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May 26 1916/2016

Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. – Next Tuesday all roads lead to Jersey Hill where the G.A.R. will hold memorial services. An able speaker has been engaged and the ladies will serve a warm dinner in the church basement. This cemetery is one of the largest in this section and Jersey Hill is a beautiful place to spend your day and dine with your friends. ALSO Auburn Corners – Wm. J. McAvoy, who closed his hotel here in January, has gone to Lestershire and has a position in the shoe factory. His family is still at Auburn.

Montrose – A boy was seen on Wednesday evening making a target of an electric light bulb on Lake avenue. He succeeded in breaking the bulb, and also brought the wires in contact, which resulted in the entire fixture burning out at a considerable loss to the company. Thoughtless boys would do well to use less destructible property for targets, as a continuance of it will mean detection and prosecution. ALSO The few dry days made dust in the business section quite unbearable. It has been suggested that the streets about the stores be oiled this season.

Susquehanna – “The Birth of the Nation,” the world’s greatest photoplay, was given in this place on Wednesday and Thursday. It will be produced in Honesdale today and tomorrow. ALSO During the services over the remains of Thomas Barnes, Sr., at this place, last week, the floor in a room, which was occupied by about 18 mourners, suddenly settled four inches, very much frightening the occupants of the room, composed mostly of ladies. The cause of the floor settling was an iron post in the center of the room, used as a support, which had rusted at the top and breaking off, dropping the floor to the solid part of the post.

Brooklyn – H.H. Craver, the veteran storekeeper of this town, has been remodeling the interior of his residence, installing bath and all modern improvements. This substantial residence was built by the late Dr. W. L. Richardson, of Montrose, when a young man, for his uncle Dr. B. Richardson. W. L. Richardson was a carpenter by trade, but while building this house began to read medicine with his uncle and afterwards became a very successful physician.

Harford – Henry Jones, of New York city, was at his home in Harford last week saying good-bye to friends and relatives in event of his starting for the war swept continent, where he will work under the auspices of the Red Cross Legion, in sunny France. The best wishes for his safe return home go with him. [Henry Sweet Jones, son of Congressman E. E. Jones, eventually became a pilot with the Lafayette Escadrille, moving from the Ambulance Corps, in November 2016. During his nearly 13 months as a combat pilot he logged more than 400 hours in the air above France. More on Henry can be found in The Lafayette Flying Corps: The American Volunteers in the French Air Service in World War 1.]

Hallstead – The commencement exercises of the Hallstead High school were held in Clune’s Opera House on Friday evening. There were eight graduates in this year’s class: Mary Decker, Evelyn Hand, Helen McLeod, Dorothy VanWie, Henry Claxton, Floyd Merrill and James Smith.

Dimock – T. S. Newman, of Athens, Bradford county, a well-known contractor, is building a concrete dam on the Norris farm. When completed, the dam will cause water to overflow 35 to 40 acres of land, forming a fine fishing and boating pond, also furnishing power to produce electricity if desired.

Forest City – An effort is being made to secure free mail delivery for Forest City. A petition in circulation setting forth the material facts is being generally signed and in cooperation with the movement the Borough Council has passed a sidewalk ordinance and contemplates insisting on improved walks about town.  It has also arranged for the re-numbering of the houses.

Laurel Lake – A hop will be given at Lakeview Hall, Monday evening, May 29th.  This hall has been put in very fine shape and those who have attended similar events at this charming lake will be interested in the announcement of the opening dance of the season. Excellent music has been provided and no pains will be spared to royally entertain the guests.

Hop Bottom - Miss Marguerite West, daughter of Jos. West, went to Scranton Monday to enter the state hospital to study to become a trained nurse.

Heart Lake – Heart Lake is a little settlement in the farming and dairying country around Montrose.  To accommodate the dairymen and their product the Lackawanna Railroad switches a milk car each night to the track on the branch that runs from Alford to Montrose, along which is situated Heart Lake. Car No. 1542 takes turns with car No. 1461 in carrying the morning’s milk to Hoboken. A robin’s nest, with egg, was found in car No. 1461.  Every morning, now, groups of yardmen gather around the Heart Lake car when train No. 42 pulls in and eagerly look what robin and his mate have for the daily surprise. Not a hand is laid to the nest, not an egg is disturbed, and No. 42 probably gets the gentlest bumps of any train on the bulletin board. Al Norton, car inspector, said “I’d like to see this thing to the finish.” “I don’t want to see any home broke up and this nesting business gets me. I’m pulling for the babies, I am, and there won’t be any interstate commerce butting in, either, or I’ll take it up before the Brotherhood.” Norton and his fellows are planning a dummy nest for No. 1461 to keep Mrs. Robin comfortable and contented.

News Briefs: The bitterness of war having been softened by 50 years, efforts are being made to have the veterans of the Civil War—Union and Confederate—hold joint reunions in the future.  The plan is being urged as a final demonstration that the United States is one country, knowing no North, South, East, or West. According to the Southern veterans there is more opposition to the proposition in the North than in the South. There are less than 70,000 Confederate veterans now living and not more than 150,000 Union veterans.  Because of their advanced age every day sees a reduction in the ranks. There will not be very many more reunions, as very few, except those who enlisted at the ages of 16 and 17, are likely to be living ten years from now. ALSO There is nothing more annoying than to have dogs or chickens, which are allowed to roam about at will, destroy flower beds and gardens. Many instances of this kind are reported about town and owners will do well to see that pets and poultry are given less free range. If the nuisance is not abated, judging from what we heard one irate property owner say the other day, there is likely to be “somethin’ doin’.” A muzzle loading shot gun, which scatters well, is part of her (now you know it’s a woman) preparedness program.

200 YEARS AGO – from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa., May 28, 2016. Isaac Tewksbury’s Estate. All persons indebted to the estate of Isaac Tewksbury, late of Waterford [Brooklyn], deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those who have demands against said estate, are desired to present their accounts, legally attested to. Ephraim Tewksbury, Executor. Waterford, May 20,  1816. ALSO FAIR NOTICE. All person[s] are hereby forbid cutting or destroying timber on the lands of the subscriber in and near the village of Montrose, as those who have & those who shall, will be prosecuted for damages.  DAVID SCOTT.  May 20, 1816.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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