Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 19 1920/2020
Forest City - Walter Kopeck was critically injured while at work in the Erie mine on Monday by being struck by a runaway car. The car got beyond control and in an effort to stop it Kopeck was injured. He was removed to Emergency hospital, Carbondale, where it was found that his spine was fractured and that he had received lacerations of the face and scalp. His limbs were paralyzed. AND The Lithuanian Dramatic Society presented two playlets in the Grand theatre Sunday evening to a large and admiring audience.
Uniondale – But few towns the size of Uniondale have the privileges of a free public library, and we frequently hear the remark “Uniondale should be proud of its library.” So, if you want to do something really worthwhile for your town, you will have an opportunity on Saturday, Nov. 20th.
West Clifford – On Saturday evening, about thirty friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones for an old fashioned “Husking Bee,” with the result that nearly 100 bushels of corn was husked. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
Middletown – A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick’s church on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1920, when James Purtell and Miss Norene Coleman were united in marriage by their pastor, Rev. Father Ruddy. The attendants were Joseph Fitzgerald and Miss Kathleen Coleman, sister of the bride.
Montrose – The Beach Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of sawing machines, made a record for the month of October at their plant, 104 machines being made and shipped. Business is booming at the plant, and it is expected that this month’s shipment will equal that of last. In appreciation of their month’s work, each employee found an additional day’s wages in his pay envelope. These machines are in great demand not only in the United States and Canada, but all over the world. ALSO A turkey shoot was held on South Main street yesterday afternoon. The bird escaped from Rogers’ meat market and lit on the top of Voss’s garage. The only way the bird would come back was by resorting to a shotgun.
Susquehanna – The football team of the Susquehanna schools played the Port Jervis team, at that place, on Saturday last and defeated them by a score of 13-7. The Port Jervis team played here a few weeks ago and defeated the local team, the only time they have been beaten this season.
Little Meadows – J. N. Newman, Abel Card and Myron Card have returned from a two weeks’ hunting trip in the Adirondack Mountains with a fine deer.
Ainey – Arthur Wall and wife and Emmett Wall, of Scranton, spent last week at J. F. Johnson’s hunting. They carried home with them seventeen rabbits, four birds, two woodcocks and one owl. They were a happy lot of hunters.
Gelatt – The effects of the cider mills, which are running full blast here, are beginning to show on some of the population here about.
New Milford – George A. Lathrop was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. Lathrop is one of the leading salesmen of Dort cars in this vicinity, he and C. H. Young, of Springville, having the county agency. They desire to secure sub-agents in the principal towns in the county.
Apolacon Twp. – Commonwealth vs supervisors of Apolacon Twp., charged with not repairing roads. Verdict of guilty returned. Sentence deferred until first Monday of January, 1921, defendants to enter into their own recognizance for appearance at that time.
West Auburn – On the evening of Nov. 24th, our school, under the direction of the teacher, Miss Susie Swackhamer, will render a Thanksgiving program in the M. E. church, followed by a social. Refreshments will be served and the proceeds will be applied to the purchase of a school library.
Hallstead – Aaron and Robert VanWormer have leased the Cole store building, corner Pine and Church streets, Hallstead, and will open a grocery store. Mr. Cole will continue his business in the store next door. Hubert Hassler has leased the store building in the Arlington Hotel block, on Franklin St., where he will open a second-hand furnishing store.
Brooklyn – Dr. Fred Miller and family, of Franklin, Pa., are returning to their former home here to reside. Last spring, while they were here during the serious illness and death of Mrs. Miller’s father, O. M. Doloway, their home was destroyed by fire. Later they returned to Franklin, where they lived until a few days ago, when they were awakened by cries of fire, and just escaped from the building.
Ararat – On Nov. 2, at their home in Burnwood, Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Avery celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married at the Presbyterian parsonage at Ararat by the Rev. R. V. Wilson. Nine children were born, of which seven are still living.
Jackson – Jackson Township again gave the lie to the incompatibility argument when another couple of its life-long residents celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Nov. 11th. The youthful and happy pair were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Washburn, and the hostess for the day was their daughter, Mrs. Alfred Henderson, of North Jackson. To be sure as many of the children as could be present were there. A most pleasant feature also to behold was the presence of a number of Mr. Washburn’s comrades of the Myron French Post, G. A. R. With so many past masters of the game present, it was inevitable that dominoes be part of the order of the day.
Wager on Election: W. A. Welliver, proprietor of the Ideal Moving Picture Theatre, proved that he was “game” beyond a doubt, when he paid a wager with Attorney Ed. Little, yesterday noon. Mr. Welliver, a staunch Democrat, and Mr. Little, a good Republican, made a wager as to who would be the next President, and Welliver paid the wager yesterday noon by wheeling Attorney Little in a wheelbarrow from the Court House to Morris’ Drug Store. Now Mr. Welliver believes in cheerfully “owning up the corn,” and not only did he pay his wager, but on Tuesday night he threw on the screen, at his theatre, an announcement that the event was to be “pulled off,” that nobody might miss the fun. We’ll say Will’s “game”—and a good looser.
Compiled By: Betty Smith