrose] return thanks to A.W. Lyons for a sample of the California Seedless Orange. These oranges are something new in this Market. They are almost as solid as an apple, and or excellent flavor. There is not a seed in them. If you want a good orange try the California seedless.
Compiled By: Betty Smith