Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
May 22 1903/2003
Bridgewater - Some of the finest stone ever found in this region has just been discovered on C. W. Hoyt's farm near Williams' Pond. The tract covers considerable area and is easy of access and being on the edge of a ravine it affords a convenient place for the dumping of waste material and superfluous dirt and rock which accumulates during the process of quarrying. The leading quarrymen of this vicinity who have examined the stratus and geological formation, state that there is no doubt regarding its value, while Scranton parties estimate its worth in the neighborhood of $35,00. The stone lies very close to the surface which makes the expense of uncovering but a small sum, thus greatly reducing the cost of quarrying.
Susquehanna - The commencement exercises of the Susquehanna High School will be held in Hogan Opera House on Thursday evening, June 11. The class of 1903 is composed of the following: Emma Maud Ash, Ruth Ella Matthews, Lela May Outwater, Cora Eloise Persons, Della Frances Townsend, Martha Virginia Topping, Nellie Jane Tucker, Charles Robert Carrington. AND Henry Church, for many years employed by the Erie as a switchman, died suddenly at an early hour on Sunday morning, of paralysis. He is survived by a widow and four children and was a veteran of the Civil War.
Franklin Forks - B. C. Vance left for Kansas on Tuesday last. He expected to meet John Snow of Conklin, who is to accompany him; their destination is the Soldiers' Home.
Springville - S. O. Culver has been engaged to repaint the Hungerford store building; also Dr. Lathrops' tenant house. He is also painting W. B. Lathrop's at Elk Lake, Handrick Miles' near Pleasant Grove School House and F. C. Risley's at East Lynn. He has two helpers. AND We understand that Polk Aldrich has purchased the old wagon shop occupied by Pritchard and also a strip of land down near the old church, where he expects to move and convert said shop into a dwelling.
Montrose - Three men have arrived from Brooklyn, N.Y., to start work in the cut glass factory, more are coming. It is expected the whole factory will be moved to Montrose by July 1st. AND Dr. W. W. Smith is the inventor of a very practical corn husker. It enables one man to perform an increased amount of work without making the hands sore. A patent has been applied for.
South Montrose - Miss Anna Decker, a former teacher of Susquehanna county, now of Tempe, Arizona, daughter of Silas Decker, of South Montrose, has been given the principalship of one of Tempe's first schools.
Clifford - Tan Wells has lost his hired man, Grover Sickler. His father, who has been absent for nearly two years, came here last Thursday and took his boy away with him, did not state what he was going to do with him or where he was going to take him.
Auburn - Mart Lake's fine road horse died from lock-jaw. This making two with the one that he was compelled to kill a few days ago, owing to a broken leg. His kind neighbors made him a plowing bee.
Jackson - Rev. Almon Stearns, one of the oldest Baptist ministers in Northeastern Pa., died at the residence of Frank Doud in Gibson Twp., May 9, 1903. He went to his room as usual that evening and Sunday morning was found dead in his chair, with the lamp still burning. He was nearly 82 years of age and had been pastor of churches in Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties. His only child, Rev. Austin Stearns, died in Clifford some fourteen years ago, and his wife died ten years ago. He had been in failing health for some months. He died on the farm adjoining his birthplace.
Elk Lake - Alonzo Shelp recently lost his only cow. Friends raised money to buy him another.
Glenwood - Memorial Day preparations by Capt. Lyons Post, G.A.R. are as follows: General Order No. 1: The return of May brings to our minds that one more year has past and many of our comrades have folded their tents and lain down to their sleep that knows no waking to earthly cares. Hence all comrades are requested to assemble at headquarters Sunday, May 24, at 2 P.M. and march to the first M.E. church to attend divine worship.
On May 30 Memorial services will be held at Tower cemetery. Post 85, with all old veterans, and Russell Phillips Camp Sons of Veterans, will assemble at Tower church at 10:30 sharp, form in column, march to cemetery and strew garlands upon our late comrades' graves, then dismiss for dinner.
Call to order at 1:30 for more public services. Addresses by our comrade, the Rev. P. R. Tower, of Thompson. All patriotic people are requested to unite with us in this beautiful service. The Sunday schools and other societies are requested to assist by furnishing flowers for the occasion. Ladies' Aid will furnish dinner. By command of Post: D. N. Hardy, Adjutant; Thos. Alderson, Post Commander.
New Milford - Colonel and Mrs. C. C. Pratt are at their home in New Milford where the colonel is looking after the erection of the public library that he has now nearing completion, and which will be donated to the use of the people in New Milford and immediate vicinity.
Thomson - Fire destroyed three or four hundred cords of four-foot wood for Mr. Crossley on the Jackson Chandler lot in Thomson, besides much other damage for the farmers in that vicinity the past few days.
News Briefs - During the 19th century 200 ships, numberless lives and over $30,000,000 were lost in futile efforts to reach the north pole. AND The building of enormous canals is in the air. Canada is ahead of the United States in providing water transportation from Lake Superior to the Atlantic, having flanked Niagara Falls with a ship canal. But the State of New York is going to convert the Erie canal into a ship canal at an expense of over 100 million dollars. AND The old-fashioned sunbonnet-the kind our mothers used to wear-promise to be much in evidence at the fashionable resorts during the coming season. AND If new tinware is rubbed over with fresh lard, then thoroughly heated in the oven before it is used, it will never rust afterward, no matter how much it is put into water.
Compiled By: Betty Smith