Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
November 22 1895/1995
Susquehanna - The Jefferson Branch "Flyer," John King, of Susquehanna, engineer, on Monday morning, between Ararat Summit and Herrick Centre, struck Lysander Stocker, an aged resident of the latter place, and knocked him down an embankment. When picked up he was dead. His age was 80 years. Just before being struck by the "Flyer," he had stepped out of the way of an approaching coal train. Except when it is absolutely necessary, never walk upon a railroad track. If you do walk upon the track and see a train approaching, always step to the side of the tracks and never from one track to another. This is the only way to knock the Coroner out of a job.
Hallstead - A contract has been entered into between a wealthy New York silk firm and the managers of the Hallstead silk mill. The mill will be run to its fullest capacity in order to supply the trade of the New York firm, and will probably be enlarged in a short time. This is one of the most promising industries of the county.
Herrick Centre - The Herrick Centre people are in hopes of having a graded school some day, as they have one of the smallest schoolhouses and the largest number of scholars in the township.
East Lenox - A social gathering was held at the home of the late William Stevens, Monday evening. Among those present were 8 who were schoolmates at the old school house in this place over 45 years ago. One of the number, William West, had been absent 23 years. A very enjoyable evening was spent in reviewing the past, when refreshments were served that would have honored any professional caterer. Good byes were then exchanged and the company parted feeling certain that all would never meet again this side the crossing.
Brushville - R.N. Brush, of Brushville, was out hunting and his dog put up eight birds and out of the eight shots he killed seven.
Kingsley - The little village of Kingsley was the scene of a very pleasant event on Nov. 28 afternoon the dedication of the first house of worship in the village. It stands a monument to the sacrifice and loyalty of the few Universalists of that place, aided by others who wanted to help on the good work. At a cost of $1,200 a building has been erected sufficiently large for their present needs. Finished in hard pine, the auditorium is pleasing to the eye. A large basement provides a place for church suppers, etc. Universalists from Nicholson, Hopbottom and Brooklyn were present in goodly numbers.
Springville - Mrs. Barnes' well curb has not yet put in an appearance. It disappeared Halloween. AND R.L. Blakeslee has several teams and a gang of men at work on his dam just below the fill. It is intended to supply the milk station with ice from this pond. AND After this dale and until Jan. 1st. you can get your carriage wheels new rimmed with 2nd hickory stock for $8.00 set, if they are inch or less, at Culver's.
Flynn - There is a movement on foot here to throw four school districts into one, and have a graded school. If the people here can see it in the right light it will be a grand thing.
Birchardville - The many friends of C.C. Burr attended a husking at his place a few evenings since, and estimated the evening's work at 200 bushels of corn husked. It was a good job, and such friends are appreciated by Charlie. AND W.H. Small called Dr. Granger, of Rush, to see his sick wife. Also to set a broken shoulder that his boy received by a kick of a horse.
Clifford - We saw in last week's paper a list of the marriage licenses at our County Seat. The person writing this list made a bad mistake (and should certainly apologize) in stating that TJ. Wells, of Royal, and Miss Cora Davis, of Lenoxville, had taken license. Now Mr. Wells is a married man, has a lovely wife, and we are sure he is no believer in bigamy, has no thought of marrying, and has applied for no license, and further said Miss Cora Davis and J. M. Brownell, of Royal, were united in marriage last Sunday night.
Compiled By: Betty Smith