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May 31 1918/2018

Montrose – Roger Spaulding was seriously injured Tuesday evening when an automobile ran him down as he was driving on the outskirts of town. Mr. Spaulding was severely cut about the head and badly bruised and shaken up by the collision and his carriage demolished. The horse also showed signs of hard treatment. The injured man stated that he heard no sound of an approaching machine and did not know anything until he was catapulted through the air, landing on the bank alongside the road. He was dazed but managed to get into a sitting position and saw an automobile vanishing without making any effort to assist him in his plight. He was brought to his home on Cliff street by passersby who found him lying in a semiconscious condition. He will recover. ALSO There will be no fireworks on the 4th of July. The output of every fireworks factory in the United States has been purchased by the War department and will be used in supplying the army with flares and signal lights.

New Milford – E.B. Norris, of Mexico, Wis., is visiting his twin sister, Mrs. Eliza B. Burdick, of New Milford. These remarkable twins are 85 years old and in excellent health considering their age.

Susquehanna – R. Frank Cowell, for some time employed at Owen’s Hardware Store, has just purchased the Imperial restaurant of H.E. Pooler and has taken possession. He will devote his entire time to the interests of the new business which he has undertaken.

Rush – Lee Garrison, a Rush young man, employed on the Squires farm in Springville township, was struck by a bolt of lightning during a shower, bringing instant death. The young man had been plowing, and as the rain fell faster unhitched his team and started for the barn. While going through the open field, and not being in the vicinity of any trees, the bolt fell. His cap was shredded into fragments, a shoe torn from his foot, and the body badly burned. A horse in the team was also killed outright and the other seriously injured. Lee was nearly 21 years of age and a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Garrison, of Rush. He was a fine young man and his sad death has brought gloom to the hearts of his friends.

Springville – Mrs. Ruth M. Welch, of Lynn, is one of the county’s oldest ladies. Mrs. Welch celebrated her 93d birthday on May 17.  She is the oldest person in Springville Township.

Bradford County – Henry C. Arnold, of Granville, Bradford county, who died last week, made the shackles and placed them upon Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, when the latter was taken prisoner at the close of the Civil War. Mr. Arnold was a blacksmith by trade, and when he enlisted was sent to Fortress Monroe, where he became post blacksmith. It was there that he made the shackles that later were placed upon Mr. Davis.

Hallstead – It will be of interest to our readers to know that practically the entire edition of Hon. James T. DuBois’ book, Galusha A. Grow, has been exhausted. The Republican has sold nearly its entire stock on hand, but has half a dozen copies left. Those will be sold at the regular price, $1.85 postpaid.

Jackson – Word has been received that Corporal Floyd Waters had been wounded in France. Cpl. Waters, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Waters, is 18 years of age and has been in the service nearly a year.

New Milford – O.C. Whitney, whose crate factory at New Milford was recently destroyed by fire, has rented the tannery building and is installing his machinery there.  He expects to be making crates again very soon.

Hop Bottom – Two automobiles collided just below the Hop Bottom bridge, Sunday evening. The largest machine took a flying leap down the bank into the creek. Boy Scouts were first to the rescue and assisted the three lady occupants out of the water. That the driver and ladies were not injured was truly miraculous. The machine was put in running order at Rynearson’s garage. ALSO A large concourse of people were in attendance at the funeral services of the late Ed Smith, held from the Universalist church, May 18. Mr. Smith was a G.A.R. veteran and a very highly respected citizen.

Gibson – One of the saddest accidents that has occurred in Binghamton in years resulted in the death of Florentine Benson, formerly of this place, on Sunday afternoon. The child, who was 15 years of age, had alighted from a street car. As she was going to the curb a swiftly moving automobile struck her, and the child clung to the machine desperately in an effort to escape falling. The driver of the car apparently, as soon as he realized he had hit the girl, put on more speed and after she had clung to the car for about 50 ft., she was obliged to release her hold. The wheels of the machine passed over her, crushing the skull and causing instant death. The driver sped on without waiting to see the result of the collision. The funeral was held in the Universalist church in Gibson and burial was in the Gibson cemetery.

Forest City – Architect J.J. Howley, of Scranton, has prepared plans for the enlargement and strengthening of St. Joseph’s church. An addition of 36 feet will be made. Work, however, will not be started at once but will be started when St. Agnes’ church is completed.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, May 30, 1818.

*LOST. Between the subscribers and Montrose on the 28th inst. 1 note of $6 given to Mr. Hufman signed Edward Fuller, one of $2,50 given to the subscriber signed Ezkl. Griffis, one of $2 given to the same signed Olcott Worthington, one of $2,50 given signed Saml. Whited. I hereby caution the drawers of said notes against paying them to any person except myself. ITHAMER MOTT. New Milford, May 28, 1818.

*FRANCIS FORDHAM RESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the public in general that he has just received from New York and is now selling a general assortment of Dry Goods & Groceries, likewise an assortment of Medicines, which he offers for sale cheap for Cash, Produce or Credit, (to those that have paid up all old accounts.) Those indebted on accounts, of long standing, must expect to find him very indifferent about trading more with them, until they have paid off the old score.  He has lodged this day notes to the amount of between four and five hundred dollars with the justices, for collection, & will leave more shortly, unless they are settled.  He has likewise a large amount on book that must be settled without delay.  There is a time for all things: There is a time to go to meeting and a time to stay at home, a time to get trusted and a time to pay; a time to live and a time to prepare to die. And NOW is the time to settle up your accounts, & perhaps thereby save troubling another person with the settlement of them. Cash, Goods, Book accounts or notes paid for Skins or Hydes.

HYDROPHOBIA. A melancholy instance of this dreadful disease occurred in Richmond a few weeks ago—a boy of 14, who was bit in the hand, was attacked with all the symptoms of the disease about 6 weeks after the wound was entirely healed.  He died in the greatest agony upon the fourth day.  The India stone, generally applied in such cases, was placed upon the wound a few hours after the accident happened, and other medical remedies were also given.  He appeared to experience no uneasy sensations from the time he was bit until the symptoms of the hydrophobia appeared; but attended school as usual.  This furnishes another proof to many others, of the inefficacy of the India stone which has frequently sold for several thousand dollars. From the Petersburg Intel.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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