Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 09 1923/2023
Little Meadows – “Jack,” owned by W. D. Minkler, won the rabbit chase held by the Susquehanna County Camp, United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania, on the VanLoan farm, near Hallstead, October 20th. This was a result of the chase held at the Sportsmen’s Field Day on the DuBois Farm, October 4th, when Mr. Minkler’s dog also won first honors. Several honors were divided between dogs owned by Clifton Decker, of Hallstead, and Erie Detective Hulburt, of Susquehanna.
South Gibson – Harry Manzer, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manzer, died at Emergency hospital, Carbondale, at ten o’clock, Tuesday night, October 30, of wounds received earlier in the evening when he accidentally shot himself with a 38-caliber revolver. He was admitted to the hospital with the bullet lodged in his abdomen and died without regaining consciousness.
Skinners Eddy, Wyoming County – L. L. Ervine recently lost a valuable cow from injuries inflicted by a bear. The terrible condition of the wounded cow, when found, leaves the owner to believe that the cow put up a valiant fight in defense of its calf. Tracks of the bear were plainly discernable in the locality where the cow grazed and children have been forbidden to visit the place alone. A bear has been seen by several people in that vicinity of late. ALSO A bear killed two calves at the Carter farm in Auburn township.
Susquehanna – John R. Callahan, the last of the “Three Johns” who went out from this place in the World War, died as a result of injuries he received in the service. He passed away in the government hospital, Washington, D. C., where he had been for some time. While serving as a sergeant in the aviation corps, during the latter days of the war, an airplane, in which he was riding, got out of control and the machine crashed, resulting in his injuries. The fine, athletic young man never recovered from the accident, although he was given every possible surgical and medical aid. Susquehanna people affectionately numbered him among the “Three Johns,” including John Johnson and John Strider, both of whom gave their lives to the defense of humanity. Veterans of Strider-Tesky Post, American Legion, attended in a body. Interment was made in St. John’s cemetery with full military honors.
Montrose – The rectory of St. Paul’s Episcopal church is to be remodeled and Contractor P. J. Radeker and men are ready to work. Architects T. I. Lacey & Son, of Binghamton, have drawn up plans, which will eliminate about eight rooms in the dwelling, which was once the residence of one of Montrose’s older residents, “Uncle Bennie” Lyons. ALSO Four hundred tulips have been set out in two beds in the Montrose cemetery by the Daughters of Veterans, as a memorial to the soldiers and sailors of the United States. ALSO Morris Baker is one of the most skilled marksmen of his locality. Witness. On Saturday he spent the day in field and wood and returned at nightfall with one big red fox, eight rabbits and a like number of grey squirrels.
Dimock – J. A. Tingley, our meat man, is again traveling with his horse and wagon, supplying all that want good, fresh meat. ALSO Rev. Jeffery has recently made some additions to his radio outfit and is now getting some wonderful results. Anyone who would like to drop into the parsonage any evening, except Thursday, is welcome to “listen in” with this modern marvel.
Harford – Armistice Day will be suitably observed at the services on Sunday morning on the subject, “Let us Have Peace.”
New Milford – Marion Snyder, who attends Keystone Academy, Factoryville, was very seriously injured while on his way to his home here. He was walking from Factoryville to Nicholson and when near Tunnel Hill, asked a ride from parties in a Ford car. While going down the hill towards Nicholson, the driver lost control of the car, which turned over, throwing Marion out, breaking his left leg, and causing severe injuries to his head. The parties driving the car escaped uninjured. He was rushed to Nicholson in a passing car, where his injuries were dressed and then taken to the Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton, by his uncle, Dr. A. W. Snyder.
Ararat – Ararat band had a reunion on Thursday evening at L. W. Potter’s. After supper they gathered at the store and played many selections, which were much appreciated. The people of Ararat are proud of the band and hope that in the near future it may become a permanent thing.
Jackson Twp. – The North Jackson correspondent of the Susquehanna Transcript says: “Nathan Carpenter, who is visiting his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Barlow, in a few hours dug forty bushels of potatoes for Ben Brown. This was indeed some job for a man 83 years of age. But then this is the same Mr. Carpenter who with Ed. Tucker, in Ararat township about 40 years ago, in ten hours with a crosscut saw, cut four cords of firewood, a feat in woodcutting by manpower that has never been equaled. Mr. Carpenter is one of the few surviving veterans of the Civil War.
Clifford – Jay Cobb was shot and seriously wounded by Allie Brown, a farm hand. Cobb was removed to Emergency hospital, Carbondale, in a critical condition. Cobb had employed Brown to assist in digging potatoes and after returning from a trip he found that Brown had spent most of his time at the hard cider jug. Cobb upbraided him and Brown, becoming angry, secured a shotgun and shot him. Brown, who was arrested a short time later by an armed posse, was taken to the county jail.
Forest City – An inter-scholastic basketball league has been formed, consisting of Forest City, Carbondale, Tunkhannock, Taylor, Duryea, Central and Technical schools of Scranton and Dunmore.
Manchester, Wayne County – Major Thomas Buchanan, who has given several acres of his farm for the use of airplanes and who has named a lake upon his property for the late Major David Peterson, of Honesdale, the first American ace in the Lafayette flying squadron, is preparing to enlarge the aviation ground to take care of mail planes. [Henry Sweet Jones, son of Senator Edward Jones, of Harford, joined the Lafayette Escadrille, organized before the United States entered WW1, and flew with David Peterson. Jones was awarded France’s Croix de Guerre and Legion d’Honneur. He reportedly engaged in a half-dozen missions against German flying ace Baron Von Richtofen.
Compiled By: Betty Smith